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by HH1
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2305221
Assessor Best assess the Pollard Family
Chris got up to find his Reduced were already awake. Cowering as a group looking so lovely. Still only with basic outfits he wondered when his order of clothes would arrive. Then he realized that was only for the blonde Bell family. The March ladies needed clothes as well. That he decided would wait, he had no need to rush this morning. His assignment was after lunch and no reports were due. And as much fun as it would be to sit and order clothes while the Reduced mothers slavishly polished his penis with their reduced bodies he wanted them to linger and wonder when they would be called to serve. No, he would do some light housework about his apartment. Let them hope they could protect their hot little reduced daughters for a morning. Caught up on dishes and a sweep and mopping were the main efforts but he did some other tidying and minor cleaning up as well. Savoring that the two families of reduced ladies watched him with scared expressions everywhere he went.

Still he didn't want to give them all of the morning. Or more to the point he wanted to feel naked reduced beauties humping at his penis. He stood before the cage and in a taunting tone commanded, "Alright you little MILFs, time to love a giant member." The mothers looked at their scared daughters and gave reassuring nods before slipping out of the trembling pile. They walked nervously to stand by the door. He was tempted to reach past and grab a couple of the daughters but Chris gave them his word, they would have the chance to keep him amused.

He opened the door and grabbed Mrs. Bell. She gasped a worried sound that brought his member to life. She cringed but made no other action as he hooked under her top and freed her ample breasts. Taking the time to fondle them Chris noted how lucky he was that both mothers had such well stacked chests. Mrs. Bell for her part made great scared whimpers as he rolled those melons. He then slipped her shorts off. Admiring her legs, he would have to recheck the Bell file, she clearly had a trainer in the past to have such spectacular long legs. He wondered if there were trainers for Reduced yet. He didn't want any of them to lose their appeal.

He placed the blonde tiny woman on the nearby couch then grabbed that heavy chested Mrs. Helen March. He pulled her top off as he brought her out of the cage. Finger pads pressed over her areola and began making little circles. This made the inches tall brunette gasp with each rotation. Chris wondered what size these boulders were. He knew girls with double Ds and Mrs. March looked to have been enhanced with more than that. Not that they looked unnatural just well proportionally large. Then he remembered, he could just ask, "What size were they?"

Mr. March clearly didn't marry her for her brains, "Ah, what, ah?"

Chris clarified, "Your breasts, what size were they?"

"Ah, oh, ah, usually triple D." She whimpered as he continued playing.

"Wow Mr. March must have paid a good amount for that." Chris noted out loud.

Mrs. March seemed to think he was asking, she answered between uncomfortable pants, "They were, ah, natural. Oh. Larger breasts run, ah, in my family. Ah." The phrasing, were natural, amused Chris, after all once she was tinkered they were not natural any more.

Mrs. March made no effort to resist from taking her bottoms. She clearly didn't want him to, but she didn't struggle. Chris wondered if she realized there was no point or was she worried he'd get annoyed and select one of her daughters instead. Overall it didn't matter as long as he got what he wanted. He placed this naked Reduced beside the other then to be kind he closed the cage. This seemed to reassure he wasn't going back on his word. Not that he couldn't get access to anywhere in that cage while sitting on the couch.

Chris took off his boxers and all the ladies gave a whimper as the thick penis appeared before them. Fondling the mothers mid stripping had brought it to its new fully erect status. He let them all stare at it with scared open mouth expressions hoping they never lost that fear filled awe at its appearance.

But standing while they stood in terror of his endowment wasn't why he exposed himself. Chris sat and placed the mother pairing in his lap. They stood under his standing length staring straight up at it like country tourists seeing a skyscraper in person for the first time. To break them from their trance he encouraged, "Well get to work or your daughters will." They rushed over and grabbed their bodies along the base of his shaft. "Ahhh." He sighed as they began rolling those collected figures against him. They soon made soft grunting sounds as they danced eroticly. He watched for a minute, such shapely little sex dolls looked as good as they felt rubbing along his shaft. Mrs. Bell was clearly the more experienced one as she noticed him watching and made sure he saw her starting to lick his dick skin. Mrs. March noticed and soon was tasting him too.

Chris used this as a teaching opportunity. Tapping the cage he ordered the daughters, "See what your mothers are doing while serving your Master? I expect you to do the same when it's your turn again." He liked the defeated expression that passed on Mrs. Bell's face. It made Chris think she was hoping oral attention would gain more focus on her over her girls. Instead now they all knew to lick his cock.

He grabbed his tablet. He brought up the Reduced site. He was certain right after the purge it would be a busy place once the remaining humans started getting their own collections of Reduced to get clothes for. He already had the March's new sizes and the list of the clothes he ordered for the Bells. With some tweaks to make them their own.

With that chore done Chris looked at the time. Still about an hour before he'd need to shower and grab some lunch. That brought to mind that afternoon's assessment. As his training said anyone that honestly wanted to change for the better would be given a chance. But he didn't see much of that for the Pollards. If the information didn't change before their meeting they would be starting at six marks against them. He looked over the questions, Why did they feel it was alright to sexually abuse children? Was the money worth the harm they had caused? If they passed, did they have plans to continue doing that awful business? All questions for the parents. Not one for the poor daughters. He didn't think that was fair, the girls did what they could to stop that situation. Chris felt guilty. Even in this developing new world order there were still unfair situations.

Chris knew why it was all or nothing for assessed families. With the volume planned for the population purge they couldn't evaluate every family member separately. It would take too long and this process was already going to be time consuming in a limited time. He looked at the family photo and realized why he felt guilty. The girls were pretty young ladies and a pair of mostly identical twins, part of him was hoping the family would fail. Part of him wanted to own lovely teen twins. That part that made him wonder why he wasn't up for assessment or just filed to be purged. That unwanted attraction. Was it simply because he kept it to himself and never tried to live out that twisted fantasy? There had been moments where he had time and access to pretty teen girls. Was that his saving grace, not being a horrible monster? It was listed as an asset to him being hired as an Assessor. Resistance to dark urges? Maybe they thought if he could resist that he wouldn't fall to temptation to use his new power for personal gain. After all, after the purge he and the other Assessors would basically become the roaming judges for the remaining human race. It wouldn't be good to have authority figures that fall to temptation because a subject of questioning would make a wonderful Reduced plaything.

His guilt trip had killed a lot of time. The mothers would be happy he didn't have time to play with their daughters. They however were not going to enjoy his intended actions, "Well, who is the target and who is riding my shaft?"

The mothers clearly not expecting him to talk to them after leaving them to work his penis in silence for so long, replied with a confused "What huh?" reactions.

Feeling he wanted to be crude Chris clarified, "Who am I going to stroke my cock with and who is going to get soaked in cum?"

"Marcia has been here longer, you should spurt on her." Mrs. March requested.

Mrs. Bell didn't agree, "That makes no sense. By that logic he should finish on you since I've had to deal with his semen longer."

"That means you're more used to cleaning it off." Mrs. March pointed out.

Mrs. Bell countered, "The only way for you to learn is to experience that yourself."

If Chris had more time he likely would have allowed them to bicker while humping against his shaft. He however didn't have a lot of time, "Enough. Pick quickly or one of your daughters will be selected."

"But you said you wouldn't if we kept you happy." Mrs. Bell reminded him.

Which Chris pointed out, "I'll be happy cumming over one of you while I use the other to get off. Watching you two argue isn't getting me that."

"I'll do it." Mrs. March volunteered. You should spray your semen on me."

"Fine." Chris noted with false annoyance. He popped open the cage and put Mrs. March inside. Then positioned Mrs. Bell to a better stroking position. Making sure those long shapely legs were spread wide and held snug to his shaft. Pressing her tinkered breasts into his eagerly accepting skin. Then he stood up to move into position. Slowly he stroked that stacked blonde Reduced along his erection as he commanded, "Well get on your knees with that mouth open and those tits ready to receive."

"But why am I in the cage?" Mrs. March asked as she assumed the requested position.

Chris poked his broad tip inside. He explained as he quickened Mrs. Bell's trips along his manhood, "This way you Reduced women will have to clean up afterward and I can start my day." None of his Reduced argued with his reasoning.

Chris poked his thick end at Mrs. March who made a wonderful target. Trembling like his manhood was an oncoming train and she was trapped on the tracks. Her lovely mouth was open in more of a fearful gape than a wide accepting orifice but he found that more appealing. Her breathing was rushed and that made those massive breasts roll wonderfully. Mrs. Bell was even helping. Not only was her legs wrapped tight to his shaft as he dragged her along. Not only was her own quite stacked breasts squeezed and rolling along the underside of his manhood. She was also helplessly grunting with each hard downward stroke giving him erotic encouragement to reach his climax.

He roared in pleasured delight. Thick globs of semen spurted from his tip and stuck to Mrs. March's face and breasts. Coated her skin as it oozed down her pristine skin. He blasted over and over from his enlarged balls making the effort to land a shot or two in or over that open mouth. He didn't know how a big cock and balls helped with being an Assessor but times like this sure made them fun to have. In only a few seconds he had spattered little Mrs. March in a generous coating of fresh hot cum. He then stroked Mrs. Bell up his shaft, used her sexy body to wipe the drips off his tip before dropping her face first onto the semen soaked Mrs. March.

Chris closed the door and leaned on the cage to catch his breath. The increased genitals could have a heavy effect on him after climaxing. He snickered as the two Reduced MILFs worked to peel themselves apart. Thick globs made long semen strings between them. They both sat there just being disgusted coated in his seed. He wanted to say something to torment them. Something like, you both get to experience my cum or it didn't matter who was the target and who got the shaft. But frankly it wouldn't have made the results any better so once his strength returned he left them to clean up without saying a word.

Chris showered and while getting dressed he noticed he took longer to enjoy the mothers then he intended. He called Sal, "Hello Boss." Was much better then the old robotic "Greetings" he used to answer with.

"I'm running late. Do you think there would be enough time to go through a drive through on our way to the Pollards?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." Sal answered. Then suggested, "You know as the assessor you can be late. They have to be on time, you don't. You can even make their reaction to your late arrival as part of the assessment."

"Really. I can be late." Chris more noted than questioned. His eyes lingering on the skimpily dressed Reduced teens mopping up after his pre shower fun.

He shook the fun ideas from his imagination as Sal answered, "Yeah, remember your in charge of this situation. You don't need to rush."

"Yeah, but I think I'll still grab something on the way. I'll not rush though eating it though." Chris advised.

Sal was supportive as a good SAO should be, "As you shouldn't."

Chris arrived ten minutes past when the assessment was scheduled to begin. It was another large house. Seemed to Chris only the well to do were getting these second chances. Carl and Sal got out of the car with him and walked him up to the door. He rang the bell and a man opened the door. He wasn't a large man but his shoulders were broad. He also had a strangely shaped head, like someone took the top of one head and the bottom of a different head and combined them making the bone structure around the man's eyes seem much too large. This was Michael Pollard. "Hello, are you Assessor Best?"

"Yes, sorry I'm late." Chris said. Wondering if he should say more than that.

Mr. Pollard smiled the annoyed smile of someone with money being forced to be polite. "Oh that is alright. Happens to the best if us." The man noted and requested Chris enter with a wave of his hand. As Mr. Pollard led Chris to where he likely wanted to have the assessment done he asked, "Is there anything you gentleman need? Something to eat, maybe a drink?"

Chris knew Sal and Carl would refuse anything offered. He wasn't even sure they could eat or drink. Well from yesterday's terrifying events he knew they could swallow, but that wasn't the same. He however simply replied, "I could use a glass of water while doing the assessment."

"Spring, sparkling, would you like some ice?" The man offered.

"Just plain, no ice please." Chris replied.

The man led him into a den or possibly a library. It had leather chairs and couches around a large coffee table with glass multi colored orbs in a wicker basket. The walls had shelves with books and curiosities on them. Already sitting here was Mrs. Pollard and their twin daughters. Mrs. Pollard stood and stated in an annoyed tone, "Oh thank you for gracing us with your presence."

"Dear," Mr. Pollard started in a warning tone, "Mr. Best is a busy man. His job will make him a touch tardy from time to time."

Mrs. Pollard sighed and noted in a claimer tone, "I'm sorry Mr. Best. We are all just so nervous about this." This gave Chris time to look her over. Mostly slender build though easy living was showing some. Her blouse was a simple pull over style in a steel blue shade that showed just the edges of her cleavage of her softball sized breasts. She had one of those flopped bangs, short hair cuts often joked as a Karen style. Obviously dyed blonde as at her part darker roots were beginning to show. She had a pretty face that was sadly marked with harsh tones of someone willing to badger those she saw as below her. He had seen her type often in his old jobs.

"Understandable." Chris said, trying to sound reassuring. Adding for clarification, "Oh and while I'm working its Assessor Best. Please remember to use my title."

"As one should. Remembering things like titles and times of appointments." She not so slyly snipped back.

"Helen, come lets get Assessor Best some water while he sets up for our assessment." Mr. Pollard growled. Smartly wanting to remove her before bad habits made her say something she regretted.

She clearly understood, saying in a softer tone, "We'll be right back."

They left and Chris selected a seat opposite of where the family seemed to have selected to sit. As he opened his briefcase to get the analyzer one of the girls shyly asked, "Assessor Best?"

"Yes." He said placing the device. Not wanting to look at the poor girls he was likely about to sentenced to life as his plaything due to their parents horrible crimes.

"What's going to happen to us?" Was nervously asked.

He sighed and looked up. "We should wait for your parents to get back and I'll explain the process to all of you at once."

"No Assessor Best, not the Assessment." Nancy Pollard asked.

Her sister Marcy added, "What will happen to us after we are reduced?"

Chris tried to sound reassuring despite knowing their parent's histories, "Look lets just go through the assessment. There is a chance you might not be reduced."

"No, you have to reduce us." Nancy stated fearfully.

Marcy followed with, "We know what our parents have been doing."

Nancy, "We tried to stop them."

Marcy, "We told people and gave them proof and nothing happened."

"You can't let them keep hurting children." Nancy pleaded.

"They have to face justice." Marcy begged.

Then together in a perfectly timed request, "We just want to know what will become of us?"

He looked them over. Besides hair color they were exact copies. Nancy was sun shine blonde and from the part of her hair naturally so. It was likely long enough to hang past her shoulder blades but was up in pigtails held together in pink bows. Marcy had dark brown almost black hair also in pigtails. White bows held her locks in place. Nancy, unlike her sister, had glasses. The sisters had fair complexions. They were in similar style outfits. Nancy's outfit was a pink button up blouse done all the way up. This held it tight across her chest drawing Chris' eyes to her well displayed breasts. Marcy's top was white that also allowed Chris' eyes to inadvertently admire her firm looking breasts. They both wore pleated skirts, Nancy's was a dark red while Marcy's had a gray plaid pattern. Like they had planned to tease him the skirts looked just long enough to cover while displaying their swimming trained legs. To amplified their muscle structure they both wore long socks that ended just past their knees, showing their supple thighs between them and the skirt helms. Nancy's were black ending inside simple brown loafers while Marcy had white with matching loafers.

Chris felt it would be kinder to have lied but the girls had tried so hard to correct this for so long he didn't think it would be fair. He did try to soften the blow as best he could, "If I have to reduce you I likely will keep you in my personal collection."

They both gave each other worrisome looks. Then they looked back at Chris and Nancy started, "What do you do."

While Marcy completed, "With the reduced you keep."

Chris realized right at this moment the effect of having tiny sex slaves, especially pretty teenaged living dolls, was having on his brain. The twin's had timid expressions he immediately imagined on just over five inch lovely playthings as he's displaying his penis to use them on. Or possibly to use on them. Frankly a barrage of perverse ideas sprang to his imagination starting from those nervous matching looks. He settled his perverse urges reminding himself these two would be victims of their parent's horrible crimes. So he chooses to be honest to an extent, "I use them for my sexual pleasure."

Their faces showed fear. Nancy bit her bottom lip on the right while Marcy bit the left side. Chris noted how perfectly they mirrored each other. That was expected. What wasn't was them slowly leaning forward while their shoulders rolled back pushing their chest out. Then as their hands began rubbing along their upper thighs Nancy asked with fear tinged with naive sexual curiosity, "So you'll be a towering giant over our small helpless bodies?"

Marcy timidly requested, "Will you wrap out entire bodies in your impossibly powerful hands?"

"Will you tear our clothes off us?" Nancy requested with aroused terror.

Marcy added in a matching tone, "Or will we have to strip for your perverse amusement?"

Chris had so many questions. They were clearly scared of what he had intended for them if reduced. Yet they seem eager to be at his mercy. What had happened to these girls that the idea of him owning them as living dolls was considered more acceptable than allowing their parents to continue to live as humans? He was about to ask them what had them so curious about being in the control of a giant man when their parents returned.

"We are ready." Mr. Pollard advised.

"OK." Chris pushed the questions for the twins to the back of his mind and stated, "Alright let's get started." He finished setting up while explaining the rules. He didn't think this was going to go well as Mr. and Mrs. Pollard looked nervously at each other as he brought up ending and making amends for any crimes they may have done.

He looked at them while reaching for the water they brought him. He hadn't even asked a question when the analyzer added a seventh red light. "What did you do to my water?" He asked.

Arrogantly Mrs. Pollard said, "Nothing." And another light came on.

Chris was surprised. They were on dangerous ground already and she was really ready to be reduced over messing with his water? Mr. Pollard was clearly the smart parent, "Dang it Helen. I'm sorry, Assessor Best. She spit in your water. I'll get you a fresh water." He gave his wife a dirty look as he got up and left the room.

"You aren't going to really mark us for a little prank." Mrs. Pollard requested.

"It is an indicator of your consideration of other people." Chris advised.

"Oh come on. It was a joke. Fucking snowflake." She snarled.

Chris, annoyed, asked in a growl, "Is that why you thought you could sell sexual access to the kids in your care?"

"Those kids are welfare spawn, they are just going to breed later they might as well let the right people get them started." She coldly said to Chris' surprise. This triggered the ninth light.

He was surprised at how quickly the next question came to him, "If you pass this assessment I'm sure you're going to give that all up aren't you?"

He wasn't surprised when she answered, "Of course, we already have." Set off the tenth light. Not one word of denial, no attempt to hide her crime. Owned it proudly then lied about shutting it down. How arrogant was this bitch?

Mr. Pollard stepped in the door, saw the analyzer with all the lights on marking them as failed the assessment and growled, "You stupid bitch!" Then throw the water into his wife's face.

"What?" Mrs. Pollard asked, clearly confused.

Chris explained, "I am sorry to say Pollard family. You have failed your assessment."

Mrs. Pollard just didn't take in anything from his explanation. She clearly thought herself untouchable somehow, "Wait, no. We can pay you. Do you like little girls, you should see the cute little blonde one we have at our west end place. You'll be her first customer."

Just to test her reaction he reduced Mr. Pollard first. Then as he looked at her she snarled, "Do you know who we know? Those worthless bodyguards won't stop what will happen to you if you." She didn't finish as being reduced made her scream.

Chris opened one side of the cage in his briefcase and got up. Mr. Pollard attempted to run. Then fought hard once Chris grabbed him. He turned to the chair Mrs. Pollard was still sitting in. She bellowed for all her little lung's strength, "I want our lawyer. You can't do this to us!" Chris grabbed her while shaking his head. A race of toad people neutralized the militaries of the world in a couple days but people like this still thought they were above the law.

Chris stuffed both the parents in the cage ignoring Mrs. Pollard's rambling about him sexually assaulting her. He grabbed the golden letter opener he had gained from the Bell house and shoved it between the bars. Stopping the blade just before Mrs. Pollard's throat. Then he explained since the repeated public service announcements clearly didn't make it clear, "Shut up! Shut the fuck up! You're Reduced now. And until I sign you over, if I sign you over, you are mine to do with as I please. That includes slitting your throat and watching you slowly bleed to death. And if you make a sound, even a peep while I finish my time here I will."

He sat back and looked at Sal and Carl, "You can leave me. I'll come out when I'm done."

Sal, ever so helpful, offered, "Do you want me to take the cast offs to the car with us?"

"No. I know what I will do. I think they should experience the helplessness other parents had to experience because of them." Chris noted.

"Very good. Enjoy." Sal said and they left.

Chris looked at the Pollard twins. They held each other's hands as they trembled fearfully. Chris hated that he noticed that for all their terror of what was coming they both had raised nipples in this warm room. He felt a ton of guilt on his shoulders. They tried to stop their parents. They worked against them. Their charity and noble actions were the only reason the Pollards were given an assessment. They were good people. And he despised himself because he knew as soon as he reduced them all that would be washed away by his perverse longings. So he had to ask while they were still human, "You two seem to get a strange excitement when you learned I would be keeping you for my sexual playthings if your family failed the assessment. Why?"

"That's it. You failed us on purpose to rape my daughters!" Mrs. Pollard yelled then yelped in terror as Chris slapped the cage's bars with the blade of the letter opener.

The sisters looked at each other and bit their bottom lips mirroring each other's faces perfectly. Then they looked at him. Nancy started, "When we were young we started having a recurring nightmare."

Marcy then said, "We would be somewhere and a giant would attack. Tear open whatever place we tried to hide in and take us."

Nancy explained, "As we got older the dreams became erotic."

"The giant would touch us in certain ways. Or make us touch him." Marcy explained.

"Often he would pin us down and tear our clothes off us." Nancy added.

"It was still terrifying. This uncontrollable massive thing just dominating us." Marcy said then they shivered together.

Nancy ended with, "Yet we couldn't shake the arousal of being trapped in a giant's hand and helpless."

Chris felt awful. He was about to take their humanity away and put them in their nightmare for the rest of their lives. "I'm sorry girls, it's time." He said as he gathered his resolve.

"We understand. We knew this was coming." Nancy reassured him.

"Please Assessor Best, when you play with us kindly be gentle." Marcy requested.

They looked to each other now for support. Chris activated his device and was able to get both twins at once. Small, their legs didn't hang over the edge of the couch any longer and so they curled them to one side under themselves so they could continue sitting clinging to each other. Chris was right, the pity and remorse he felt before reducing them was gone. It wasn't even an afterthought. No, his mind was only thinking of how fun his two new matching toys looked.

He pressed them together as he grabbed their helpless forms. They gave off an appealing whimper as he did so. He sat down and placed them on the coffee table before him. He dragged Nancy from her sister's embrace and forced her to lay face up before him. The little blonde twin trembled fearfully as he admired the lines of her figure. Cute little breasts to feel, wonderful taper waist and hips for maneuvering, and those swim toned legs for wrapping. And a matching set made this so much better.

He didn't seemingly remember they had been good, kind people. But Chris' sexually charged mind remembered the nightmare about a giant tearing them out of their clothes. He reached down and pinched the little pink blouse. With a firm tug the buttons popped off the shirt easily for him. Nancy made a loud scared sound as he did so, then as he spread the shirt she made little scared whimpering sounds that had a slight hint of her nervous arousal. Little pink simple bra was hidden under that unnecessary shirt. He playfully pressed the cups as a little dot of a bump was poking up from within the bra.

Chris liked how she watched him nervously as he slowly retrieved that useful letter opener. Using the side of the blade he moved her face to one side then the other admiring the beauty of his new playthings. He particularly liked how her pigtails tumbled along her pretty little face as gravity took them. He then stroked the flat of the blade over her cleavage noting that after tinkering they would show more when she was laid out all vulnerable like this. As Chris played the knife-like tool over her breasts little Nancy clearly struggled to control her breathing. Likely worried what might happen if her breasts heaved the wrong way around that giant golden sword. Despite that fear she was clearly feeling Chris notice she couldn't resist rubbing her thighs together.

He slowly slipped the tip of the blade up between her little pea breasts. Her eyes went wide with fear and her teeth grabbed her bottom lip in confused arousal. He played the letter opener between her mounds and she made cute little whimpered gasps. If her sister was just like her they would be so easy to train Chris noted as he quickly pinned the blonde down before snapping the bra apart by pulling the letter opener up hard. Nancy yelped, it had to be painful for a giant to tear apart the bra she was wearing with a dull length of metal. He raised his hand and she was still laying in her submissive position. Gasping scared sounds with warm pink marking her light white skin. He playfully took the blade and flipped the cups out of his way. Nancy watched, her breathing deepening as he did so that when he exposed her breasts they heaved heavily. He then noticed how she was licking her lips, yes she was going to be so easy to train.

He slowly ran the tip of the blade down her body. She watched it as best she could without moving from where Chris had sprawled her out. He hooked the tip under her little red pleated skirt. She whimpered a worried tone as he flipped it up. He saw why, in her confused emotions of fear and arousal her vagina had become wet leaving the crotch of her little pink panties quite damp. He very carefully slipped the edge of the blade under her panties and began to pull them off her. Nancy lifted her little rump to allow them to slide off easily. Shifting her body so that it didn't hinder him. Even pointing her little feet so he could take them completely. Her little yellow covered womanhood exposed he pressed the flat of the blade against it. Slowly sliding the dagger styled tool up and down along Nancy's slit made her gasp nervously as her hips began to roll in a complimentary rhythm.

He rolled Nancy over. Her skirt flopped in a way that exposed one of her ass cheeks so he playfully slapped the flat of the blade against it. Nancy made a wonderful yip sound then arched her ass up slightly clearly expecting, or possibly wanting another giant spanking. Chris however slipped the blade up along her back and tore the back of the blouse and the bra underneath apart. He lifted her in his hand and she let her arms hang loose. This allowed the shreds of shirt and bra to slip right off. He placed her by her still clothed sister with the command, "Take your shoes off and wait till I have your sister ready."

Nancy's scared voice was delectable as she timidly asked, "Assessor Best, what about my skirt and stockings?"

He hooked the blade under her chin and advised, "I want them on you as I play with your helpless little bodies. And for now on, you call me Master."

Nancy simply replied in a tone of awe, "Yes Master." So easy to train Chris thought.

He then placed Marcy on her back before him. "Now it's your turn." He tried to torment.

Marcy's whimpered, "Yes Master." Was a little too breathless for him to feel like that tormenting worked. Yet he wasn't bothered by that.

Marcy had watched Chris strip her sister so it didn't surprise him that she anticipated his actions. As he reached down to tear the buttons off her blouse she arched up to ease grabbing her shirt. She yelped as he tore it open then her breasts heaved as she made little aroused scared gasps. These two were an interesting experience.

He also moved her face with the side of the letter opener. Her dark pig tails also fell along her pretty face as Chris directed her. He wasn't sure if he preferred the blonde or dark brown with those sweet features. Then he smiled he didn't have to pick, he had both. If he wanted to focus on the blonde he had Nancy. Or if he wanted to soak darker hair Marcy would look great dipping in his semen. He admired Marcy's breasts with the blade. He wondered if Marcy had slightly larger breasts, maybe just a touch firmer. He slipped the golden knife up between them noting if they were just firmer than tinkering will make the twins match even more.

A quick snap of his wrist and even that dull blade sliced through that little bra. As he flipped the cups off the mounds he wondered if he could buy reduced clothes. He was enjoying tearing the clothes off the twins, he could see himself enjoying that with all his reduced. He used the very tip of his golden blade to play with Marcy's alert little nipple. Like her sister she was clearly aroused despite also being clearly terrified. As she nervously gasped from the sensations he noted how the clothes made for Reduced were supposed to be made rugged for rough play. So they would be difficult to cut and tear apart. But human clothes when reduced were thinner, more delicate. He could shred them and not damage his prized playthings.

He dragged the edge of the blade lightly over Marcy's figure. She gave cute whimpers as he dragged it tip along her supple thighs to push that skirt up. Slowly the crotch of her damp little white panties appeared. He slipped the edge under and took the soiled things off her with no resistance. He pressed the flat of the blade against her unguarded womanhood and grind it lightly against Marcy. She rolled with his power singing a little ah sound with each upward stroke. She was too scared to say so but Chris could tell she was excited to be enjoyed. "Take off your shoes." Chris ordered and Marcy rolled to her knees in one fluid motion and was quickly pulling off her footwear.

Now was Chris time to disrobe. He undid his belt as he watched the two young twins cuddle close together. Their hands held tight between their exposed bosoms. Their little pleated skirts hung over little rounded asses he knew had no other coverings. Their eyes watched intently as he undid his pants. As his member rose into view their sweet little eyes grew wide. Clearly they worried how their small young bodies would please such a giant. Mrs. Pollard broke her silence to gasp loudly, "Fuck he's huge!"

Chris slapped the bars again with the letter opener warning, "One more peep and you'll swallow this." Then he slipped the golden blade mostly into the sleeve he kept it in. He left enough out that if either Pollard parent wanted to speak they hopefully would see the shining weapon and rethink their statement.

Chris stroked his shaft as he admired the trembling twins. They pulled tighter together, hugging their little pea breasts together. Their little cheeks were pressed together as they looked upon his manhood in worried awe. He admired them in only little pleated skirts and thigh high stockings pulled tight up those sculpted legs. He liked that look on his scare little beauties. He grabbed his tablet and noted right then to get all his pets extra frilly skirts and thigh high stockings.

Finally he grabbed the twins. They didn't resist when he pulled them apart, clearly the smartest of his Reduced collection. He positioned them on the side of his shaft right at the top of his penis. They more stood along the inside of his holding hand then were pinned like he would have done with his other young pets. The twins looked at him with cute little pouty expressions then at the domed tip before them. He was about to issue them a command when they hugged to his cock tightly and nuzzled their faces to his tip and began grinding against him with their small appealing bodies. He hummed at the sensations and they took that as another command and on their own started licking their little tongue along his massive manhood.

He watched as the twin's fit bodies danced eroticly with the edge of his shaft. He sighed repeatedly feeling them taste his tip in long slow licks. He loved how their pigtails would wave with each stroke of their tongue. He savored how their little skirts bounced as they grind their inner thighs against his shaft. The way their muscles rippled under those long socks. They would slip him worried looks while they massaged his manhood with their little bodies. Making him ask to taunt them, "Did your giant make you worship his cock like that?"

They looked at him and whimpered, "Yes Master, all the time."

"And do you like worshiping giant cock in real life?" He teased them. They bite their bottom lip in that mirrored action and look to the other. Then he noticed how pink their cheeks were getting. This made him laugh. Looks like despite their fear they did like to worship his large manhood.

He leaned back on the expensive couch and just watched the teen twins fearfully loving his penis. He could feel that they both had a spot on their skirts getting wet. Scared and aroused, they were a strange pair. Feeling them cling tight on their own he moved his hand and relaxed. Just letting them work on their own. Soon they made little sounds of enjoying their efforts. He wondered how long it would take to get these two to beg to serve his penis. His hands reached down and under the skirts to admire their flexing round little rumps. This made his new timid dolls add an extra roll to the movement of their backsides.

Chris noticed his new pets were starting to stain while clinging to the sides of his penis. He took pity on them. He picked them off his manhood. Reclining the couch so he could relax while they touched him with their tiny bodies. He placed the twins on his stomach. They looked at him with adorable worried expressions. He simply nodded at them and they turned and crawled on all fours towards the tip of his penis. Those little skirts hung off those little round rumps perfectly as they rolled back and forth with their travels. Staying on their knees the twins rose to lean on the sides of his tip. They rolled their breasts along the curve while their tongues began tasting his giant manhood again. They stroked the sensitive area with their hands. Nancy's hand tapped Marcy's just under the hole at the top of his penis. They looked at each other then gave him a timid look. Then they cupped their hands along that spout then stroked their soft touches like they were hoping to draw his fluids out.

They looked so good capping his penis. Chris decided to taunt the teen girls, "Oh you like that don't you. You like being my little playthings." They looked over their shoulders and did that mirrored lip biting look he liked. Then he realized they actually did. They were aroused to be his Reduced. This made Chris confess, "Oh I'm going to enjoy owning you two." They made a honest scared whimper, yet as they turned back to taste him more, They seemed to be deeply humming as if savoring his penis' flavor. They were like his other pretty Reduced sexual slaves, terrified of him. Yet these two also clearly were aroused to be used as living sex toys by a giant.

He watched them here too. Cute little pigtails waving with each long submissive lick. How their bodies rolled as they massaged his tip with their perky little breasts. It was almost hypnotic how their little skirts wobbled and danced with their pleasing movements. They likely would become a couple of his favorites for their complex duality of them being both deeply terrified and heavily aroused. He teased them again, "Did your dream giant make you taste him like that?"

They again gave him a timid look then in perfect pitch and timing said together, "Yes Master."

He demanded, "Which massive cock do you like better?"

They answered immediately as they nuzzled their cheek along his tip, "Yours Master."

"And why is that?" He wondered aloud.

And they confessed in a nervous tone, "Because it is real."

Chris reached down and slipped his pinky up under their skirts. As he touched their thighs they yipped fearfully. Then they gave a timid look over their shoulders and watched him as they spread his thighs around his pinky tip. They were so wet, likely more aroused than they had ever been in their short lives. Their hips slowly grind their womanhoods along the pad of his fingers as they went back to tasting his penis. He could feel the lips of their vaginas spread as they pumped themselves harder. He mocking asked, "Should I poke up and check to see if your still have your cherries?"

As their hips continued to roll arousingly they looked back and informed him, "We've never been with a boy Master."

This made him wonder, "A boy never liked either of you enough to ask you out?"

That timid look over their shoulders was really becoming a favorite thing. Then they submitted, "We never met a boy we both liked."

He gasped, "Wait, were you two looking to date the same boy?"

To his amusement they nervously answered him, "We like to do everything together."

He gave their wet womanhood a firm stroking teasing while he praised his own luck, "Guess I'll be your first then." They flashed a nervous look between each other that sparked a thought in his mind. That their parents were not the only perverse Pollards. Though the Twins seemed less harmful if just as socially unacceptable, "Have you two had sex with each other?"

The Twins looked ashamed then Nancy started, "Well, we were a little curious."

And Marcy finished, "So we experimented together a few times."

In shock he questioned, "A few times? So you two have been having incestuous sex for a while now?"

They both replied in shy tones, "We like to do everything together."

"Oh you two are going to be so much fun." Chris noted as he aimed his pinky up.

"Thank you Master." They said together as he felt them adjust their positions to sit upon the tip of his digits. They began rolling on the tips of his pinkies. As they clearly started attempting to work his touch into their own tight vaginas the two of them started making appealing whimpered sounds. They continued to nuzzle their breasts against the tip of his penis. They looked to be deeply enjoying being sexual pets for a giant.

Marcy was the first to actually stretch herself down on his pinky. Her whimpers switched to deep pleasured growls. She rolls her body up and down looking deeply enthralled with the sensations. She looked to her sister and in a lustful tone advised, "Nancy, it feels so good. Get it in you."

Nancy whimpered, "Really." Then she braced herself against the tip of Chris' penis and pressed hard down on his pinky. It slipped tightly inside her and she moaned, "Oh that is good." She began bouncing frantically rambling out, "Oh good. Oh good! This feels so good!"

Chris thrilled at seeing the twin girls energetically riding his giant pinky. He thrusted his digits up and they clung tight to his tip moaning pleasingly. "Like being owned by a giant? Little playthings for me! Do you like that, being mine?"

They looked back at him lustfully. Unlike his other pets these two praised this rough play, "Yes Master, it feels so good! We're so small, play, play with us!" He stopped thrusting and they went back to rolling against his sensitive tip.

"Please don't hurt us Master!" Nancy gasped as she cowgirled his finger.

"We'll be good! We'll be good for you Master!" Marcy moaned as she forced the pinky quite deep inside herself.

"Oh god! You're a giant! Your a giant!" Nancy lustfully bellowed.

"Use us! Use us! Please don't be a monster!" Marcy requested in erotic tones.

Nancy was the first to climax. She pushed herself down deep and just trembled on Chris' pinky. She folded to one side gasping for breath. Chris pulled out and Nancy whimpered like a puppy being left home alone. Marcy was still going on his offered pinky. Suddenly she started barking, "Finger! Finger! Finger!" Before she arched and howled for her climax. She struggled to hold him inside herself when he pulled his pinky out.

He grabbed the twins and wrapped them to his shaft and pointed it straight up. As he stroked them down they made a submissive ah sound. They felt so good. Even the little skirts and long stockings gave him a thrill. They had nice perky breasts that stimulated his shaft. "Do you like getting treated like this, my little pretties?" He growled.

They were a little less excited as they were when riding his fingers. Not they were as whiny as his others. No, their tone was just a touch frightened as they replied, "We are yours! Yours to do with as you want."

He liked how honest they replied, but he wanted an answer, "Do you like it? Do you like being stroked along my massive cock?"

They were going to be his favorites, he figured as they whimpered back, "Yes Master, use us. Use our helpless little bodies!"

Chris near his peak pulled them off his erection and they whimpered fearfully. He placed them on the coffee table and pointed his tip right at them while cheering, "I'm going to cum all over you!"

His other Reduced would have cowered. He would have to order them to get into position, and then their fear would have kept them from fully posing as he wanted. Likely because the other Reduced he owned still likely thought of themselves as human. Had not accepted their new life. The twins came into the assessment planning on no longer being human at the end. The Twins had spent an unknown amount of years having erotic nightmares about being sexually abused by a horny giant. So they were ready to be used by Chris as an aroused giant. They clung tight to each other, pressed their cheeks together as they turned their faces towards his bouncing tip and opened their mouths wide. Tongues rolled out as if attempting to catch more of Chris' perverse spray. They then rolled their breasts out to add to the target Chris was aiming at.

The first thick glob spattered their matching pretty faces. They gasped softly with each spray of semen landing on them. He filled their wide open mouths and drenched their breasts. It was just oozing along their cheeks in thick heavy flow. Chris sat and admired his new pets. Their little eyes opened and saw him looking. There was a strange pride in their semen painted expressions. Without command they rolled their tongues back into their mouths and closed their mouths and made a show of swallowing everything he gave them. It was the happy hum afterward that really surprised him. The twins looked at each other and agreed, "Hmm that was tasty."

The girls looked strangely at each other. To Chris' perverse delight Marcy reached her mouth over and scooped the semen off Nancy's cheek and seemingly happily swallowed. Nancy squealed and licked the semen off Marcy's cheek. Then swallowed while smacking her tongue. Then they clung tight to each other licking and suckling the semen off each other. It was arousing to watch. The two rolled and licked his fluids off each other. Then Chris realized they were not just eating his semen, they were actually having sex right there before him. They rolled onto the coffee table and began writing about each other. Hands admired the other’s thighs and faces.

Chris found himself getting aroused again. Two tiny beauties damp with his semen wildly having sex before him. The bizarre addition that they were nearly matching twins just made it extra perverse. He stroked his hardening penis as they turned and went full sixty nine. They clearly had done this more than just a few curious times. Chris wondered how his other Reduced would react being dropped into the middle of that. He quickly imagined little Carrie Bell trapped between the twins. Or Melissia March. Then he imagined Stacy Bell and wondered, would the twins team up on her or work on each other around her cheer toned body.

"Oh I'm going to cum." Chris announced and the girls stopped. Nancy, laying on top, arched her face up towards him while Marcy curved around her sister to sit up with her waiting open mouth. Chris began cumming and they began catching it orally. Swallowing as quickly as they could between Chris pleasurable spurt. These two seemed starving for his semen. Like they were addicts and he was happy to give them their fix. He finished and they returned to their shared affection while licking up his semen.

He left them rolling about in the semen puddle to go to the kitchen. He decided he wanted to play with the girls in their skirts and stockings again. He found the Pollard's storage bags. Then came back to gather their panties. He placed their shoes into his briefcase. "Your a monster." Mr. Pollard grunted.

"At least they are teenagers. What was your favorite?" Chris said back. Looking at the Pollard file, "Black girls between three and six. And you feel alright calling me a monster?"

He sat back on the couch and reluctantly announced, "OK girls, time to stop." They looked up and slowly uncoiled themselves. "Strip and put your clothes in this baggie."

The Twins were good little Reduced and began stripping their soiled clothes off. Timidly Marcy asked, "What will happen with us now?"

Chris answered, "I will wash you off and put you in my briefcase. I'll take you to my office and while you're tinkered I will file the report on your assessment. Then after that I'll take you home and have you work your bodies against my penis again."

Of all the responses, the curious question from Nancy of, "What do you mean by tinkered?"

"Oh." Chris said then continued, "They will firm up your breasts and make it so that you will not have to shave any more."

Nervously the twins replied, "OK." Chris could see they were more willing and accepting then other Reduced. Yet we're still reasonably scared of his giant presence. It had to be a hard adjustment. They didn't struggle as he picked them off the coffee table. They directed him to a bathroom and he helped them shower in the sink. Gifting them each one of the fancy puffy red face clothes. He slipped them in the other cell in his briefcase. He dropped the baggy of soiled clothes in and then shut the case.

Sal greeted him at the door. "Have fun?" The SAO asked.

"Yes, they will make great additions to my collection." Chris replied.

"I'm sure they will." Sal noted as they headed to the car. They pulled away with the passing thought in Chris' mind of what was going to happen to all these rich people's homes now that they were empty. They drove through the city to the office.

They parked and Sal and Carl entered with him. Then went back to pull the car into the parking area. He walked to the elevator and the SAO in there asked, "Which floor?"

"Tinker office please." He requested.

"Sorry Assessor Best, that office is closed at the moment." The SAO replied.

Chris was wondering why the Tinker office was closed, "Ahh, OK. My office."

They got off and he walked to his desk. Steve looked up from his report, "How is it going?"

"Good, I just finished an assessment." Chris opened the case.

Chris felt awful as Steve noticed the face cloth wrapped Twins, "Oh like them young huh?"

"Well, I was, it's just." Chris tried hard to think of a reason while a couple of fifteen year old Reduced girls was clearly used by him as after assignment entertainment.

Steve reminded him, "Dude, it's fine. They are just Reduced. That's their use, to vent our more dark or perverse ideas."

"Thanks." Chris said feeling relieved.

"You keeping the wife?" Steve asked, admiring the frightened Mrs. Pollard.

"No. I was going to trade her in for credit." Chris admitted.

"Trade you?" Steve offered. Chris looked in disbelief. Steve saw that and expanded, "No really. Look. I'm assessing the Brooks tomorrow. Now I have plans for the wife and oldest daughter. But I wasn't going to keep the youngest despite her being a cutie. What do you think? Or is she too young?" Chris looked at the file information. Cari Brook, fourteen, was sadly exactly what he liked in young girls. Slender with the touches of her coming womanhood. Years of dance training means she's in good shape. But she was so young. Steve seemed to see Chris' discomfort and reminded him, "She'd be a Reduced and within the range. They are how they want to spend our naughty thoughts."

Chris sighed, "Who do you have if that family passes their Assessment?"

"Right, like a lawyer for pimps and gang bangers might pass assessment." Steve noted flipping through his files. "Are African American alright?"

"Why do you want her so bad?" Chris wondered.

"She reminds me of my ex." Steve lied.

"Really?" Chris pushed.

"Fine, I have a Karen fetish." Sounded more honest.

"Fine, but you owe me one." Chris submitted.

"Cool." Chris said, nodding. Chris started on his report

Steve inquired, "What did they do?"

"Who, them?" Chris wondered, pointing to his briefcase.

"Yeah." Steve confirmed.

"The parents ran a child molesting and porn ring through her daycare for the poor." Chris explained.

Steve laughed, "She's a naughty mommy. I'm going to have fun spanking her later."

"No, no you can't." Mrs. Pollard screamed from the briefcase cell.

Chris smacked the cell bars. "Shut up."

"Give her here, I'll put her in my file cell." Steve requested. The Reduced woman struggled hard as Chris moved and handed over to Steve. Who silenced her by putting her in the filing cabinet under his side of his case. The top drawer was designed for storing larger numbers of Reduced that wouldn't fit in the briefcase.

"Hey, why is the Tinker office closed?" Chris wondered.

Steve snickered. "One of their staff knocked over a cage. The Reduced inside it bolted. So that office is on lock down till they catch them all."

"Whose Reduced are they? I don't have any there?" Chris requested.

"Don't know. Heard they might be Trevor's." Steve guessed.

As if summoned Trevor suddenly walked up to the desk, "Sorry, you called?"

"I just heard the reason the Tinker's office is on lockdown is a bunch or your Reduced got loose." Steve explained.

Trevor shrugged, "Possibly, I did drop off several boys earlier."

"Large family?" Chris asked.

Trevor responded, "Oh no. There was a gang planning on causing trouble for our new Mendhaki overlords. So I was sent in to supervise the SAO collection. So I got to pick out any I wanted from the group. So I sent them to remove their ink and add my markings while extending their manhood. Despite rumors, not all black men are well endowed."

Steve asked, "So do you like fiddling with larger ones or?"

Trevor laughed, "It's called a penis. And yes. But I've been sent to assess a lot of racist and bigots. So I get a kick out of making them penetrate each other." Then he clearly noticed Mr. Pollard, "Oh, and what did this one do?"

"Child molester." Chris answered.

"Oh I have just the fellow for him. What are you doing with him?" Trevor requested.

"I was going to trade him in for credit." Chris told him.

Trevor smiled, "What do you prefer? I think I'd enjoy having that one punished." Mr. Pollard cringed with clear terror at the leering giant gay man.

Steve answered for Chris, "He has a soft spot for reduced teen girls."

Gloria's voice came into the conversation, "I don't blame you. Quite enjoyable."

"You like teen Reduced girls too?" Chris asked, surprised by the broad shouldered woman's confession.

She smiled, "Oh yes. I've always had the fantasy of being the headmistress at an all girl's school. Now with Reduced I get to play that out. Playing at teaching them Multiplication before bending them over and dividing their legs."

"Well I don't have any little pretties at the moment. But I could show you my files to have you suggest options." Trevor said to Chris.

While Steve asked Gloria, "So what do you do with the mothers?"

"Parent teacher conferences." She noted with a wink.

"Oh I was hoping to trade with you for some." Steve noted.

While Chris told Trevor, "Sure. That would work for me."

Gloria advised Steve with a playful tone, "Sorry, they also let me play teacher discipline. They need to learn how to educate in my school for Reduced girls."

Trevor suggested, "We should get together and do a if they fail swap."

"That sounds good." Steve agreed.

"I do pass in a lot of unwanted fathers and sons." Gloria noted looking at Trevor.

Chris hummed, "I can't promise some of mine."

"Why?" Steve asked.

While Gloria and Trevor guessed correctly, "He's promised Miss. Grundy first pick."

"Oh right." Steve accepted.

"We could just get together and play cards. Say Saturday night?" Trevor suggested.

"That sounds good." Steve noted.

"Your friends uncomfortable with you too?" Gloria questioned.

"Yep, once I became an Assessor they seemed to have excuses not to hang out." Chris agreed.

"OK, cards at my place? Possible Reduced trading as things permit?" Trevor offered.

"Sounds good." Steve accepted.

"I'm in." Gloria agreed.

"I'll try to get Eden to look over my new cases before them." Said Chris mentally realizing his own loneliness.

An SOA walked up to them and advised, "The Tinker office is reopened."

"Thanks." Chris told the android getting strange looks from the other Assessors.

"Your Welcome." The SOA replied and walked away.

"You thank the robot?" Trevor asked like that was a silly thing to do.

"I just thought it was polite. I talk to my SOAs all the time." Chris explained.

Gloria shrugged, "I never thought to."

Chris advised, "Mine took names and they have started having personalities."

Steve sounded to be thoughtfully, "I guess I could do that."

"Well we should take our new Reduced to the Tinker office." Trevor suggested accepting the whimpering Mr. Pollard.

Chris stood up and closed his briefcase. "Good idea." He told Trevor. The group of them entered the elevator. He looked at Gloria, "How do you tinker you Reduced?"

"I have their breasts firmed and their unwanted hair purged." She answered.

Steve requested, "All or do you leave a patch."

"I get it all taken off. Because even a little patch will need a trimmer." Chris advised.

Gloria agreed, "Yeah. I don't want to waste money on buying them each a trimmer. Besides, their little smooth snatch feels so good on my tongue."

"I hadn't thought of that." Steve noted thoughtfully.

"Have you been buying them each a trimmer?" Chris asked him.

"I have the unnecessary hair removed from my boys too." Trevor added.

Chris shrugged and admitted, "I hadn't considered that."

"Yeah I like juggling their bald junk on my tongue. The handsome bigots get all whimpery and I love mocking their hard-ons." Trevor explained making the group laugh.

One quick ride and they were greeted by Eden, "Hello all."

"Hey, I have some new Reduced to be tinkered." Chris advised opening his case.

"Oh twins, aren't they adorable." Eden noted poking at the Pollard twins like fuzzy kittens.

"My usual." Chris requested.

"We can do that." Eden noted shyly.

Trevor interjected much to Chris embarrassment, "The group of us are going to plan for possible Reduced swaps. But Chris promised you the first pick. So he's wondering about meeting up with you, possibly over a meal, to see if you want any of his possible future failed assessed."

Eden was caught off guard yet answered, "Oh, yeah, That would be nice. Lunch tomorrow?"

"Yeah that sounds nice." Chris accepted.

"We thought so." Trevor teased.

"Oh Trevor, your lads are ready." Eden pointed out.

Gloria wondered, "Were they the ones that got loose?"

Eden giggled, "They sure were. They scattered like scared rabbits when their case got knocked over. But since the office is Reduced sealed it was just a matter of time and checking all the nooks and corners." She looked to Trevor, "I hope they got numbered right."

"Numbered?" Steve asked.

Trevor gave a snicker then advised, "Yeah I don't care what their names were. So I have a number marked on their right pec and call them by that. And it doesn't matter if you mixed them up. I couldn't tell you if they have been or not."

Eden went and grabbed a case and brought it over. Eight young black reduced men were placed before Trevor. As he gleefully grabbed them they cowered before the giant whose power they were now in. Eden placed a case with one young dark haired girl before Gloria, "Yours is ready as well."

"Oh good. Her lessons will begin when we get home." Gloria cheered stroking the clear case.

"So lunch tomorrow?" Chris requested.

He was delighted as Eden failed to push her thick curls behind her ear and answered shyly, "Yes, looking forward to it."

Chris could feel his fellow Assessors gleefully watching him and Eden awkwardly interacting. But it was in support of them so he didn't mind too much. "I have an assessment in the morning. But I should have time before my assessment in the afternoon."

"Alright. Just call me when you're ready." Eden accepted.

"I will." Chris was beside himself with joy. They left the office with a smiling pink cheeks Eden. As the elevator started his co-workers cheered his second date with the lovely Tinker Office receptionist.

They went back to their desks and completed whatever paper work the Assessors had. Chris himself finished his report on the Pollards failing their assessment. Then looked over his coming assessments. Looking over the files it was clear many were part of the Pollard child abusing scheme. But he noticed he was requested in the office early on Monday but had no assessments assigned. Maybe it was a conference day he thought and carried on.

He finished for the day and said goodbye to his fellow Assessors. He went down to the Tinker office. Asking hopefully, "Are my Reduced ready?"

"They sure are Chris. They are a pretty pair." Eden said, putting the twins up on the counter. They wore the outfit of the freshly Tinkered, the two piece sports bra type top and tight hot pants shorts. Someone had put their hair back up in pigtails.

"Oh they didn't have to put their hair up." Chris said, picking up his new pets.

"Oh I did, I hope you don't mind. I thought it would look good." Eden said adorably.

"No, I like it." Chris confessed.

"I like combing their hair. They are like living dolls." Eden advised.

"I have other Reduced whose hair you could brush." Chris offered.

Eden smiled delightfully, "I would like that."

"Lunch tomorrow." Chris inquired.

Eden confirmed, "Lunch tomorrow."

Chris left looking forward to the next day's lunch. Sal waited for him in the lobby while Chris pulled his car up just outside. They drove him home. He went into his little apartment to find packages waiting. Teasingly he put the boxes full of outfits before his living dolls then placed the Pollard twins into his Reduced cage. He ignored the angry glares from the shrunken mothers and went and made himself supper. He ate his simple meal while watching some TV.

He grabbed his tablet and placed it by the couch. He purposely disrobed before his trapped little playthings. The very idea of Reduced crawling along his penis was making it hard. He sat on the couch and opened the cage. He grabbed Nancy Pollard and savored her timid arousal as he stripped her tight clothes off that youthful body. He hardly had to cup her to his shaft as the blonde twin clung tightly for his pleasure. Her dream inspired movements along a giant's cock was delightfully accepted. He then grabbed Marcy. She too was also submissively aroused. He took her clothes happily and cupped her to his tip. Despite her clear fear her little mouth suckled perfectly.

He savored the twins twisted sexual instincts he grabbed his tablet. He began ordering the Twins some clothes. Making sure they had perfectly matching outfits in the themes of the other Reduce's clothes. After that he went over his coming assessments again, focusing mostly on the next day's assignments. Mathew Rockwell, twenty one, and Stacy Lincoln, twenty, trust fund kids that were engaged to each other. From the file they were spoiled rich kids that treated workers and other less financially gifted people badly, often cruelly. Mathew had slapped a caddy for simply grabbing him the wrong golf club. Stacy actually threw her coffee in a barista's face because the girl mistakenly used Almond milk instead of Oat milk. Not a mob lawyers or a child molesters but still not acceptable behaviors in the coming world.

Tomorrow's afternoon was the Rodrigez. Manuel, forty five, ran a construction company while his wife Stella, forty, was a homemaker. They had a daughter, Sophie who was almost sixteen. At first Chris thought Manuel's crime was simply helping illegal immigrants cross the border and find work. It wasn't even going to be a crime after the global purge so he didn't see why they were being assessed. Then he realized why. People left dead in the desert for not having enough money to be smuggled. Women including young girls and desperate mothers drugged and forced into prostitution. Chris again questioned why they were even granted an assessment. But as his training told him, if they are willing to change and make recompense they too could be accepted in the coming new society.

Having a long day tomorrow he put his tablet down. He grabbed around Nancy's lovely little body while cupping Marcy's arousing form over his tip. Nancy made appealing gasped grunts as he began stroking her young body along his shaft. Marcy in turn made delightful humming sounds as he rolled her around his tip. He felt a little bad to take advantage of their disturbed minds. Their years of erotic nightmares of a giant doing to them exactly what he was currently doing. They were scared of his power while aroused to be his playthings. He realized they likely will be his favorite Reduced to drop into his lap after a long day of assessing crimes. Especially how quickly they cling and grind those swim toned bodies while worshiping his genitals with their little mouths.

"Who likes being my little fuck toys?" He asked them.

They perfectly whimpered together, "We do Master."

Gleefully he announced, "I'm going to cum all over you Marcy!"

With a wonderful tone of fear she replied, "Yes Master, I can't stop you."

Nancy added as an arousing whimper, "We're too small to stop you Master."

"Who is getting body fucked by a giant?" Chris demanded.

And they answered as he wanted, "We are, we are helpless in your large hands Master."

Chris pulled Marcy back to watch as his semen all over the dark haired teen. She cringed with an expression of disgust while also pushing her breasts out with a wide open mouth. Thick globs of cum soaked her all over marking her as Chris' little helpless plaything. Once he finished she looked to look at his tip. Then up at Chris face and made a show of swallowing all the cum caught in her mouth.

He placed Nancy upon her semen dripping sister. The mental hiccup that made them enjoy being used despite their fear made Nancy lower her mouth over her sister's bust and began suckling his cum off of Marcy. They made confused enjoyment sounds as they devoured his fluids. He placed the girls in the cage like used tissue and closed it.

Mrs. March snarled, "What did you do to those poor girls."

"Enjoyed them." He answered and left for bed.
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