Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305715-Talk-About-It-Vol-3
Rated: E · Poetry · Men's · #2305715
A brief walkthrough of my mind to see what we find. - Maãlík
Authority, money, skills, & control.

4 things that make this world roll.

Being on the outside of it can make the world seem unfair.

& it always will be until you gain those 4 things.

But at what cost?

How does one keep their sanity, integrity, & light in a world full of ego & pride?

In a world full of insecure individuals who’ve been bullied, now they wanna exact revenge on an innocent bystander?

Where does one draw the line between upholding laws, & causing detriment to a person because the one with authority is offended?

In the end, he who makes the gold, he who has the strength, he who wins the battle, he who has the authority……………

Makes the rules.

& whether or not it’s fair, is not up for discussion.

If anything, it should be my life’s mission to build an empire.

One so impenetrable, that it’ll never fall.

A foundation so hardened, tendered, & cared to, that it garners respect just at the utter mention.

Cause life has no clue to fair.

Only fair to those who know how to succeed at it.

The misuse of power against me has left me with a fascination on how I can use mine for my own benefit?

So I can have a good influence on those around me.

So I can never be in a position where I see life as “unfair”.

Self esteem is at an all time high.

Self worth is being harnessed to know what rooms to be in & what not to.

Gaining that Authority, money, skills, & control………….

Requires great responsibility.

& accountability.

A heavy weight to carry that not even Peter Parker is ready to hold onto.

Even if Uncle Ben was still alive.

& I’m ready to bear that weight.

- Maãlík
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305715-Talk-About-It-Vol-3