Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305996-Our-OWN-Destiny
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #2305996
For Not Just Another Brick In The Wall contest.... Word count: 1,274
It all started on a Friday afternoon, the last day of school for the week, and Leslie couldn't be more excited to have her weekend. Though it was only two days, anytime away from her horrendous teacher Mrs. Sappington, was a blessing. She was a very disrespectful off the wall teacher, and barely ever made any sense in any of the lectures, or topics that she taught. It was honestly still surprising that she even had her teaching license at all. It was time to put an end to all this! Leslie decided that she would create her own destiny, without the assistance of her teacher.
The only thing is how will she do this? Then it hit her, she will talk to her parents! They were both teachers for a time, so clearly, that seemed like the only logical thing to do. When 3 pm came around, the school bell finally rang, dismissing classes for the weekend, and naturally Mrs. Sappington, is the only damn teacher that gave out homework. Really? To make matters worse, the homework wasn't even on what she was lecturing about and refused to give extra instruction on how to get it done, go figure. This was the last straw; Leslie couldn't wait to get home to talk to her parents.
Sighing as she walked through the door, she was greeted by her mother, Lynn.
"Hey honey, how was school?"
"Not good mom, another day of teacher knows best." Leslie said, sighing.
"What do you mean?"
"Mrs. Sappington again, with her off the wall annoying lectures, and to make it worse, they are NEVER over the lesson at all. Yet, she expects us all to get it done, while refusing extra instruction on how to do any of it!"
"Oh honey, I am so sorry, and I am here thinking that school has been going well for you, especially since you are passing everything." Lynn said.
"That's only because I work my ass off mom, excuse my language. I can't do this anymore, I am running myself ragged trying to keep my grade up, because if I don't, she humiliates us. And it isn't just me." Leslie explained.
"Does anyone else know about this?"
"Yes, my girlfriend Catalina. She agrees that this is beyond crazy." Leslie took a deep breath. "Mom? It's that time that you, Dad and I have a very long conversation."
"Okay?" Lynn said, confused.
"Since you both were teachers, can you help me? I want to start my own basically study group situation. Based on a lesson plan from you and Dad. I can't take being in this class anymore."
Speechless at her daughter's request, Lynn took a minute to think about it. She hated seeing her daughter like this, it just wasn't fair. She had a valid point though, this was beyond crazy, and there needed to be a stop put to it. After a few moments of silence, Lynn finally spoke.
"Alright, here is what we are going to do, your dad and I are going to call the school board, and explain to them what we are doing, that way they are aware. We have to get information on where we are going to send the class work, as it gets completed. Bring a few friends over Monday, and we will get things started from there. Let us set up the lessons. We got it from here." Lynn explained.
Leslie smiled; things could only go up from here....

About 2 months Later:
Since starting her study group, and dropping Sappington's class, Leslie and like 6 other people, including her girlfriend Catalina, were doing so much better. Going off her parent's lesson plans, with a little assistance, Leslie was teaching the group, and they were submitting the schoolwork where it needed to go at the end of each day; well, her parents were at least. They were all passing, and to make it even better, they were all at the top of the class with Leslie!
Lessons were fun, and exciting, and it was always something that they looked forward to. There was a lot of laughter, and tears, especially with test scores. Rest assured, they were tears of happiness. One day, they were all talking to their friends that were still in the class, because they wanted to know their secrets to success....
"How are you all passing? I can barely get a C." Greg asked.
"Study group I created. I was tired of struggling in the class." Leslie said.
"But you... were passing?" Lexi said.
"Be it as it may, I struggled every day. I was running myself ragged, and school no longer became enjoyable for me, as it had been before. The learning experience I enjoyed, was ripped from me; especially with Sappington's lectures." Leslie explained. "So, I put a stop to it."
"That's actually not a bad idea. Why didn't we think about that?" Lexi asked.
"You know, it isn't too late, you still have time." Leslie said.
"She is right." Catalina said. "If you don't like the way the class is going, take a stand. You can't be forced to stay in that class. Create your own destiny. We did."
"Well said Cat, well said." Leslie said smiling.
"Agreed." Lexi said. "Well, I hate to cut this short, but Greg and I have things to handle tonight before our date, but you have given us a lot to think about."
"Glad I could be a help. You guys have a good day and enjoy your date night." Leslie said, smiling.
"Later." they both said in unison.
"Then there was two." Catalina said, smiling. "What would you like to do?"
"Hmm, date night sounds really good, why don't we have one of our own? Leslie said.
"Sounds wonderful! Let's get ready."
Leslie smiled, "After you, my lady."

Things really did make a major difference with the study group that Leslie created. Eventually, Lexi and Greg put the word out about what was going on with the study group. The rest of the class created small study groups, and one day, the teacher shouted, and spoke out of turn to Lexi. Actually, made her cry.
"You are an embarrassment to this class. Well, no worries, we will make an example out of you! Class, today's lecture is going to be about Lexi's inability to make a passing grade!" Mrs. Sappington barked.
"Umm, you can't do that!" Greg said.
"Quiet, before I fail you, for disrupting the class! Now everyone pay attention, or this could be you!"
The class hadn't even begun, and everyone got up, and walked out if the classroom. Later that day, they all dropped the class and branched off into their own little groups that they formed together. No longer would any of them be disrespected, or subject to Mrs. Sappington's unethical, annoying ways of teaching. Leslie was right, they needed to create their own destiny, and not let it be decided by a disrespectful teacher, who "made examples" out of students and their weaknesses. In a matter of weeks, Mrs. Sappington was anonymously reported, and ended up losing her job, and was never able to teach again, as soon as the school board found out about what she was doing. They actually blacklisted her, which honestly served her right.
Future students have been saved from the hatred, and unethical ways of Brenda Sappington. From this day forward, the students who branched off, created their own destiny, graduated at the top of their class, and created a place for students to get help if they were struggling. They took their experience and turned it into something positive.

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