Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2306103-Turning-Point-Oct-Novel-Prep-Day-7
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #2306103
A brief look back in the life of Courtney Curtis (October 2023 Novel Prep Day 7)
Courtney Curtis, a high school junior, ran into the run down apartment she shared with her mother and two younger sisters. The fading wallpaper and cheap furniture did little to dampen the spirits of the excited teenage girl as she put the pamphlet down on the dining room table announcing the school play.

“Mom! I’m the understudy for the main female character in the merchant of Venice! If Tiffany Travers drops out or gets sick, I get to be Portia!”

“What’s the merchant of Venice?” Courtney’s mother asked.

“Do you remember that old Twilight Zone episode where that American soldier trades places with the Japanese soldier?” Courtney asked.

“Sure! That’s a good episode.” Courtney’s mother replied.

“That little speech at the end where Rod Serling talks about the quality of mercy is from that play! It was written by William Shakespeare. I have to memorize that whole speech in case Tiffany drops out from the role.”

Courtney’s mother held her by the shoulder. “It’s highly unlikely that Tiffany will drop out of this role, her family is wealthy and can afford to give her anything she wants.”

“It doesn’t hurt to keep the hope alive!” Courtney replied.

Several weeks later, it was the day of the play. Courtney’s mother and two sisters were in the crowded audience. At the last minute, just before the curtains were to rise, Tiffany began crying.

“What’s wrong?” The drama teacher asked.

“I’m too scared!” Tiffany replied. “I can’t go through with this!”

Tiffany ran off and exited the auditorium. Courtney, who was wearing a costume identical to Tiffany’s, approached the drama teacher.

“It looks like you’re going to be Portia!” The drama teacher told her.

The play went on without any problems, and Courtney was applauded when it was over. When she was in the car with her mother and two sisters on the way home that night, she realized she had never had a prouder moment in her life.

“This play made me realize something!” Courtney said to her mother. “I like being admired by a large group of people. Some day, I’d like to be in charge of something big. I don’t know what yet, but I have ambitions!”

Meanwhile, Tiffany Travers was being consoled by her parents.

“If I didn’t get stage fright, that applause would’ve been for me! I hate that guttersnipe for upstaging me! It’s not fair that I have all this wealth but she’s the one without a fear of public speaking!”

Tiffany would go on to hate Courtney for the rest of her life.

The End

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