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Rated: GC · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2306163
A man pays the ultimate price for one too many drinks.

W. P. Gerace

Forty-year-old Oscar Coopers could not afford another DUI, or he would lose his license. He knew he should have opted to get a ride or Uber after the company holiday party, especially tonight. With frigid temperatures and icy roads, there was so much opportunity for tragedy to occur. His stubbornness once again prevailed as he traversed along the winding Parkers Road, its serpentine path a challenge to navigate when sober, let alone with several shots of Vodka and a few draft beers in his system. A gusty wind roared in from the dark sky above, along with a steady pelting of ice and snow whipping along the windows of his dark green Honda, reminding him of kids throwing rocks. Quickly, the dark surface of the road became a slick sheet of ice that was hard to drive on.

Oscar could feel the effects of all the booze in him begin to hinder his judgment. The empty trees above swayed back and forth, swishing more snow onto his car and the road ahead. His vision blurred as he tried to focus on the obscure highway before him. Something darted in front of him. Pumping his brakes, he could not stop fast enough. There was the boisterous scream of a young child. He could hear their bones crumble under his tires. No, this can not be Oscar thought. He could not afford a DUI, let alone a murder charge, not with his upcoming promotion to the Head of School Security at the School District of Philadelphia. Still skidding across the road, the youngster's blood-curdling screams reverberated through his consciousness. He could see his entire life play before him, and none of it looked pretty. The damn brakes on this piece of shit car proved useless. Quickly, he descended the hill on the side of the road.

What seemed an eternity of pumping the brakes and begging for this all to stop finally came to a hideous halt. Crashing the edge of his hood into the rugged pine bark and bumping his head against the glass, Oscar felt slivers of the window shield prick his face. Fuck he was fucked he knew it. Oscar felt a warm flow of liquid trickle down his forehead and cheeks. The edge of the steering wheel pierced into the pit of his chest. He could feel its unyielding metal surface push deeper into his flesh with each attempt to release it.

A profound drowsiness overtook Oscar between the onset of all the alcohol in his blood and loss of blood. He was unable to focus or stay awake. A police officer knocked on his window. Though he was dressed in a dark blue uniform and had a navy blue hat clipped across his crop of dirty blonde hair, there was something about this officer. His eyes glowed a brilliant fire red as he reached through the window. The officer had hands like that of some creature with no skin. His flesh was a bloody red as white bones protruded through its orifices. Oscar could feel his body being lifted as he slowly drifted to sleep. He was helpless.

"Oscar Coopers! How do you plead, sir? How do you plead? "Oscar thought he was dreaming that maybe he was still stuck in his car on that dark road.

He could see some sort of grotesque creature through a blurred haze of sleep and possibly dreams, at least what he hoped for but would find was furthest from the truth. Where was he, Oscar wondered as he looked around the dark surroundings. There were people in chains, their contorted faces staring at him with eyes of terror. Tiny little devil-like creatures with slimy green skin and jagged tails held small black devices in their hands. A sharp red tip that looked like a cross was on the end of each. They were puncturing the flesh of these individuals, the searing of their skin, making that awful sound of flesh being cooked. Oscar's stomach turned as the smell of rotting, burning flesh filled the air.

"Oscar Coppers! You are in front of the judge of hell! How do you plead!" Directing his attention from his surroundings, a substantial demon-like creature stood before him, his eyes seeping blood as it trickled down its charcoal-burned flesh.

"Where am I? What happened? "Oscar recalled being on Parkers Road and the storm, but the rest was foggy.

"Mr. Coopers, you took the life of an innocent child. Do you not recall what happened, sir?" The demon creature pressed its grisly hands into what appeared to be the carcass of a dead woman, her straw-thin hair scraping the ground.

The last few minutes of this dreadful night came back to Oscar. There was a small child. Their small body quickly whisked before him, wearing a bright yellow slicker. He did not have time to stop his brakes, and his judgment was severely impaired. He skidded and slid right into the child. He could hear the little boy's voice cry for help, begging him to stop. Crying, the vision was all too real and fresh for Oscar.

"Too late for tears, Mr. Coopers. We need to know your plea. There is little time here. If you do not decide within the next 2 minutes, I will enter one for you. I do have that power, you fool! "The demon brought out a brown leather book all over its surface, an army of red worms, their beady eyes staring at him, crawled about.

The demon held someone's bloody finger in his left hand. On the tip were the remains of their nail, dried blood caked on the surface. Nibbling on the blackish nail, Oscar could not help but notice the creature's teeth. They were unlike any he had ever seen in his entire life. They were bloody red and sharp like daggers. Their tips were so razor-sharp that he could hear the damage they were inflicting upon the nail of the person's finger. It was like listening to someone eat a hard nut.

"Ah, Mr. Coopers, your time is up. For once, I will be kind. I should not use those words in my position, but I will. Here is the deal, my friend. I am giving you 24 hours, no less, no more, to find someone with a sin worse than yours. Once you do, we will know, and that red anklet bracelet burning in your foot's calf will disappear. Once it does, you are a free man, my friend. "The demon suddenly had calm blue eyes replacing its dark ones.

"I do not know anyone that does such things. I do not associate with bad folks. Where would I even begin to look? "Oscar cried, tears streaming down his face.

"Sir, let me remind you your crime is that of a DUI and taking the life of a human being. DUI is a far worse offense down here. Here, you do not lose your license, but we claim your spirit where we and my many minions will torture it for eternity. I trust you will use your resources and find someone capable of taking your place. "Cackling, the creature had an eerie human-like laughter yet chilling its sound, driving a chill down Oscar's spine.

"Shit" Oscar jumped up in bed, his wife Tina staring at him with wide-open eyes.

"What's wrong, honey? Do you need something, maybe a cold drink or something?" Tina questioned, her wide sea-blue eyes staring at him.

"No, honey. I'm OK. "The bracelet burned into his calf, searing his flesh.

Twenty-four hours, Mr. Coppers. Nothing more, nothing less. He could hear that Gargoyle thing speaking in his thoughts now, his cackling laughter sending a chill through him. He wondered how he got here after last night. What all happened, Oscar wondered.

"Honey, how long have I been sleeping? "Oscar asked. Judging from the bright blue sky outside, it was well into the day.

"Oh gosh yeah, the kind officer brought you home. He said you had too much to drink, but he said he would check on you later. He was very nice. Oh, before I forget, he told me to give you this letter. He said there was something in there that would help you. "Tina handed Oscar the white envelope. Oscar could not help but feel the radiation of heat coming from inside.

Opening the letter, the paper appeared to be the skin of a human being. He could see drops of blood all over it. It stunk, too, had the putrid stink of rotting flesh. Covering his mouth, he was about to throw up when Tina gave him one of her perplexed looks. As a nurse, she was alert to discomfort, especially for those she loved and cared for.

"What's wrong? Are you OK, honey? "Tina asked, her face frowning as she leaned over his body, feeling Oscar's head. "I don't think you have a fever. Let me get the thermometer. "

" No, Tina, it's not that. I'm not sick. This paper has blood all over it and stinks like someone died on top of it. Can't you see this? "Oscar waved the form before her, wanting her to see what he was experiencing.

"No, I don't. Maybe you are still recovering from your hangover. "Tina's deep teal eyes sparkled in the early morning sunlight.

"Oh my God, I am not still drunk, Tina! Damnit! "Slamming the letter on the bed for the first time, yelling at the mother of his daughter Chelsea and the love of his life from high school, Oscar could not believe he was being so cruel.

"I am not sure what is wrong. But listen, Debbie called me in for work. I am covering for Monica, that new girl. Honestly, she is always calling out. But we need the money so I am going to work. It is a four-shift. There are some leftover meatloaf potatoes and a homemade coconut custard pie I made. Oh, don't forget Chelsea has a dentist appointment in 1 hour. Could you please take her?" Buttoning her white nurse's uniform, she gave Oscar a brief peck on his cheek as she walked out.

Oscar could not believe what he was witnessing. Tina was never this uncaring. She almost seemed cold in her approach to him. Did her eyes appear different? Was there a coldness in them, or was he overthinking everything? The Tina he knew and loved would sit down and talk to him and help him figure things out. But this version of her just got up and walked out as if nothing mattered. Since when did they need the money? He had an excellent job with his recent promotion to the Head of School Security. Tina's money was just pin money to get things she wanted. Perplexed, he watched as she walked out, her white skirt slipping through the door as she shut it behind her. Something was not right with this situation.

Bleeping away, disrupting his thoughts, Oscar's phone rang off, playing some Tina Turner song he loved, but, at this point, he could not recall the title. Across the black screen, the words UNKNOWN in capital letters were displayed. Not answering the call, thinking it was one of those pesky telemarketers working from shady call centers trying to get you to order or pay for something, he thought it best to leave that alone for now. The last thing he needed was another useless item. This house was full of shit that had never been used.

Again, the phone blared away. Again it read UNKNOWN. Ignoring it, Oscar thought it best to get Chelsea together for this appointment. Luckily, being twelve, the kid was pretty good at getting herself together and being timely. She inherited that trait from Tina; that was one trait Oscar never had. He was always rushing against the hands of time to get somewhere. He never signed in to work more than three minutes before he started.

The hallway seemed so dark and cold this morning. Sure, it was the middle of winter, but it was almost as if there was no heat. Skirting about the far end of the hall right in front of Chelsea's room, a dark shadow passed. Shaking his head, Oscar thought he was seeing things. Maybe Tina was right; whatever booze was left in him clouded all this thinking and thoughts.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy!! Mommmmmmy!! Help me!!!!!!!! Heelppppppp!! "Chelsea's screams broke through the silence with the swiftness of a fast-moving summer storm.

Oscar's defense mechanisms went on something he hadn't felt since he was in the army. Adrenaline soared through his veins as he bolted down the dark hall. Tripping over that damn tiny brown table that Tina bought at some rummage sale, nearly breaking his leg as he tumbled over it. On Chelsea's door, a white sign read Do Not Enter Unless You Ask First. He tried opening the door knob, but it would not budge. It was stuck. On the other end, he could hear the laughter or cackle of something hideous; it sounded like a creature from not of this world. Sweat trickled down his face as this monstrous thing spoke in those Crypt Keeper voices, saying he would have fun with her. Oscar put all his strength against the door. An invisible force of sorts kept the door jammed closed. Screaming, Chelsea begged for the creature to leave.

"I'm coming Chelsea! I am coming, honey! "Looking around for something more substantial to open the door with, Oscar was stopped midpoint by the presence of that Gargoyle.

"Ah, Mr. Coopers. We tried calling you, but you refused to answer our calls. I told you you have 24 hours. It is 8:45 AM, and you have been released from us since 5:45 AM. You currently have 21 hours till 5:45 PM tonight. "The creature walked up, his grisly skin seeping with blood and maggots squirming about his deformed face.

"What is it with you, man? I told you I don't know anyone that could replace me. I don't live an immoral life besides drinking, which I know isn't a crime till what I did last night. Please, I don't know anyone. "Oscar cried as Chelsea whimpered on the other side of her door.

"See, I don't think you understand Mr. Coopers. See, your spirit is not one we want. For the most part, you have lived a good life. But because of what you did last night that elevated you to our care, speak. However, since your spirit isn't incorrigible or evil, we need you to find someone to take your place. I know you said you don't know anyone, but we made some enhancements and put some things up at stake so you could do this deed with precision. "Smiling, the creature revealed a row of rotting black teeth like razor blades with a thick greenish-red liquid glistening.

"What do you mean enhancements and what stakes? I don't understand. "Oscar asked.

"Ah, let me explain. So, your previous life with a good job and income was briefly erased. Right now, you are unemployed and about to be out of benefits. Today, in about an hour, you will get a call from your good friend Jose. You know him well. "

Oscar knew Jose, and the last thing he was was a friend. Jose Chalvez was a skinny Latino kid who worked with him as a Security Guard at Northeast Middle School and who was quickly fired for hitting an eighth grader. Jose was known to deal drugs on the side, which did not come to light until the investigation. Between the two things, he was quickly dismissed.

"That is no friend of mine. He is a bad person. "Oscar responded, not wanting anything to do with Jose.

"Well, I am sorry to say you must deal with him today. In one hour he will call you. He needs you because you have a car, and he wants you to help him rob a store. He will kill someone. Once he does, all you have to do is put that bracelet that is on you on him, and we will do the rest. Problem solved. "Clapping his hands, his bloody fingers spraying the crème carpets, leaving bright red blotches everywhere.

"No way, man. I'm not doing anything with him. "

" Hmm, I beg to differ. Clyde, bring the girl here, please. I want to show our friend what is at stake here. "The creature ordered.

A towering beast with wrinkled white skin and gaping rigid teeth opened Chelsea's door. One red bulging eye was in the center of its horrid-looking face. It had a huge muscular body, and its arms were almost like huge tree bark. They were tree barks, Oscar noticed. On their ends were crooked, elongated branches that looked like claws. Though these small branches looked harmless, they gripped Chelsea's young throat firmly. The tips scratched across her pale skin. A small amount of blood trickled down her throat.

Oscar's heart jumped and skipped five beats. His legs were like rubber as if they were not attached to him. He was completely paralyzed as he watched his little girl, his only child, held captive by this beast. Clenching his fists, he wanted a piece of this oversized tree. If only he had his saw handy, he was sure he could cut the thing quickly in pieces. Its murky brown branches would scatter everywhere under his sturdy saw.

"Ah, my friend, I don't think you can fight Clyde. It would be best to do as we say, and everything will be good. We will go now. Remember what I said, Mr. Cooper. Don't fuck up, or little precious here will be torn in shreds. "With that, the Demonic Judge, with his horrible presence, disappeared into a thick cloud of red smoke.

Oscar ran into Chelsea's room. No one was there but her empty bed. He could hear her shrieking screams call out to him in his thoughts. If only he could get a hold of that creature for just thirty seconds, that is all it would take. Just thirty seconds. Fuck. Oscar slammed the wall with his fist, scattering plaster all over the floor. All this because of too many fucking drinks.

Breaking the silence, his phone chirped again. This time, it was Jose. Oscar's stomach churned as he debated whether to answer it or not. As if to remind them what was at stake, he could hear those creatures in his thoughts again, reminding him that Chelsea was hoping to come home. Do what they say, Daddy, please. Please daddddyyy.

"Hello. "Oscar answered.

"Hey man, I would never ask you this, bro, but I am in a bind. My girl needs diapers for Jose Jr. I have been out of work for so long. All I wanted to do was swipe some diapers. I know you have a car, dude. "Jose spoke in that thick accent of his.

"Fine. I will be by your place in 15 minutes. "Oscar slammed the phone down.

During the whole ride to Jose's place, Oscar plotted ways to escape this situation. Every thought came back to Chelsea, and her piercing screams for help. He envisioned Clyde stretching his daughter along one of those torture chambers in the depths of hell while she begged to be left alone. He could see her innocent pale bluish-green eyes begging for it all to stop. Banging his steering wheel, his horn blasted through the traffic, alerting the puzzled looks of drivers. If only they knew what I was going through, they wouldn't be looking this way.

Finally, what seemed an eternity landed him at Jose's house. Sure enough, the piece of shit was waiting outside, dressed in baggy jeans, a t-shirt, and a Durag wrapped around his oversized head. What looked like a gun was on Jose's pants, clipped neatly between his shirt and red boxers.

"My boy, if you know best, you will follow through. Ah, I hear Chelsea now. "The Demon judge appeared sitting in the back seat, his bloody skin soaking the brand-new Vinyl seats.

"Fuck off, man. I am doing it, aren't I? "Oscar turned around, yelling.

"Bro, you good? "Jose woke up his face looking at his former co-worker as Oscar was conversing with himself.

"Get the fuck in. Dude, get what you need and get out you get me?" Oscar asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, man. Trust me, if one of my homies were here, I would ask them before you. Besides you drinking like a fish, you're the most straight person I have ever met. I bet your ass is so clean it squeaks while you walk, bro. "Jose teased.

That was all Oscar could take. Grabbing Jose's throat, the boy had more flab there than a turkey. He had enough of a grip that he could crush the kid's throat. Oscar saw darkness flash through his eyes as he increased the pressure on the boy's throat. Crushing crushing. Jose begged for air, his short husky buddy flailing, unable to get to his gun.

"That's right, child, do it. Kill the fucker. Both of you will be with us forever. "The demon judge cackled. His presence was felt but not seen.

Grabbing Jose's gun, he took it and put it in his mouth. This was it. Oscar was not a murderer. He would never help someone else commit a crime. It went against everything he believed in.

"You win fucker. My soul is yours. Give back my daughter. "One click of the gun and Oscar felt the bullet propel through the back of his throat.

What seemed ions passed. Oscar woke up in the clutches of hell. Chained along the fire pits, a legion of demons with saw-like teeth and dagger-like tails picked away at his flesh. The Demon Judge appeared smiling, showing his daughter at home where she and his wife Tina sat in the bedroom talking.

"Mommy, where is Daddy? He has been gone for a few days now. "

" Honey, I don't know. I know me, and you will be happy now. "Tina said, combing Chelsea's long blonde hair.

"Hey, how are my favorite girls? Shall we go to Pizza Hut tonight? "Entering the room in a nice pair of silk shorts and a crisp white tee shirt stood Jose.

"What the fuck!!! "Oscar twisted in the chains, wanting to get out.

"Ah ah, Mr. Coopers. Mr. Gonzalez kindly agreed to give up his evil ways, lead a good life, and care for your family in your absence. "The Demon judge appeared on a floating red rug.

"What the fuck! That's not fair. He was worse than me. Fuck!!! He should be down here with me! "

" Ah, but who said life was fair, Mr. Coopers? Welcome home. "The demon judge flew off.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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