Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2306639-Unknown-Icarus-Sept-Oct-Collection
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #2306639
A small collection of my favorite poems I have written in September and October.
Am I so wrong?

Am I so vehemently wrong to believe,
That you, not I, are the monster indeed?
With every whispered promise and deceitful touch,
You lure innocent hearts, disguising as such.

Your words like sweet poison, an intoxicating spell,
Leaving me bewitched, transfixed in this hell.
A mask you wear, so captivating and grand,
But beneath those eyes, darkness quietly expands.

Oh, how I yearn to expose your charade,
Unmask the beast that lies in your wicked parade.
For I see the shadows dancing in your gaze,
A creature of malice, plotting in a haze.

In the depths of my soul, a flicker of doubt,
That maybe, just maybe, I've figured you out.
Though your charm may deceive the masses high,
I see through your fade, your web of lies.

Do not mistake my conviction for fear,
For I am an ember, fueled with love sincere.
I'll battle your darkness, with truth as my sword,
Until every shattered soul is carefully restored.

So don't be startled when the tides start to turn,
For justice awaits, in the lessons you'll learn.
No longer shall your deceit reign supreme,
I'll shine a light upon you, expose your wicked scheme.

Am I wrong to perceive the monster within?
No, I stand unyielding, refusing to rescind.
For truth and righteousness shall forever prevail,
And your malevolent spirit, it shall surely fail.

This Body Means Nothing

In this realm where thoughts unfurl,
Where souls and spirits swirl,
This body, though a fleeting shell,
Means nothing in the stories I tell.

For what is flesh but mere disguise,
A vessel to house secret skies?
It is not shape nor form I seek,
But the essence that makes us unique.

In realms of dreams and realms untold,
Where truths lie deep and hopes unfold,
This body fades to mere facade,
While the soul, eternal, grows unflawed.

The heart's desires, untamed and free,
Transcend the limits thou dost see.
For beauty lies not in skin's domain,
But in depths of love, hope, and pain.

This body, fragile, may bear the scars,
Yet it holds no sway on who we are.
The spirit soars above earthly bounds,
Leaving this vessel far behind, untethered and unbound.

So let us not be confined by flesh,
But seek the depths, the truths enmeshed.
For this body, however grand or small,
Means nothing compared to the souls, one and all.

Do Not Feed the She-Demon

Do not feed the she-demon for she will learn to love,
Beware the power that lies within her core.
With each morsel you offer, her hunger grows,
Her heart, once cold, shall thaw, and love will pour.

In the depths of darkness, her wicked soul resides,
A creature of shadows and torment untold.
But if you dare to tempt her with affection's tide,
She'll shed her skin of malice, a tale yet unfold.

Her eyes, once fiery embers, shall soften and gleam,
As your kindness seeps into her veins.
A gentle touch, a whispered word, a love redeemed,
Her heart, once shattered, now yearns to be tamed.

Yet, do not be deceived by this newfound grace,
For the she-demon's love is a double-edged sword.
Once awakened, it cannot be erased,
A force that binds forevermore, in one accord.

So, tread lightly, dear soul, with utmost care,
For her love is a fire that can consume.
But if you choose to nourish her, if you dare,
She'll learn to love, and you'll forever bloom.

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