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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2309024
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mystery story

Nicely furnished house on the beach of Ratnagiri. A large bangai swing in the verandah in front of the house,

Large yard,Tulsi Vrindavan. Cool air from the sea. All relaxed and stress free environment. And just her and him on that bangai swing.

She rested her head on his shoulder calmly,Look at him with love,No need for words. Love should be overflowing from the sight itself.

What a cute idea?

Vijay made this a reality,For his beloved.

Her real name is Priya,But he says dearly,Even today...
You must have wondered why I said this even today?Both had crossed fifty today. It took a long time to fulfill the dream. But fulfilling the responsibility was equally important.

Yes they have a son,format.
Today he is working as a research scientist in the robotics industry. In the West of course,Not for money,But he is invincible.
Victory of thinking to do what one likes,So is his son Swaroop. Vijay was very hard working,It still is today,Karan did not stop even today,Money was enough.
The form is the same,Like victory.
Today Swaroop would have been right on Bangai Jhu.
But.. this distance...
Vijay and Swaroop had never accepted this rift,
But it was very difficult for the beloved.

anyway,Today came the time for which both Vijay and Priya were eagerly waiting and trying was

Preye was sitting on Bangai and said to Vijay from there

oh win...How long has it been, is your tea still boiling or not??

Vijay (from the kitchen)

Oh yes yes.. what a hurry. How to talk when I was in a hurry?Do you have any patience or not? My Vijay likes tea only when it has to be boiled properly and he gets refreshed and starts working hard.
It was working then and it is still working today. Now the work has increased.


An angry,I didn't tell you,You spoke for yourself, I make tea for you

Vijay came out with two cups of tea and said with a smile

Ha ha ha ha...guys yes yes,I am kidding. I have tried to make you happy till today. And will continue to do so. Just wanted to make you aware,Who told you to be patient when the time comes? Ha ha ha ha.

Preye smiles mischievously

hey hey be nice I know

Go away or win. come soon,Just by my side.
Look how beautiful everything looks,How nice it feels.

Priya spoke taking a sip of tea,Then Vijay sat beside her.
Priya gently rested her head on his shoulder.

Look at Vijay,How beautiful everything is.
The sun is right in front of your eyes. Very fresh rays are coming on the body. Slow waves are coming to the shore,The wind is also cold. Khush is pure environment. We have never taken so much oxygen in our life. We were never destined to have such free air. There is no stress on the mind.
tell the truth?The energy is flowing, nature and I feel no difference. Golden rays of the sun,golden shore,Orange hues in the sky.
Watching a movie and seeing it in reality,There is not much difference?

Vijay was listening quietly his eyes were a little watery

yes You speak the truth.

Preye got attention and spoke

oh win,what happened?I am saying it feels so good and are you crying??


A.. I am not crying,A little water came.
Well let it go,you tell me
Don't you like all this??

Vijay actually felt his hard work paid off. The support that Priya had given him in his life so far,She was standing with him,She was facing everything,He believed in him,The love he got from her,With all of that, she wanted to give him something very nice. And she loved it when she gave it,What could be a more beautiful day than this??

Beloved spoke to him

Vijay tell you one?

Vijay said

Don't talk dear.


If you keep staring at me like that, your energy is not going to reheat that tea. It's getting cold,No drinking afterwards.

Both started laughing.

Both had finished drinking tea. Both cups were dangling with them both on the bangai. Neither of them was ready to get up. Because no one was allowed to leave this happiness. For some time both were just enjoying the atmosphere.

Dear said

If only Mini were here in my place today?




Now don't pretend to be too naive.
I have seen you with my eyes giving her flowers.


she?Your friend Minnie?What the heck??I told you then,I brought those flowers for you. And during my college days no one gave flowers to anyone so easily. So you wanted to give it to your friend. But she didn't listen to me.

Preye said with a smile

Ha ha ha ha. yes vijay,Our time was like that. But to tell you the truth, I was very upset. I really thought you gave her flowers. I cried a lot that day. Your first day of college and you gave her flowers and that too alone. I had seen it with my own eyes but some others saw it and the news spread like the wind.

Vijay getting a bit nervous

Yes, but I really had no idea that it was you It will never give flowers,I thought she would help as a good friend to both of us.

Preye stopped in the middle and said

yes Did she help?...own
Satvi took my flowers.

Preye was red with anger

Vijay said calming her down

Dear guys.. How many times have I brought you flowers since then..
And where do you get such an old thing??What a great mood you had.


You won't know Vijay,These are girls' things. It was the first time. I was waiting,I was dreaming that you would give me flowers,And she stole that dream. She still tried to turn you on the rumours. She was emotionally blackmailing you in a way.


yes It's true dear. She was making a pressure. I did not expect it at all and did not like it.

Vijay looked into Priya's eyes and started talking

There was really no sin in my mind. And I apologize then and now for what happened.


oh win,why are you apologizing I knew you then that you are very fearless and true hearted. Seeing that same quality, I said yes to you.

for marriage...


limb,are you smiling?I looked up to you as a life partner. Then he will not demand marriage. And it was done by seeing what happened as it went around,In the case of Mini. I was afraid that I would lose you forever.

darling smile

yes I knew. Actually that one sentence made me believe that you are real. And I told you yes.

How cute you said..

marry me No one can keep you as happy as I am,I am poor today but I will do whatever I want to keep you happy. One day we will be one.

Both of them couldn't stop laughing

Lost in old memories.


How innocent we are.

Vijay was sitting quietly. He was staring at a distant place. His mind was mostly confused.


what the hell?Do you change your mind now??She is not here now. Go to Australia,That too by the fourth marriage

Vijay smiles

I said we will be one one day.
Did it really happen??

Vijay was thinking seriously and thinking

Preye reassured him

A victory is never anything,The existence of that which is is also intact. We or anyone even the Supreme Being can unite with us,not one And how long this unity should last depends on both

Vijay said nodding to that

Yes it is true. My dear, I think our life is too short. If our many births and their journey are understood as a river, we are like a leaf gently floating in it. Two pages come together,Floating in a rhythm,They are traveling. It seems as if they are not two but one. I don't know what happens next.

Preye suddenly stopped him and said

And we do not know when the third page named Vijaya comes and meets us.

Vijay Bachkala

Page named Vijaya?

Preye said with a smile

Oh, you're funny. You walked away.
Come to the place

Both were silent for a while.

Dear said

Your beginning was very beautiful. We were living in a rented house on your meager salary,in chali But it was a beautiful beginning. We had an idea that both of our houses would never be ready for an inter-caste marriage. I never lacked the precious things I needed before marriage,In fact you didn't let her feel it. I was feeling great. For me and only for me, you left your life of luxury and took manual labor for me. Whose electrical work?,Antenna Fittings,You did the work of welding. Only and only for me,for your love We will be there for almost three years,yes not?
Swaroop had to leave that home when he was one and a half years old

Vijay stopped midway and spoke

But we have progressed,As they left home. Otherwise, such a big chain of Preye Resorts would not have stood up today. My beloved was able to give everything she was used to.

Preye smiled softly

yes But there are many sweet memories there,How many dreams we painted in that small room,How many chats? We had a lot of time for each other. And slowly it started to take shape. Only she knows how big news this is for a mother. Swarup started in the same house. He used to walk like a thief. In fact, my spirit is still there.

Vijay stopped midway and spoke

And false accusations also started in the same house. That leaf called Vijaya would have removed its leaves if you had not believed in me.

Preye started smiling and talking

I was very surprised. I knew how you were. So there was no question of doubt.
She used to call every other day to arrange some work.
Aho tai Vijaya bolte is it Vijaya.


And Vijay used to go immediately behind Vijaya

Vijay started explaining

guys,What was your situation then??Needed to earn money. I knew that she was lying, but she was also earning four paise. I used to do small and big fuz work to get money.


And she recovered everything once

Vijay in a disgruntled tone

yes I was accused of false theft. So she had the gold chain showing me the look I wanted,If he gives it, your accusation will be withdrawn,If not, give it to the police. Say it. I can afford it.
But really I survived because of your faith in me and the sacrifice you made for me. If you had not given her the chaplaincy of remembering your father, the matter would have been difficult.


let's go There is no one as important as you in my life. I could recognize that woman's eyes long ago. Her life was also very disturbed. The woman had lost a lot in her life and that too suddenly. People in such a bad situation are looked at. Her behavior was not surprising to me. And what was the problem if I had to do all this with just one gold chain?


But why do you remember all this now??


Oh nae, nae. You made me realize that you were working. So I also realized my love.



well Come on, it's getting hot now.
Will have to look for food.

Both got up and went inside

Both came to the kitchen. Preye was standing at one place and cooking,And Vijay was bringing her whatever she wanted.
While cooking, both of them started playing Antakshri.


I see my heart in your eyes,
Your heart is smiling in my eyes,
From a little smile to a little touch,
Everything emerges from words


will you come
remember you,Thick money
Hurhur she,Even in the heart
your eyes,on the way
will you come,Even though..
still remember me,

The gift is yours,
The visit is young,
in the rain...

Limbs wet,
Life faded,
Throbbingly both,

you breath,Be and live
will you come,my uri
your eyes,on the way
will you come,Even though


Don't you come in the form of horses in the silver sand,Do not come close to Banat,Don't you fall in love with silver glitter?,Do not fall in love or get close


Come on!!!!!


Tell me when you will know,Bhav in my mind....

Preye said slapping Vijay on the shoulder

I know very well what is on your mind

Both brought all the food on the shack in their garden. The chic shack had a dining area and four chairs just as Vijay and Priye had dreamed


oh win,Two chairs would have fit both of us


If it is necessary


So you decide to be so fat that you need two chairs alone?

Vijay started looking at Preye angrily


hahaha,Oh, I'm kidding,How sweet you look. Even the victory of the college is visible.

Saying this, Preye gave a fly kiss,And Vijay turned pink with shame like a bride.

Vijay pulled back the chair to let Priye sit

taking care of,If the screw is too loose, the chair will not fit.


Now I got used to it,And what care when you?

About seven years ago, Priya lost one of her legs in an accident and had to be fitted with an artificial leg,Since then, Vijay has been with her in her every move

Vijay feels so good. He spent his entire life in a confined house in Mumbai. And today we are so free. The taste of food has increased even more in such an airy place,The appetite is flat.

What a victory,Say something too,You don't feel any different?


You say exactly what is on my mind. I am happy to see you happy



This joy would have been twofold.

Beloved calmed down and a little serious,a bit sad


what the hell,what happened?

Why are you silent?,Tell me how the happiness would have been doubled?


Don't stay,You will not agree


guys,Try it once

Both were silent for a while


If Swarup and our future daughter-in-law were to sit on these two empty chairs?

Priya's eyes watered,She was staring into nothingness. She even forgot to eat the food in her hand.

Vijay got up and held Preiya's head tightly on his chest. Preye blushed a little and started smiling softly


darling,We both thought and let him go?He was told to let him fly free,It's really something,Let him identify himself. Now where to reward him for his work,It has started getting publicity,We should be happy with his progress.


You will not know mother's mind


well,Let's take off and relax

Both of them were on the porch for a while. was silent and silent,Vijay knew everything. Preye was reminiscing about Swarup from her heart,Now she couldn't think of anything else. So Vijay was not even trying,There was no point in disturbing her peace.

After a while Vijay spoke

Let's relax

so soon?It's half past eight now

Priya reacted

Vijay remained silent

Beloved spoke in no time

Let's go inside,Now this peace feels bad

Vijay went with her without saying anything,Both bowed their backs

Did you install the door properly??

Priya asked in a heavy voice

Yes.. don't worry rest easy

Saying this, Vijay moved his hand over Priya's head. Beloved fell into a deep sleep as if by magic

There was the sound of a glass teapot breaking

Both woke up scared
Both held each other tightly

But Vijay hurriedly picked up the stick and ran to open the door
Preye screamed loudly

stop,Let's guess there is some crisis

By then Vijay opened the door and raised his stick

Just then, a girl's voice was heard

Hey!!! Wait Wait... please wait....

I am dad mom

Preye stood behind Vijay and spoke nervously
I feel Swaroop's voice

Vijay runs and switches on the lights in the house

They see bubbles in Akhya's house,A few ribbons hanging. Some letters are partially inserted.
A blonde cute British girl,Who has ribbons on her arms and shoulders.
And near the broken glass lay the fallen form in the entanglement of Rasshi

Both Vijay and Priya made sure that this was not the case by looking at Ekmekande
And ran to him

oh baby!!! What happened??

The three hurriedly started to remove Swaroop from the entanglement of Rasshi.
The British girl untangled the knot in a flash and Swaroop was free
Both Vijay and Preye came to life,They both led the door through the broken glass and congratulated her

Now slowly both Vijay and Preye started coming to their senses

who is this girl?
oh how are you here?
What is this all about??
Why did you come like a thief??
What is this all about??
Not much if you want?

Oh mom.. wait a minute.

Swaroop stopped Priya and started talking

Give them some water,Tells everything.

Oh, you two will eat, won't you??

Vijay and Preye spoke in unison
Both could not hide their happiness,
Both eyes widened,watered down,Was overflowing with love.
His smile was limitless. Lips stretched from one ear to the other.

Then they had a guess.
This is your own son who is definitely in love.

The thought that occurred during the meal was about to come true,His son and daughter-in-law were going to sit on those empty chairs.

Both Vijay and Preye sat them on a chair and went to cook.

Their speed had doubled.
Priya's weak legs were also relieved,She was taking what she wanted before Vijay helped her
Although they did not utter words from their mouths, they spoke a lot to each other through their eyes.

What the hell dear he likes really why is just a girlfriend?

Love will be his,And she will love the look too,No girl would come this far.

Yes, but today's children can't say anything,

There is no such thing,I tell you I understand the girl's mind

Everyone sat down to eat,Everyone had eaten,But still sat down to eat a little with everyone.

There was silent silence for five to seven minutes. Swaroop was slowly smiling at mom and dad,He was happy to see them both.
and spoke

mom dad,This is Mitlinda...
We will hug her,It's easy to talk

Priya raised her face by placing her finger on Mithi's chin
She had not looked up for a long time,She was respectful like an Indian woman.
Everything seemed amazing

Mithi was a very beautiful girl. It looked British,But the eyes and hair were black. The skin was very smooth and clean.
Beloved spoke softly and lovingly

You are very beautiful.
Do you like the look??

Victory was difficult
He felt that he should not have been in such a hurry to remove the matter

Hugs to Swaroop first,She wanted to know what Preye said
Swaroop spoke

Mom said, "You are very beautiful"

Tears of joy came to Mithi's eyes,She was telling everyone that she was accepted by looking at Swaroop.

Vijay's mind changes and he realizes that Priya spoke the right thing
he said clapping his hands

Come on today the boy is set,
what the hell,Was it a surprise to say that??

no papa,The plan was different but failed.
Actually we came to wish you wedding anniversary and new place/ life.
I wanted to prepare secretly but I fell off the teepee and the glass broke and all the surprise was lost.

Swaroop replied

Papa I.. means we are planning to stay here forever

Both Vijay and Preye were finishing their meal with their minds down.
Both looked at each other smiling,They thought that they felt it,They can hear what is in their mind.
But in a moment they realized,How can both feel at the same time?

They both started looking at Swarup,With an amazing look

Mithi was a social activist for many years,He was also in politics for some time. But now she is bored.
mom dad,Earned a lot of money,The name was also done.
Now I remember the words of Swami Vivekananda
This publicity is just like pig dung
The scum that has eaten up the scum of others,Which makes no sense

Both of us are now thinking of leading a better life. I want to get married and live a happy life like you. I can adapt if there are few facilities,But the happy happy life that can be achieved in love is nowhere. Mithi is a very good girl,She will definitely make everyone happy,I will learn everything slowly,It will be difficult for a few days but everything will be fine. I will also work with papa.

mom dad,I won't walk?

Vijay and Preye looked at each other,Is it a dream or a reality??
How the dream that happened just a short time ago suddenly came true,Sarup is not in the nature of making fun or joking.
Both of them were shaking

Swaroop spoke again

Mom, Dad, we want to stay with you

Vijay and Priya immediately got up and hugged them both tightly killed

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