Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311250-Happiness-Portal-for-2024
Rated: E · Monologue · Personal · #2311250
Writing exercises with a POSITIVE view (that is my goal, anyway!)
*Snow2* January 2024 *Snow2*

January 1st 2024 -

A new year, a new page turned, at least that is my perspective. I've written out a dozen cards for Snail Mail, and will take them to the post office tomorrow, as they are closed today. I'm doing Anniversary Reviews, and going to try for 24 of them so I can get the shiny new January MB. LOL. At least that's my goal. I should also step over and do my Weekly Goals as well. I'm not going to try to burn myself out this year in writing, or getting in over my head. I won a bid for a hand written poem in the Snail Mail Auction. I will have to see about trying to put together an auction package this year, and see where it goes.

I also want to try to do at least 9 months of my game - Anagrams. I guess we shall see how that goes as well. I want to be a positive influence this year. I was very up and down last year.

Jan 2nd

I'm up to 358 CR on my account. That's pretty cool to me. I've been reading some Charlie Brown cartoons as well as Calvin and Hobbes. They bring a smile to my face. I'm adding a couple of GIPHYs today

Here's hoping everyone is doing well.

Jan 3rd

Well, I was asked by our resident monkey, Andre' how do I feel about writing 300 words (min) per day? My answer was 367 words, *Smirk* So I think I answered that in the affirmative...LOL. Anyway I am feeling pretty good about what I've set out for myself to accomplish this year; without overdoing anything, of course...that and depending how far my muse Marbles wanders this year. I guess I really should crochet a leash for her...yeah, like that's gonna happen *Rolling* Tomorrow is the first Thankful Thursday of the year, so I will write out that list on the morrow. Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful day. Gonna be chilly out this coming week...Stay warm!

January 4th

Up a little later than I wanted to be, but I'm UP! I found out that there is a Global Stamp that I can get for card/letter to my overseas friends. Cool beans! I say.

Thankful Thursday (Jan 4th)

First Thankful Thursday. I am thankful for the following:
My life
My kids
My faith in God
My parents who are still with me (ages 76 and 80)
My Grandkids.
My friends on WDC.

This is not an exhaustive list, but these are near and dear to my heart.

Jan 5th missed this day, but was able to get out of the house and do a little walking. Of course this is in conjunction with grocery shopping, but at least I didn't use a motorized buggy.

Jan 6th a quiet and cool day. Made bkfst for the kiddos. Going to church tomorrow, and that makes me glad.

Jan 7th

got to go to church today, and it was uplifting. Watched my son play Madden Football and had fun. My football team that I root for - The Detroit Lions - won their last game of the regular season. They are 12w-5L on the season and have a spot in the playoffs.

Jan 8th

Got a bit done today, and I'm a little worn. But have plans to have a friend over for dinner Wed Night. Here's some of what I got done...
"Busy, Busy, Busy!

I may have to break this up into monthly works at this rate...

Jan 9th

Got a bit done this morning - after playing a game (Homescapes) on the computer. Made eggrolls, bread, croissants, finished cooking ham and bean soup, tomorrow night's dinner planned, a gallon of sweet tea and have dishes done, a shower. Just have to sweep and mop floors tonight or tomorrow morning.

Jan 10th - missed writing, but did some house cleaning.

Jan 11th

Working on laundry, dishes and cooking dinner. Feel SO MUCH better now that whatever bug hit me has gone *Sick* .

Thankful Thursday (1-11)

I am thankful for my health being restored to me - heart and just everyday health.

January 12th

First week of Pantry Challenge done, and chicken/dumplings on tap for dinner. Not looking forward to yucky weather coming or colonoscopy on Monday, but that's a different story.

January 13th

Missed this day, not a whole lot going on. Preparing to be hungry for Sunday, as can only have clear broth or green jello along with prep for colonoscopy on Monday.

Jan 14th

Prep done, and I'm hungry, but my daughter will take me out for lunch after procedure tomorrow. I may just call it an early night. I'm glad that my doctor's appts are only "maintenance" now.

Jan 15

Was at hospital most of the day - had a colonoscopy. They found 3 polyps, and removed them, so those are being tested. I'm glad that is over with!

Jan 16th

Slept in most of the day, feeling pretty good. Have to catch up on some things, but all in all - pretty good spirits! So ready to start complaining about it being too hot! LOL



Thankful Thursday (1-18)

Thankful Thursday (1-25)

Happy List for January

1. Heart function has improved (still considered CHF, but I'm better than I was last year!)
2. That my children love and care for me.
3. That my Redeemer lives, and that I matter to Him.
4. That my favorite football team (Detroit Lions) made it to the play-offs...I hope they go far! *Football*


*Heartp*February 2024*HeartP*

Thankful Thursday (2-1)

Thankful Thursday (2-8)

Thankful Thursday (2-15)

Thankful Thursday (2-22)

Thankful Thursday (2-29) Leap Day!

Happy List for February

*Shamrock* March 2024 *Shamrock*

Thankful Thursday (3-7)

Thankful Thursday (3-14)

Thankful Thursday (3-21)

Thankful Thursday (3-28)

Happy List for March

*Rain* April 2024 *Rain*

Thankful Thursday (4-4)

Thankful Thursday (4-11)

Thankful Thursday (4-18)

Thankful Thursday (4-25)

Happy List for April

*FlowerY* May 2024 *FlowerY*

Thankful Thursday (5-2)

Thankful Thursday (5-9)

Thankful Thursday (5-16)

Thankful Thursday (5-23)

Thankful Thursday (5-30)

Happy List for May

*Pipe* June 2024 *Pipe*

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for June

*Fireworks1* July 2024 *Fireworks1*

Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for July

*Sun* August 2024 *Sun*

Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()
Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for August

*Pencil* September 2024 *Pencil*

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for September

*Ghost* October 2024 *Ghost*

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for October

*Turkey* November 2024 *Turkey*

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for November

*SantaHat* December 2024 *SantaHat*

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Thankful Thursday ()

Happy List for December

© Copyright 2024 AmyJo- back to basics again! (ajar0627 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311250-Happiness-Portal-for-2024