Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311283-A-Letter-to-myself
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Activity · #2311283
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Dear Me,

Happy 2024! As the confetti settles and the echoes of last year fade, I can't help but feel a thrill like the first crackle of a firework. This year, my friend, we're not just aiming for sparks, we're going for a full-blown fireworks display!

Remember those big dreams we whispered to the midnight sky last New Year's? Let's dust them off, give them a good polish, and set them ablaze! Here's what's on my mind:

Adventure, Ahoy! This year, the world is my oyster (and I'm not just talking about the yummy ones at our favorite seafood stall). I'm craving new horizons, whether it's trekking through a hidden jungle, navigating bustling foreign streets, or simply camping under a sky full of unfamiliar stars. Let's push our boundaries, stretch our comfort zones, and collect stories like seashells on a sun-drenched beach.

Creativity Unleashed! Remember that dusty paintbrush in the corner, the blank pages yearning for your stories, the melodies begging to be born? It's time to unleash the inner artist! Whether it's painting vivid landscapes, penning heart-wrenching poems, or strumming out soul-stirring tunes, let's make this year a canvas for our creativity. Don't worry about perfection, just let the passion flow and surprise yourself!

Kindness Makes a Splash! The world needs a little more sparkle, doesn't it? This year, let's be the ones who sprinkle it around. Random acts of kindness, big or small, can make a world of difference. Offer a helping hand, spread a smile, lend a listening ear – let's be the ripples that create a wave of positivity.

And of course, amidst all the adventure and ambition, let's not forget to cherish the simple joys. Sunsets, laughter with loved ones, quiet moments lost in a good book – these are the treasures that truly enrich our lives.

Remember, TheactualTreasure, this year is ours to conquer! Let's face it with open hearts, brave spirits, and a generous sprinkle of laughter. Let's make 2024 a year of vibrant colours, soaring dreams, and memories that light our way for years to come.

Can't wait to see what magic we create!

With cheers and endless hugs,


~ Word Count Results ~
A Letter to myself
Full Counts
All Words: 356
2+ Letters: 337
3+ Letters: 296
4+ Letters: 234
5+ Letters: 153
6+ Letters: 113

Text Lines: 10
Blank Lines: 10
Total Lines: 21
Most Used
4+ Letter Words
lets: 8
year: 7
this: 5
that: 4
ones: 3
remember: 3
them: 3
just: 3
world: 3
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311283-A-Letter-to-myself