Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312336-Souls-Adrift
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #2312336
The battle with darkness and depression
In shadows deep, where light retreats,
A haunting silence, where darkness meets.
A soul adrift, in the vast unknown,
Depression's grasp, a heart overthrown.

A somber melody in the quiet air,
Echoes of despair, a heavy despair.
The world, a canvas painted in gray,
In the depths of sorrow, lost in dismay.

A labyrinth of thoughts, a tangled maze,
Where hope falters in a dim-lit haze.
A heavy burden upon shoulders worn,
A storm within, a tempest, silently torn.

Through tear-streaked windows of the soul,
Glimmers of light, an elusive goal.
Yet shadows linger, a relentless tide,
A battle waged where emotions hide.

The weight of sadness, an anchor's pull,
Drowning whispers in a sea so full.
Aching bones, a wearied mind,
In the abyss of solitude, one is confined.

But hold on, dear heart, through the night,
For even in darkness, stars ignite.
In the quietude, find strength within,
A resilient spirit, ready to begin.

Embrace the echoes of a distant song,
The promise of dawn when nights are long.
For in the depth of despair's cruel art,
Hope can mend a broken heart.

So let the tears fall like gentle rain,
Washing away the anguish, the silent pain.
In the cocoon of healing, slowly arise,
A phoenix within, with newfound skies.
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