Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316130-The-Rise-of-Azazel-chapter-one
by Ton
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #2316130
Edge lord alert!!
In the realm where demons prowled and dragons reigned, there existed a being known as Azazel. Once human, he had been resurrected as a demon in the dark territories of the underworld. What set Azazel apart from his kin was his possession of the rare and fearsome skill known as [Gluttony]. This ability allowed him to consume and assimilate the powers of others, rendering him a formidable force. At the same time, he felt different because he had no compassion for his kin or any of his kind, and his mind was set on something. Azazel's soul burned with a thirst for vengeance hotter than the fires of the underworld. In his former life, he had been a valiant warrior, only to meet his demise at the hands of a group of dragons, the most formidable creatures in the realm. Now, driven by his desire for retribution, Azazel embarked on a quest to consume the powers of the dragons who had once bested him.

As Azazel journeyed through the demon territories, he encountered a myriad of powerful beings, each possessing unique and potent abilities. With but a touch, Azazel could absorb these skills, incorporating them into his repertoire. His power swelled with each skill he consumed, transforming him into a force to be reckoned with. Yet, the dragons were not so easily vanquished. Sensing Azazel's presence, they dispatched their mightiest champions to confront him. The battles that ensued were fierce and savage, shaking the very foundations of the realm. However, Azazel's [Gluttony] knew no bounds. One by one, he overcame the dragons, devouring their powers and growing ever more formidable with each victory. As Azazel pressed further into the demon territories, the landscape grew increasingly hostile. He traversed treacherous terrain, where rivers of molten lava wound their way through the land and towering mountains belched forth plumes of flame. Despite the dangers, Azazel pressed on, his determination unyielding. Along his journey, Azazel faced not only the dragons' wrath but also the challenges posed by other demons who sought to test their mettle against him. These confrontations were brutal and unforgiving, pushing Azazel to the brink of his abilities. Yet, each time, he emerged victorious, his [Gluttony] allowing him to consume the powers of his adversaries and grow ever stronger.

As Azazel approached the lair of the dragons who had once slain him, he knew that his ultimate confrontation was at hand. The dragons, sensing his approach, unleashed their full might in a bid to defend their territory. The ensuing battle was cataclysmic, with the earth trembling and the skies ablaze with fiery fury. Despite the dragons' formidable power, Azazel proved to be their undoing. With each dragon he defeated, his own power grew, until at last, only the mightiest of the dragons remained. This colossal beast, with scales as hard as diamond and breath as hot as the sun, posed the greatest challenge yet to Azazel's quest for vengeance. But even this mighty dragon could not withstand Azazel's relentless assault. With a final, thunderous roar, the dragon fell, its powers flowing into Azazel like a torrent of molten lava. Azazel had achieved his vengeance, or so he had thought. As it turns out the dragon, he had slain was one of the weakest of all the dragons. Azazel returns to the demons as their ruler but continues his quest for vengeance. Azazel set out to devour the powers of the dragons who had slain him. As Azazel traveled through the demon territories, he encountered many powerful beings, each with their own unique [Skills]. With a single touch, Azazel could consume these skills, adding them to his own arsenal. His power grew with each skill he absorbed, and soon he became a force to be reckoned with. Eventually, Azazel faced the mightiest dragon of them all, the Dragon King. The battle that ensued was cataclysmic, shaking the very foundations of the realm. But in the end, Azazel emerged victorious, having consumed the Dragon King's powers and become the most powerful being in the realm.

With his revenge complete, Azazel stood atop the smoldering ruins of the dragon territories, a true demon king. But even as he basked in his victory, Azazel knew that his hunger would never be sated. He would forever be consumed by [Gluttony], always seeking out new powers to devour, always thirsting for more. As Azazel's power grew, so too did his reputation. Tales of his conquests spread far and wide, reaching the ears of beings from other realms. Some were envious of his power, while others saw him as a threat that needed to be eliminated. From the depths of the void, new enemies emerged, beings from other worlds even stronger than the dragons. They were ancient and powerful, with skills and abilities that surpassed anything Azazel had faced before. They saw Azazel as a challenge, a being whose powers they coveted for themselves. These new enemies launched a relentless assault on Azazel's territories, their armies vast and their powers formidable. Azazel fought bravely, using his [Gluttony] to consume the skills of his foes and turn their own powers against them. But for every enemy he defeated, two more seemed to take its place.

The war raged on for years, with no end in sight. Azazel fought with all his might, but even he began to feel the strain of constant battle. His powers were vast, but they were not limitless. As the enemy forces closed in around him, Azazel knew that he would have to find a way to turn the tide or risk being overwhelmed. The relentless assault of the new enemies pushed Azazel to his limits. Despite his best efforts, he found himself forced to retreat, his territories in ruins, and his forces decimated. With his enemies closing in, Azazel knew that he had to gather his strength and plan his next move carefully. As Azazel retreated to the safety of his remaining territories, he could feel the weight of his failures pressing down on him. The loss of his lands and his people weighed heavily on his heart, but he knew that he could not afford to dwell on them. He needed to focus on finding a way to defeat his enemies once and for all. It was during this time of reflection that the new enemy's leader, Retus the Ruler of Captais, made his move. With a single, devastating strike, Retus split Azazel's kingdom in half, parting the clouds and splitting one of the seven great moons in half. The sheer power of Retus's attack was staggering, and it sent shockwaves throughout the realm. Azazel knew that he had underestimated his enemy. Retus was not just a conqueror; he was a force of nature, capable of wielding powers that rivaled even Azazel's own. With his kingdom in ruins and his people scattered, Azazel knew that he had to act quickly if he was to have any hope of defeating Retus and reclaiming his lost lands. With his kingdom in ruins and his people scattered, Azazel knew that he had to act quickly if he was to have any hope of defeating Retus and reclaiming his lost lands. He retreated to one of the seven great moons that had not been destroyed and sought solace in the ruins of an ancient city that had been built long before even the elder dragons.

In the heart of the ancient city, Azazel found what he was looking for a [CEU DAN], an orb that had the power to transform into a weapon based on the wielder's skill. As Azazel's [Gluttony] skill interacted with the orb, it absorbed all the souls stored within his [Gluttony] and transformed into a radiant abyssal blade with a dark purple hue and an Eldritch aura. This blade, named the Blade of Hunger, pulsed with untold power, and Azazel knew that it would be his key to defeating Retus. With the Blade of Hunger in hand, Azazel leaped from the moon of agony back to the world below. As he descended, the blaze erupted in a blinding explosion of energy, heralding his return to his fallen kingdom. The once-great city now lay in ruins, overrun by Retus's forces. But Azazel was undeterred. With the Blade of Hunger at his side, he strode into the heart of the city to challenge Retus to a rematch.

As Azazel entered the old throne room, he felt a sudden pressure from Retus. The air seemed to thicken around him, and he could sense the immense power radiating from his opponent. Upon seeing Azazel, Retus chuckled, mocking him for daring to come back and try again. However, when Azazel pulled out the Blade of Hunger, Retus's demeanor shifted. He sensed the danger emanating from the blade and realized that Azazel was not to be underestimated. Retus knew that the Blade of Hunger was as powerful as a [World Item], a legendary artifact from his own world. Retus was not foolish enough to face Azazel and his Blade of Hunger barehanded. With a swift motion, he summoned a small portal, just large enough for him to reach through and grab his own [World Item]. As he pulled it out, two katanas appeared in his hands, each clad in different jewels—one in white shining jewels emitting a pure white light, and the other in dark purple jewels creating a dark aura around it. As Retus unsheathed both katanas, the sheer presence of the weapons was overwhelming. The castle walls around them crumbled away into dust as if they had never existed. Retus was now fully prepared to face Azazel and his Blade of Hunger in a battle that would shake the very foundations of the realm.

Without the confining castle walls, the beauty of the night sky in the demon realm shone down on them. All seven great moons, even the one that had been cut in half, glimmered with light. However, this serene moment was short-lived as Retus wasted no time and charged at Azazel with a fierce determination. Sensing the tremendous bloodlust and danger emanating from Retus, Azazel instinctively moved his body, jumping back three kilometers and breaking the sound barrier. The already destroyed city crumbled further under the shockwave of his movement. However, in a single nanosecond, Azazel was decapitated by Retus's swift strike. As Azazel's head fell to the ground, he plunged his sword, the Blade of Hunger, into the ground, creating a large crater. The blade's power allowed him to reconnect his head to his body, a testament to its incredible abilities. With each absorption, Azazel grew a little stronger, but it still wasn't enough to defeat Retus.

Azazel got back up and swung the Blade of Hunger at Retus, but his attack was parried by the Blade of Light, which had the power of repulsion. The clash of the two blades sent shockwaves through the realm, freezing time for a split second as the power from their swings rippled through the fourth dimension. The ripples from the clash of their blades had affected Azazel severely, but Retus seemed unfazed by the disturbance. Azazel's whole arm had been mutilated by the power of the clash, but his extreme infinite regeneration saved his arm from being vaporized. Despite the pain, Azazel knew he had to press on if he had any hope of defeating Retus. Retus, seeing an opportunity, lifted up his hand and struck down with the Blade of Dark, which had the power to absorb things. The blade pulled Azazel closer to him, setting him up for a finishing blow. With a swift strike, Retus aimed for Azazel's head once again, intent on ending the battle. However, Azazel managed to parry the strike at the last moment, countering with a swift movement of his own. The Blade of Hunger grazed Retus on the cheek, leaving a deep gash. Retus recoiled from the strike, surprised by Azazel's resilience and Strength. The Blade of Hunger's absorption had chipped away at Retus's power, and he knew that if Azazel had landed a deeper slash, he would have started to overpower him. Retus realized that he needed to start using more of his power now that Azazel had drawn his blood.

With a determined look, Retus unleashed the chains around his neck. As the chains fell to the ground, they shattered the world around them. These chains had been keeping his true power locked away, and now that they were removed, Retus's full strength was unleashed. The sheer force of Retus's released power was staggering; even Azazel could feel the immense pressure emanating from him. Retus knew that if Azazel even scratched him in this state, Azazel would have grown three million times stronger than Retus in his chained form. As the chains fell to the ground, they shattered reality itself. When Azazel opened his eyes, he found himself in a plane of pure emptiness, with only him and Retus standing face to face. The world around them had been stripped away, leaving nothing but the two warriors and the vast emptiness that surrounded them.

Azazel could feel the immense power radiating from Retus. The removal of the chains had unleashed his full strength, and Azazel knew that he was facing an opponent unlike any he had ever encountered before. Despite the odds, Azazel stood his ground, determined to emerge victorious no matter the cost. Retus stared at Azazel with cold, calculating eyes. He knew that this battle would decide the fate of the realm that no longer existed, but he was still prepared to emerge victorious. With a swift motion, Retus lunged at Azazel, his blades gleaming with a deadly light and darkness.

Azazel had seen Retus's attack coming, but he couldn't react in time. The emptiness around him was suddenly filled with countless black holes, appearing both inconceivably close and far from him at once. As Retus's blades sliced through him, Azazel felt the overwhelming gravitational pull of the black holes threatening to tear him apart. Despite the intense pain and the overwhelming forces acting upon him, Azazel's newfound strength from the chained Retus allowed him to survive. With a tremendous effort, Azazel managed to push back against the forces of the black holes, resisting their pull and keeping himself intact. As the black holes began to dissipate, Azazel stood battered and bruised but alive. He knew that he had been given a second chance, and he vowed to make the most of it. With a roar of defiance, Azazel charged at Retus, his Blade of Hunger gleaming with a newfound intensity. Azazel's sudden charge caught Retus off guard, and he managed to land a few solid blows with the Blade of Hunger. However, Retus quickly regained his composure and retaliated with a devastating counterattack. With a swift motion, Retus blew three holes into Azazel's chest, causing him to stagger back in pain. But Retus wasn't finished yet. With a cruel smile, he used his powers to replace the flesh that was once in Azazel's chest with black holes. The black holes pulsed with dark energy, threatening to consume Azazel from the inside out. Despite the overwhelming pain and the darkness threatening to engulf him, Azazel refused to give up. Drawing on the last reserves of his strength, he focused his energy into the Blade of Hunger, channeling all of his power into a single, desperate attack.

With a mighty swing, Azazel unleashed a wave of energy that tore through Retus's defenses and struck him with full force. The impact was devastating, sending Retus flying backward and leaving him severely weakened. As Azazel began to regenerate from his wounds, he noticed that Retus had already healed himself using the power of the Blade of Light. The realization struck Azazel that this battle would no longer be one-sided. He had gained a tremendous boost in power from absorbing Retus's abilities, and he could feel the energy coursing through him, pushing his limits to the brink. But as Azazel's power continued to surge, he felt his body straining to contain it. The sheer magnitude of the energy was too much for his current form to handle. With a blinding flash of light, Azazel underwent a transformation unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

His body twisted and contorted, reshaping itself into a form more befitting a legendary ruling-class demon. Azazel's new form was taller, more muscular, and more human-like, with dark, ethereal wings sprouting from his back. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and his skin radiated with a dark aura. With his transformation complete, Azazel stood before Retus in his new, more powerful form. He knew that this battle would be the ultimate test of his strength and determination. With a roar that shook the very foundations of the realm, Azazel launched himself at Retus, ready to unleash his newfound power in a final, decisive blow.

As Azazel and Retus clashed once again, Azazel managed to land a solid blow, stabbing right through Retus's torso. However, to Azazel's surprise, this wasn't enough to fatally wound Retus. The sheer resilience of his opponent was staggering, and Azazel realized that he would have to find another way to defeat him. Retus, sensing that the tide of the battle was turning against him, made a decision. He knew that the longer they fought, the more likely he was to lose. With a swift motion, Retus touched his blades together, causing a black hole and a white hole to converge at once.

The two opposing forces created a powerful vortex, opening a portal to countless realms beyond. Retus knew that he could use this portal to escape, regroup, and perhaps even find a way to return and defeat Azazel once and for all. With a final glance at Azazel, Retus stepped through the portal, disappearing into the unknown. Azazel stood alone in the empty plane, Staring into the glowing light of the portal. He knew that the battle was far from over and that Retus would likely return one day, stronger and more determined than ever.

With Retus gone and nothing left in his own world, Azazel made a decision. He would leave his empty world behind and seek out a new path in a different realm. Stepping into the portal created by Retus, Azazel found himself transported to another world entirely. As Azazel emerged into this new world, he sensed that something was amiss. It seemed that Retus had also made his way to a different world than this world, determined to stay under the radar for the time being, Azazel decided to hide his true power and blend in with the inhabitants of this new realm. Taking on a more human-like appearance by hiding his wings and aura, Azazel set out to explore this new world and discover what secrets it held. Little did he know that his journey was far from over, and that new challenges and adversaries awaited him in this unfamiliar land...
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