Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316150-Pride-never-prevails
Rated: E · Review · Arts · #2316150
Learning to unlearn
I used to try and hide behind a shield that I would wield called pride.
Its saved me from experiencing excruciating pain a countless amounts of times.
But now its starting to show all its wear and lose its once bright shine.

I used to view its ability to protect me as a strength in this fight.
But when I put it down to my side and face mother natures blade I realized,
I move freely and avoid her strike's in more effective ways without its weight to restrict my stride.

Sometimes its easier to set everything aside and run towards the fight blind,
so you don't die in fear living with the anticipation of what might.

But I think I've got a few pieces of my protective set I've not even tried to get rid of yet.
its Ironic I thought all this armour's coverage could deflect an impact,
and Its sadly funny that it just makes me even more susceptible to exactly that.

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