Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316614-The-Bank-of-Ganga
Rated: E · Fiction · Nature · #2316614
I wrote this after visiting the bank of the river. It just hit the imagination after that.
Stars were twinkling, and they were dancing, back and forth, round in circles like a ballet dancer, trying to just go with the flow but the destiny desired otherwise, and they had to silently stay. They were silent but the glimmer they had was speaking volumes, their shine resembled that of a polished gold kept under sunlight, the beams reflecting in all directions and imparting the beauty contained inside it, to the world around, which is so blinded by just the glow that it forgets to take and soak the real matter, the precious gold that constituted and symbolized the precious matter of hearts.

Around the tiny little stars, was a sheath, a layer of absolute shine, the one that is difficult to look at, and from where the stars probably fell out, that shield of glimmer protected them, created a nice background for them, and also made them stand out and to take the lead role. The sight of this is one of its own kind, lasting since many years with the same grace and would continue forever.

The stars too had to disappear though. After continuous tries of being in sync with the flow they get tired, they stop trying and then, at the end of each day realize, that somehow their creator had really moved them, and they are not at the same place as the start, they get amused and confused. They seeked the answers from the flow but it just flowed away silently, knowing that it could not give a guarantee.

The stars are left behind again. They prayed and wondered, they thanked and surrendered and found themselves up in the sky. The sky greeted them, and they smiled. They stayed in order, just like the obedient kids, still intrigued at what’s happening.

The brightest one is saying something, “Look, the flow is there, so distant. We are free of it and we don’t have to care. Our creator is here, let’s unite with him and let the flow, flow as long as its wish.” And everyone agreed, they prayed and prayed and made a wish, ‘Dear creator, let us be with you, we all are dim, and we need you, save us from the flow and this empty dark and please tell us the truth so we can get our glimmer back.’

They all prayed the whole night and when they opened their eyes, they saw an unexpected sight.

They were again on top of flow, their glimmer back and the blinding sheath in full glow. Their creator was behind them, and they were emerging from him. The dark is gone, and the fullness surrounded, and the sky looked at them from the above and it felt like she said, ‘It’s the magic stars, will greet you again soon at the end of the day.’

They finally realized that they are on the surface of the holy river, their creator, the sun is moving up in the sky and they are its reflection striking the surface of the divine that sustains life. And that dark was not ominous, it is their only truth, their own space. They realized their fleeting existence on the flow and also their duties. They no longer are flabbergasted and no longer tried to move with the flow, they left everything on the sun and just kept enjoying the view. At night, the sky greeted them again with a humble and victorious smile and today they did not seem nervous or surprised. They stay calm and bow their heads, take their respective places and start looking beyond self.

They became the guide, after gaining all the maturity and truth, and kept guiding people who needed it on the earth. Their sun guided people in the day and stars took over his duty at night. Queen of sky, the moon was impressed with their work too, and together they became such an ornament that sky could never let go.

Love blossomed and radiated all around, the human still blinded by the glimmer, leaving the real gold, the love, on the ground.

Everyone’s smiling and the sight stays mesmerizing.

Fear shall be gone from the one who looks at this sight, everything is perfect here, everything just so aligned, it’s holy for this reason I guess that the bank of Ganges is divine.
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