Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2316618-Ink-Bleeds-Black
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2316618
The scribe loses his touch and finds strength in forgotten clay tablets to tell his story.
The air hung heavy. It was a tapestry woven with the sweet decay of paper, the musty tang of dust, the utterance of forgotten tales and the ghosts of ambitions left to wither. In the labyrinthine library, skeletal giants, their spines groan-laden with leather-bound tomes, loomed from towering shelves; once a source of endless fascination, now felt like a menacing forest. Among them, folded deeper into his hunched posture, was Jasper. He ran a hand over his face, the wrinkles etched there like a map of lost battles. Age had bent his once-proud spine, curving it into a question mark that mirrored the uncertainty gnawing at him. Jasper’s once-bright eyes, dimmed by time, searched the endless rows of books. He was a man swallowed by the immensity of his domain, a king of ancient knowledge whose reign had begun to crumble.

The library had been his sanctuary. Walls lined with stories, each one whispered a promise of adventure, knowledge or escape. For decades, Jasper had been the weaver of words between the silent sentinels of the library and the living world. Countless stories flowed through his nimble hands, meticulously translated from dusty tongues of forgotten empires into elegant script. But time, a sly thief, had stolen his nimbleness. His hands, once instruments of precision as they danced across the parchment, now trembled like fallen leaves in a winter wind. The well of ink, once his constant companion, sat neglected, its once ebony liquid a crusty oblivion. A cruel reminder of a skill he was slowly losing. The act of writing, once a well-rehearsed choreography perfected over a lifetime, had become a forgotten melody in the fog of his mind.

But, amidst the wreckage of his own decline, a tiny ember flickered to life - a spark, defiant and bright, ignited in Jasper’s weary eyes. He wouldn’t go gently into that good night, another silent figure swallowed by the vastness of the library, faded into a mere footnote. This story, the one blooming within him, fierce and vibrant as a wildflower pushing through the cracked pavement, wouldn't be penned with a flowing script on flawless paper. It wouldn't be some grand epic or a sterile historical account. It would be a testament, a raw and honest account of a life spent breathing life into the whispers of the past.

With a determination that surprised even himself, Jasper navigated the creaking labyrinth to a forgotten corner. Here, amongst discarded goose feathers and ink-strained parchment scraps, lay a forgotten treasure - a stack of weathered clay tablets. Unlike the smooth favoured tablets of the younger scribes, they were rough and uneven, each bearing the faint imprint of his grandfather’s calloused fingers. They were imperfect, but they were his.

His grandfather, a wandering bard with a voice that wove magic with every word, had filled Jasper’s childhood with tales spun by flickering firelight. The memory, bittersweet and potent, flooded back with the cool touch of the clay. It wasn’t just the texture that resonated; it was the echo of his grandfather’s spirit, urging him to share his own story. He remembered every word.
Slowly, with a tremor in his fingers, Jasper began to work. His fingers, though not as nimble as they once were, began to shape and mould the clay with a growing sense of purpose. He wasn’t just crafting shapes; he was sculpting his legacy, a testament carved in the enduring grit of earth. With each tale he spun, each impression, each mark, Jasper felt the weight of years fall away, replaced by a sense of purpose that burned brighter than any flame.

As Jasper pressed his final mark into the clay, a sense of completion washed over him. He wasn’t just leaving a record of his life; he felt a strange connection to the tablets as if they held the potential for something more. The library, once a silent tomb where knowledge slept undisturbed, pulsed with a newfound energy. The shadows seemed to contort in the flickering lamplight, and the air thrummed with an unseen force.

Driven by an inexplicable urge, Jasper placed the finished tablet on the pedestal in the centre of the main hall, a cold sweat slicking his palms despite the chill of the library. As he did, a low hum, a malevolent thrumming that had gnawed at his sanity, escalated into a deafening roar throughout the room. The dust motes whirled in a frenzy and coalesced into writhing, shadowy figures that convulsed in a grotesque parody of ballet on the stone floor. Panic, icy and sharp, clawed at Jaspter’s throat.

The air shimmered, not with a soft luminescence, but with an unholy green glow that cast macabre shadows across the room. A translucent figure materialised in the centre of the room, its form shifting and reforming like smoke. The figure wasn't a benevolent guardian, but a skeletal monstrosity draped in tattered robes, its eyes burning embers in the gloom. Its voice, a rasping chorus of whispers from forgotten tongues, echoed through the cavernous hall.

"The slumbering tales have awakened," it boomed, the floorboards groaning under its unseen weight. "A new story has been added, a tale of ambition and folly."

Jasper's heart hammered against his ribs. This wasn't the guardian he'd imagined. This was a horror from the depths of the library's secrets, a creature bound to the stories it held captive. The weathered tablet in its bony hand pulsed with an unnatural light, the symbols twisting and writhing as if alive. The figure extended a hand, its form solidifying into a weathered clay tablet etched with unknown symbols.

"The choice is yours, scribe," the entity hissed, its voice a chorus of chilling whispers that wormed into his mind.

"Become another threadbare tome on a forgotten shelf, or surrender your very essence to sate the library's insatiable maw for knowledge. The decision is yours, but remember, stories have a way of consuming their authors."

The smile that had played on Jasper's lips moments ago vanished. He looked at the vast collection of stories, once his solace, now a looming threat. Had he unleashed a horror far greater than anything he could have imagined? The air crackled with anticipation, the weight of his decision threatening to crush him.

"Tell me" he rasped, his voice firm with newfound purpose, "where do I begin?"
© Copyright 2024 Tori Purchase (t.p2004 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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