Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2321307-The-Flower
Rated: E · Fiction · Animal · #2321307
Emma warns the herd
Emma grinned at the swishing tails and stamping hooves of the herd. They looked so content grazing on the pink palfrey flowers that she hated to disturb them. She bit her lip and sighed. A cool breeze caught the sound and carried it, causing a white mare’s ears to twitch back. Emma realized she’d been found out. With a grin, she stepped out from hiding.

“I’m so glad I found you, Miri.” Emma nodded at her friend. “I came as quickly as I could to warn your herd stallion...if he’ll hear me.” She felt a wiggle of doubt in her stomach. Dante was wild and unpredictable. He could welcome her, a lowly human, into his fold with indifference or stamp her into the dust like he would a deadly desert viper.

Miri tossed her head and her white mane sparkled under the sunlight. Emma followed the horse’s gaze to the edge of the clearing where a dark stallion guarded with watchful eyes. Emma swallowed nervously. Dante. She was wondering if she should go to him or wait for him to acknowledge her when Miri gave her a gentle nudge with her nose. Emma stumbled a step and then kept moving forward, past two rambunctious foals, threading her way past several fillies that shook their heads in seemingly disbelief of her existence.

Dante’s figure loomed larger as she bridged the gap between them. She bowed her head in respect when her feet brought her to a stop in front of his massive form.

“Sire,” she risked glancing up and found his steady gaze fixed on her. “I apologize for invading your herd but I had urgent news that couldn’t wait.” She caught her breath when Dante shifted, lowered his head, and snorted into her face. Fighting back the sudden urge to giggle, Emma continued her prepared speech.

“You know my father. He has regaled me, since my birth, with stories how you and he used to travel across all the world of Ziz, together. Bonded as brothers.”

Dante nodded. He turned his eyes to the horizon and Emma imagined he was agreeing with her, remembering the joy of his youth.

“He’s not to be trusted,” Emma whispered. Dante’s head jerked back and he stamped a hoof, surprised.

“I overheard father plotting with his brother and king, Gerwulf. They have conspired to lure you and your herd with the palfrey flowers and enslave you. To use you as battle steeds to conquer the seven worlds.” Fear of her father and her uncle and outrage caused Emma’s voice to tremble.

Dante’s ears had flown back toward his head. His teeth, bared, had Emma stumbling back. She fell to her rear, a plume of dust poofing around her body. She waited for Dante to rear and crush her but when he turned away, she realized his anger wasn’t directed at her. Emma’s heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest but she forced herself to stand. Her legs wobbled as Dante paced in front of her. He seemed to calm as Miri trotted over and stood next to her.

“I can delay them, but only for a day. Maybe two,” Emma said. “Enough time for you to get the herd to the Amethyst Bridge and cross to another planet. Father would never dare to destroy the bridges. He and Uncle Gerwulf will need them, if they wish their plans to be successful. But that just means you can stay one step ahead of them as they’ll never know what planet you’ve run to.”
Miri nickered and Dante whinnied back. Emma watched, wide-eyed, as the two conversed. After moments that felt like an eternity, Dante turned and galloped toward the herd. Miri snorted and nudged Emma, urging her to follow.

“But, I can’t, Miri. I have to go back and stop my father—”

Miri grunted and swung her head, catching Emma off guard and sending her to the dusty ground for the second time that day.

“I suppose a few more minutes won’t hurt.” Emma stood and brushed off her backside. Placing a hand on Miri’s warm back, she walked with the mare until she was comfortably surrounded by the herd.

Dante trotted through, and the herd parted to give him a path. Emma felt odd, like she was part of a ritual. Stopping in front of her, Dante dropped a single flower from his mouth. It fluttered gently to the ground and landed at Emma’s feet. She frowned. It had the shape and style of the palfrey flowers but instead of being bright pink, it was a dull orange. She crouched to pick it up and as her fingers touched the soft petals, every horse in the herd began to whinny. Startled, Emma almost dropped the flower.

The horses started circling her, stamping and neighing in a strange dance.

“Miri?” Emma tried to call over the noise of the herd. Her throat felt dry and her mind felt dumb.

“What am I supposed to do? What’s going on?” Again, her voice was lost, trampled under the sound of hooves. The flower had grown warm under her touch. She had the strange urge to eat it. Mezmorized, she brought the plant to her lips. It tasted like honey.

Emma realized the herd had gone silent. She licked her lips, tasting the last of the pollen from the orange palfrey. Her stomach suddenly cramped and she caught the gaze of Dante. There was a flash of light in her mind, unbearable pain, and when she came to seconds later she found herself standing tall on four long legs.

Dante nickered and she jerked back, surprised she could understand.

“I...I’m one of you?” Emma whinnied, confused.

“The only way we can protect you,” Dante neighed back. “The flower has quite the punch, eh?” His eyes sparkled in amusement.

Emma snorted, realizing her good fortune, and followed as the herd moved from a walk to a gallop to the bridge and freedom.

Horsin' Around
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