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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2324944
Golden Land Pantoum

Golden Land

California remains the golden land
It remains my homeland
A place unlike any other
It is my earth-mother.

It remains my homeland
Let’s strike up the band
It is my earth-mother
Let’s boogie until we die my little brother.

We look over the bandstand
It remains my homeland
That is all I need to say brother
California is is my earth-mother.

A place unlike any other
Are you my blood brother
I remain your big brother
It is my earth-mother.

New Prompt: Write a Pantoum with the title: The Golden Land

Information about the form can be found here: "Pantoum"

Maximum number of lines = 40 (without the title)

The pantoum is a Malayan form of poetry consisting of any number of quatrains.

The tricky part of this form is that lines 2 and 4 of each stanza become lines 1 and 3 of the next stanza. The carry-over lines are called repetons. The last stanza has a twist: lines 1 and 3 of the first stanza become lines 2 and 4 of the last, only reversed (3 becomes 2 and 1 becomes 4).

The most used Pantoum form is a set of three rhyming couplets, a couplet is containing two quatrains… Also known are Pantoums with five rhyming couplets – a total of ten quatrains.

In fact there is no official length for a pantoum, but….you have to follow the rhyme scheme.

I will limit myself to the pantoum with three rhyming couplets…

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