Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326294-Grief
Rated: E · Poetry · Writing · #2326294
|| Reconnect, Recognize, Accept.
Grief comes not only in death,

but any loss.

A loss of a person,

a loss of a pet,

or a loss in yourself.

People tend to quote grief,

but do we ever really look,

into what it truly means?


D estroyed.

E verlasting.

N ot enough time.

I gnore it.

A lways question.

L aughter.


A ggravation.

N aive.

G raciousness.

E bony.

R ightfulness.


B est.

A rbitrary.

R ighteousness.

G ain.

A cknowledge.

I ndecisiveness.

N ever.

I llness.

N eglect.

G ather.


D eathly.

E ver enough.

P rice.

R eset.

E ager.

S olitude.

S overeignly.

I consolable.

O ppressive.

N ostalgic.


A ftermath.

C alm.

C ompassionate.

E ffervescent.

P assive.

T ender.

A ccomplished.

N onpareil.

C onclusion.

E arnest.

These are what we have known to be the five stages of grief,

but I speak for few

when I propose a sixth.


While I do not have the words,

to put into this one,

it's never easy

to put a quote of Recognition.

Recognition can be meant

for really scenario;

but when it's grief,

there's simply not a way

to put a handle

on Recognition.

If you can overcome grief,

and nobody remembers your sixth stage,

I will remember your sixth stage.

And so will your loss.

Reconnect, Recognize, Accept.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326294-Grief