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Rated: GC · Novel · Romance/Love · #252064
Damn Nick! Now he had Casey believing that their engagement was real!
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Chapter Two

In spite of her independent lifestyle, in some ways Casey had been an extremely young nineteen, and naive. Until Erik, her dating had been limited to casual friends, no serious encounters. Of necessity, her studies had come before all else. Since she had no family, she’d had to maintain a full time job to support herself and her schooling. This hadn’t left much time for entertainment or dating. Which had been fine with her. You don’t miss what you’ve never had. So she figured, once she graduated from college and was settled in a job, she could afford the luxury of a more active social life. Maybe even romance.

But one night, she’d been badgered into attending a party with some friends from school. It was there that Erik had swept into her life. In her naiveté, he’d appeared charming and so handsome. And she’d been so trusting! No, not trusting. Just an idiot.

He’d monopolized her time, taken her into protective custody the entire evening. For the first time Casey experienced the thrill of courtship and with this new feeling came the astounding realization that she was a young woman, and not a computer constantly being fed information. This heady discovery went straight to her head, unfortunately by passing the all-important reasoning part of her brain. Later she figured it must have short-circuited for a while.

For weeks she’d lived in a daze, her head in the clouds all because of the continuous attention of Erik Jefferies. Delusion in full bloom, blinded by infatuation, she had been ecstatic when he’d proposed. If she’d felt uncomfortable with Erik’s family and friends, she’d pushed that uneasiness to the back of her mind. Nothing would be allowed to spoil her happiness, or so she’d believed.

Erik’s mother completely dominated the wedding plans. She’d arranged the church, the guest list, chose the caterer, flowers and even Casey’s wedding gown. That young, inexperienced Casey had been totally in awe of the older woman with her grand manner and autocratic ways.

But the dream had shattered just three weeks before the wedding. Erik appeared at her door promptly at eight o’clock.

No! She wouldn’t think about that night. That unpleasant memory wasn’t going to be allowed to interfere with her vacation. A sad smile played at the corners of her lips as she contemplated the clouds beneath the plane, giant foam like mountains reaching up in awe of this gleaming white flying machine. She sighed. If nothing else, she had to give Erik marks for perseverance. A shame such drive and determination couldn’t be channeled into some meaningful endeavor. But then, Erik knew little of work and undoubtedly never would. His idea of hard labor was removing the cork from a vintage bottle of expensive wine.

It had been over five wonderful months since she’d had the unfortunate luck to unwittingly cross his path. This just wasn’t fair! If she couldn’t lose him when they landed, the remainder of her vacation would be in ruins. She was devastated. But, she thought with resolve, desperate situations called for desperate solutions.

Casey sighed as the sound of Erik’s voice penetrated her private reverie, and with it, putting the immediate problem back into focus. She had to come up with a plan, and fast.

“I don’t know what hotel you’ve booked, but we’ll cancel the reservation. The villa I’ve leased will naturally offer much more privacy. And...”

Casey’s head snapped around. “Erik! I have no intention of changing my plans for you or anyone else. And where I stay is my decision. You have no say in the matter at all. You do not fit in with any of my plans. Now or ever!”

“For pete’s sake, Casey. Be reasonable. You’ll be a stranger in Athens. Being with me will be much better. And safer.”

“Better for who, Erik? Certainly not for me. You take a great deal for granted. Just because the rest of the world might jump when you snap, it doesn’t mean I do. And you have no idea how many people I may or may not know in Athens. I don’t want your so called care or anything else from you.” She knew her voice was just short of being a shriek, but didn’t care.

“Now look here, I...”

“No! You look here. I don’t even like you. And just to prepare you, I am meeting someone here. Someone who will see that I am well taken care of. Besides,” her tirade was interrupted by the flight attendant announcing their arrival in Athens. With luck, her lie about being met would discourage him. Small hope, but better than nothing.

Erik frowned as he digested this last bit of information. Deciding not to lose this chance with her, he continued as though she hadn’t spoken. “We’ll discuss this after we pick up our luggage. You just leave everything to me, darling.”

“Ooh!” was all she was capable of uttering. If she wasn’t a lady, there were a few words she could say. But since she was a lady just couldn't bring herself to verbalize them.

The glimmer of a plan began to coalesce as her mind raced for a solution. She’d have to be alert for the right opportunity to make a safe, complete getaway. It might mean canceling her hotel reservations, but then, it would be interesting to stay at some small lodge. Somewhere he wouldn’t think to look for her. Anyway, she had planned to travel most of the time, so lodgings were not of prime importance. And since she wouldn’t be in any one place very long, just let him try to trace her movements once she left the airport.

It was fortunate for her Erik couldn’t see her eyes at that moment, as a mischievous spark blazed in their blue green depths. This was a sure sign she was up to something. Casey loved a challenge and this was one of the biggest yet. Rather exciting too. If she could put this over on Erik and have her vacation, it would be all the more enjoyable.

Erik was rambling on about the wonderful times they were going to have, just as he had been since they’d fought their way down the narrow aisle of the plane. This unpleasant, incessant droning continued as they passed through customs. But she paid little attention to the words, conscious only of the sound of his voice at her side. Her undivided attention centered on their surroundings as she oriented herself with the layout of the terminal building. Every atom of her being was on alert to an avenue of escape.

She was beginning to feel like the heroine in a suspense novel, desperately trying to avoid the clutches of the arch villain. If this entire situation wasn’t so tragic, she might be tempted to laugh. And she would, just as soon as she was far away from Erik and his presumptuous plans for her vacation.

They had already collected their luggage and were heading toward the front of the terminal. About fifty feet from the main exit Casey stopped, resting her luggage on the floor as she feigned weariness from their unaccustomed weight. A decision had to be made soon or she would be in real trouble. To her delight, just outside the exit a line of taxis waited in readiness at the curb. If she could manage it, one of them would be her getaway vehicle.

Casey suppressed the chuckle gurgling deep inside, her sense of humor kicking back into gear. She might as well get as much fun out of this situation as possible. After all, how many first grade teachers get involved in such an intrigue?

With the pretense of stretching cramped arms, she took once last casual look around, ready to grab her two pieces of luggage and run. She had almost come full circle when her attention was drawn to the most fantastic man she had ever seen.

His long legs, sensuously clad in form fitting tan cords were eating up the distance as he advanced in her direction, determination etched on his face. He looked like a man who knew exactly what he was after. The beige roll neck sweater, partially concealed by a matching tan jacket, fit to perfection across the width of powerful shoulders. Casey noted the open admiration by any number of women in the immediate area; each transfixed by his animal grace and powerful bearing.

“My God!” Nick gasped. It was her! After all these long weeks, she just appears practically on his doorstep. Almost before his brain completed the thought, he was moving in her direction, intent apparent on his face and in his long strides. He’d lost her once, but never again. He didn’t know the man next to her, didn’t really care who he was, except she seemed upset with him. Well, he, Nick Santos, would send him packing in a hurry.

She was even more beautiful than he’d remembered. He had begun to believe he’d only imagined her. Her hair shining as moonlight on a still pond, body delicate as a fragile flower. And she was going to be his! Oh, yes! Definitely, now that she was here in Athens.

Curiosity impelled Casey to look behind her to see who or what this magnificent specimen of manhood was after in such a hurry. Before she could swivel completely back around, she found herself crushed against a warm, hard chest, arms of steel wrapping her in a bruising embrace as his lips swooped to trap hers beneath his, hard against her tender mouth. Surprise robbed her of the strength to resist, even if his arms would allow any movement. Never in her twenty-four years had Casey been kissed like this! Wow! This man’s kiss made all the ones in her past seem sedate.

She was beginning to think she would faint from the unleashed passion of his kiss, when her lungs cried out for relief, his mouth finally lifted from hers to blaze a searing path across her burning cheeks, down the sensitive side of her slender throat. His warm breath caressed her flushed face as he softly whispered unfamiliar words that only she could hear...calling her, “little bit”

An eternity later, he raised his head to smile at the shocked expression on her face. His dark eyes twinkled with pleasure, burned with a brilliance she didn’t understand. A tiny voice whispered in the back of her mind, reminding her that she should be outraged. Be quiet, the rest of her mind and body shouted. For some unaccountable reason, she was speechless. This was definitely not her usual type of day!

Casey’s bewildered gaze locked with his piercing dark eyes, as time seemed to halt for the two of them. Why she found herself drawn to this man, she didn’t know. She had never had this happen to her before, not even remotely. Suddenly, she was all too aware of the wild racing of her heart, the pleasant scent of his cologne; subtle unlike the overpowering scent Erik bathed in.

Being in this man’s arms was heaven. She almost gasped out loud as this ludicrous thought danced in her head.

Erik’s anger broke the silence, penetrating her stupor. “Casey! Would you mind telling me who this man thinks he is?”

Sputtering, he continued before she could utter a word. He addressed the man holding Casey close to his side. “I’d like you to know that I do not like to have my fiancé manhandled in this manner.” Erik stood straight, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Casey hoped even Erik had the sense not to start anything with this dark giant of a man. Power emanated from the larger man, leaving her in no doubt as to the victor if they came to blows. She shook her head, the movement finally releasing the brake on her speech center.

“Erik Jefferies, you are not my fiancé and I wish you would leave me alone!” She stomped her foot in anger.

Her rescuer smiled down at her as he spoke to Erik. “Since Casey seems reluctant to make the introduction, my name is Nicholas Santos.” He extended a huge hand that Erik rudely chose to ignore. “And I believe a mistake has been made, Mr. Jefferies.”

“I would certainly agree on that point,” Erik acknowledged acidly.

“You see, I’m the man Casey has come to Greece to marry. She is my fiancée. Not yours!” This shocking announcement drained all color from Erik’s face, just as it froze Casey to the spot.

Nick’s voice was deep, cultured, his English with just a trace of an accent. He spoke softly, but there was no mistaking the ownership implied...this is my woman! A heart wrenching broad smile displayed straight white teeth that glistened in contrast to his darkly tanned face. That smile, however, did not reach his eyes. Eyes narrowed as he gauged Erik’s reaction. Nick wasn’t going to argue the point. He had found her at last. And no one was going to come between them. He was the man in possession and planned to stay that way.

Casey sighed in delight. Her prayers had been answered in the form of this big, formidable man. Her joy could hardly be contained as she gulped back on a laugh.

Nick towered over her five foot two inches. He had to be well over six feet in height. He was just plain big! His dark tan indicated someone who spent considerable time outdoors. His black hair was worn fashionably long and looked thick and luxurious. Casey wondered how it would feel to run her fingers through it. What had come over her? She had never had such a thought in her life before. This mess was affecting her more than she thought.

She glanced up at Nick. Her breath caught in her throat as his dark eyes pinned her to his side. While he would never be considered handsome in the conventional sense, he possessed a rugged attractiveness that was compelling, a truly masculine aura that screamed of power and sensuality. He would be a spectacular lover with...her thoughts screeched to a halt. Stop it, she silently chided herself. Get a grip, girl. You’re in enough trouble as it is.

Her traitorous body reacted to the touch of his hand at her waist, the feel of his hard muscled body pressed so close to her side. Why did her bones feel like they were melting just as her brain threatened to turn to mush? Or had she already suffered a melt down? Not even when she’d thought she was in love with Erik had she reacted like this.

For the second time in minutes, she was at a loss for words. Most unusual for the normally talkative Casey. She stood frozen at Nick’s side, his arm resting possessively around her tiny waist. She gazed up into his dark eyes, a silent question in her own eyes.

To Erik and anyone in their general vicinity, the petite young woman and the tall rugged Greek gave the impression of devotion, of love, the expression on their faces one of adoration. Only she and Nick knew it was utter astonishment, on her part at least.

She had lied to Erik about being met in Athens, but now Nick’s appearance gave truth to her fib. Maybe this would finally convince Erik that they had no future together, even if he wasn’t married to Rachel.

Even though she had just met Nick, she sensed he was enjoying the confusion his unexpected appearance had created for Erik. She didn’t question this. Just accepted it as a heaven sent gift.

Having put Erik in his place, Nick turned his full attention to Casey. “I’m sorry to be late, Little Bit, but my plane was delayed. Otherwise, I would have met you at the gate to greet you properly.”

His smile was as devastating as the feel of his body next to her. The warmth in his voice and his eyes made her toes curl, made her knees weak to say nothing of the impact on her heart rate. Who needs jogging to get the heart going? All she had to do was stand close in Nick's arms!

Casey had to say something. “Well, we’re together now and that’s all that matters.” Gosh, that sure sounded exciting! Be more convincing or you’ll have Erik back to square one, hounding you.

“Nothing will ever separate us again,” Nick declared firmly. The splendor of his smile softened the lines around his mouth, his expression one of a lover.

She correctly interpreted the warning written in his dark eyes, the tension in the muscled arm across her back. He had nothing to fear. She didn’t want to move, had no desire to withdraw from this unexpected haven. Somehow she knew Nick would not allow Erik to follow her once they left the terminal. And since she had no immediate desire to make a hasty exit from this newfound sanctuary, she accepted Nick’s presence as the answer to her immediate problem. She would be eternally grateful to him for his timely rescue from what could have been a most unpleasant situation.

These unfamiliar, warm feelings Nick's nearness aroused in her was something she would sort out later. Now it was wiser to take full advantage of this opportunity to dispatch Erik once and for all.

For starters, she had to follow Nick’s lead. So far she had acted like a statue. In the third grade, she had played a very admirable Peter Pan and now, as an adult, she had better draw on some latent acting ability to play the part of a woman passionately in love.

Throwing off her nervousness, she assumed a sparkling smile, her face lit with amusement as she draped her arm around Nick’s waist, leaning a little closer into his long length.

“I’m so happy to be here at last. I can’t believe I’m really in Athens.”

Nick lowered his head as his lips covered hers with a soft caress. He couldn’t wait any longer to kiss her again. She tasted so wonderful; her lips felt soft and yielding under his. He could live a hundred lifetimes and never get enough of her. When he raised his lips from hers, he smiled at the bemused look in her lovely eyes. “Now that I have you home with me, I have no intention of ever letting you out of my sight again.”

Casey appeared unaware of the smoldering force behind Nick’s declaration, but Erik was alert to the determination in Nick’s voice and possessive stance as he held her close to his side. He didn’t like it one bit.

The two men faced each other, their eyes narrowed, accessing his opponent as to strength and intent.

Erik frowned as he studied the contented picture Casey made nestled so lovingly in the crook of Nick’s arm...as if she was actually comfortable there. Erik hadn’t moved since Nick interrupted his urgent talk with Casey. Now he was unsure of his next move. He didn’t like the feeling one bit. Greek men were reportedly possessive of their women. And if she were to marry this man...

Casey grasped for something to say to break the uncomfortable silence surrounding them. “I’m so looking forward to meeting the rest of your family and finally seeing your home. I can’t believe I’ve actually arrived in Athens.” At least that last part was true.

She swallowed a groan. This conversation was quickly taking on the sound of a stage play. And a bad one at that! If she was to be convincing, she had to think fast.

She looked to Nick for help and almost gasped as he cherished her with his dark eyes, the sensation so real, it was almost a physical caress. For several seconds Casey was oblivious to her surroundings. The sounds and movement around her ceased to exist as she stood mesmerized by the raw masculine power emanating from this dynamic man, his forceful personality engulfing her in invisible arms.

Erik, acutely aware of being momentarily forgotten, rudely broke the magical spell uniting Casey and Nick. “I find this exceedingly strange. Something just does not ring true about this sudden romance.”

“What is it you find so strange, Mr. Jefferies?” Nick enjoyed a perverse sense of satisfaction in the other mans uncertainty. Good! he thought delighting in the discomfort registering on Erik’s face. Nick couldn’t contain a grin as Erik’s jaw tightened as he pulled Casey even closer to his long hard body.

“Casey and I have traveled all the way from Rome together and not once did she mention you or the fact she was to be married. You would think she’d be shouting the news to the world.”

Bristling with indignation, she jumped into the foray. “We did not travel together from Rome. We simply were on the same plane. Unfortunately in adjoining seats. And if you remember, I did tell you someone was meeting me in Athens. But at usual, you ignored me. And as for me not shouting our news to the world, our engagement has not been formally announced yet. And more to the point, it is none of your business. This is something we wish to share with family and friends first. You are not family. And you I do not consider a friend! And...”

“That is enough, Casey. I think Jefferies gets the message. You do not owe him, or anyone an explanation.”

Nick might have silenced Casey, but the same couldn’t be said for Erik. “I happen to have known Casey for almost five years. So, just as an interested bystander, I’d like to know where you met. Forgive me, but you don’t seem the type with which she usually keeps company,” he inquired with assessing insolence.

“Actually, I saw Casey for the first time in Rome six weeks ago. And I will not explain nor apologize for our rush engagement. She has been on my mind and in my heart from our first encounter.”

If Casey hadn’t known they had never met before, even she would be inclined to believe Nick meant every word.

“Love at first sight, I suppose?” Erik said his lips pursed in disbelief.

Nick laughed a deep, pleasant sound. She liked it.

“You could say that.” Nick worshipped Casey with a passionate flame of desire in the gleaming depth of his dark eyes, with the ardent proprietorship of his body so close to hers. “Some men are just more sensitive and romantic than others.” The warmth in his eyes, his voice, the very feel of his body engulfed Casey as his hold tightened a fraction more, the muscles she felt through the material tensed and hard.

“Very odd,” Erik mused, studying the couple thoughtfully, a slight hesitation before he continued, choosing his words with care. “Casey has never been one to jump into any relationship. Except with me, that is. I find it questionable she’s even capable of instant love.”

“Of all the nerve! Well, thank you, Erik. For you information, I undoubtedly know more about love than you do. Everything in your life is based on dollar signs, stock options and a person’s monetary worth rather than qualities of the person. If you think for one minute...” Nick’s fingers dug into her waist aborting her defense.

“I take it you do not believe in fate, Jefferies? Well, I do. And fate has directed Casey to me. Declared we are to be one. Only with each other can we find fulfillment. We complete each other. Don’t we, my Little Bit?”

“Yes.” Now why had she said that? She wanted to open her mouth to say something, anything to end this charade which was getting out of hand. But the connection between her brain and her mouth seemed to have been severed. She closed it again without uttering another word. Nick’s warning look also demanded her silence. Stranger yet, she obeyed.

“Oh, come now,” Erik’s insolent laugh rang out. “It will take more than fate to thaw out her cold nature. Beautiful she might be, but I’m afraid quite without passion."

Nick’s icy cold tone dispensed with all pretenses at politeness. “I couldn’t disagree with you more, Jefferies. Her passion, her warmth, she has saved for me. And only me!”

To Casey’s surprise and delight, Erik was the speechless one for once. Maybe he would finally accept she was not interested in him and so could get on with her life. The current of resentment she sensed was a battle of wills shared by the two men.

“The Casey you knew was not able to respond to those other relationships because she has been waiting for me. It was meant to be, our being married. Our being together. And neither of us could avoid the inevitable, no matter how much we might try.

“As to our wedding, it will take place one week from today. And since you claim to be an acquaintance, though an unbeliever in love, or at least our love, you are most certainly invited. Your presence will also ensure there will be no doubt as to which man is in total possession.” Neither man smiled.

But smiling was all Casey was capable after Nick dropped that bombshell. A dumb smile of pretended happiness. She was utterly dismayed. If she denied Nick’s plans for their future, she’d be back to square one with Erik’s unwanted attendance at her elbow. And denying the impending marriage would anger Nick. She didn’t understand why this was important. But her day had been unpleasant enough and she was reluctant to court more. Drawing her lower lip between her teeth, she lifted her face to look at Nick who was staring at Erik.

His anger would be alarming if fully aroused was her guess. Besides, if he was thoughtful enough to help her out to this extent, the least she could do was to go along with the act. Wouldn't Erik be surprised when he showed up and there was no wedding? But by then she would be lost in the miles of wonders to explore in Greece and she would be safe.

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