Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/512199-The-Ameni-Chronicles
Rated: XGC · Folder · Erotica · #512199
Love, lust, slavery, hatred, redemption...a tale of two different worlds.
TITLE: The Ameni Chronicles

GENRES: Erotica, drama, anthro/furry, fantasy, GLBT, adult.


SUMMARY: Ameni, a human, finds himself torn between two worlds when circumstances beyond his control ensure his slavery at the hands of the merciless warrior Apsiu. He becomes the personal slave of the powerful Apsiu captain Nehekhi, and comes to know Nehekhi's other slaves and comrades. Life as the slave of an Apsiu can be very difficult...but it can also be very pleasurable, as Ameni learns. For the Apsiu are not entirely without their passions...and Ameni just happens to have caught the eye of not only Nehekhi, but others as well... A series full of love, lust, honor, betrayal, and conflict between two different worlds! (This is a serial (like a written soap opera). Please do not skip chapters when reading!)

WRITING STATUS: In progress; on temporary hiatus.

WRITING DATE: Circa 2002-present.

LENGTH: 73+ chapters.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Graphic sexual situations, graphic adult themes, graphic violence, adult language, nonconsensual sexual situations, underage sexual situations.

COPYRIGHT: This story and all characters, unless otherwise stated in the Disclaimers, are copyright © tehuti_88 and may not be used or distributed without permission. The reader is free to print out or download a copy of this story for offline reading as long as the author's copyright information remains upon it. Please do not distribute; if you wish to share this story, send a link to this page.

DISCLAIMERS: Although aspects of this story are loosely based on Egyptian mythology and culture, artistic license has been taken as this is a FANTASY story. Please take note that this story was written between about 2002-present and that my writing style and understanding of the mythology I created have changed vastly in the meantime.


RELATED STORIES: "Related Tales (short stories--ADULT CONTENT)

REVIEW REQUEST: The author greatly appreciates any reviews and comments, as these let me know that people are actually reading. Please do not assume that I must get lots of comments and don't need any more, or that you as a reader have nothing worth saying, as this is not so. Be aware that I am NOT seeking publication for this story, and am not seeking literary criticism to improve my writing style, but am interested primarily in entertaining readers, so comments on plot, characterization, what the reader finds interesting or confusing, etc., are most appreciated. If you have any questions about anything in the writing feel free to ask.

CONTENTS: "The Ameni Chronicles: Updates || "The Ameni Chronicles: Characters || "The Ameni Chronicles: Essays || "The Ameni Chronicles Dictionary || "Part 1: Storms || "Part 2: Newcomer || "Part 3: Trio || "Part 4: Diversion || "Part 5: Understanding || "Part 6: Hesitation || "Part 7: Delegation || "Part 8: Terror || "Part 9: Rescue || "Part 10: Vengeance || "Part 11: Reunion || "Part 12: Trickery || "Part 13: Return || "Part 14: Humanity || "Part 15: Interference || "Part 16: Corruption || "Lost Chapter 1: Decoy || "Lost Chapter 2: Coup || "Part 17: Master || "Part 18: Brute || "Part 19: Lull || "Part 20: Oblivion || "Part 21: Closer || "Part 22: Intimidation || "Part 23: Memory || "Part 24: Jealousy || "Part 25: Flashback || "Part 26: Killer || "Part 27: Remembrance || "Part 28: Savages || "Lost Chapter 3: Persuasion || "Part 29: Combat || "Part 30: Mourning || "Part 31: Mistake || "Part 32: Disguise || "Part 33: Outed || "Part 34: Relief || "Part 35: Intervention || "Part 36: Imprisonment || "Part 37: Judgement || "Part 38: Encounter || "Part 39: Consummation || "Part 40: Heir || "Part 41: Fling || "Part 42: Coldhearted || "Part 43: Forgiveness || "Part 44: Homecoming || "Part 45: Plotting || "Part 46: Hope || "Part 47: Skeletons || "Part 48: Alliance || "Part 49: Confrontation || "Part 50: Vicious || "Part 51: Fury || "Part 52: Nullify || "Part 53: Duel || "Part 54: Healer || "Part 55: Awakening || "Part 56: Exchange || "Part 57: Farewell || "Part 58: Dreams || "Part 59: Strangers || "Part 60: Shelter || "Part 61: Warning || "Part 62: Vision || "Part 63: Confession || "Part 64: Teacher || "Part 65: Traitor || "Part 66: Switch || "Part 67: Revelation || "Part 68: Talk || More to come

Search terms: furry yaoi egypt kemet homosexual gay lesbian anthro anthropomorphic egyptian kemetic apsiu kana moru slave master fantasy erotica
Portfolio -> Shywriter -> Fiction -> The Ameni Chronicles
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/512199-The-Ameni-Chronicles