Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512736-Office-Romance
by belat
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #512736
Kate and Sean have the night of their lives.
pls. read and rate!!

The traffic was HORRIBLE! Kate turned the radio up and tapped impatiently on the steering wheel. There must have been an accident somewhere. She craned her neck to the left, trying to peer from the humonguous truck in front of her.

Shit. Two cars collided with one another and it didn't look good. Kate frowned as she calculated the time she'd be stuck in traffic.

Dammit, how am I supposed to prepare for my date when I've got an hour and a half left and god knows how much time this is going to take.

Kate had a 'date' with Sean, her business partner. They were getting together to talk about their latest project. Ooh yes, she was gonna have a lovely time having sex with him over files and papers. Kate licked her lips in anticipation.

She had been eyeing Sean ever since they were paired off together. She always thought he was kinda cute, but somehow he'd gotten hotter than when she first saw him. He just got a tan from the beach in the weekend and he looked hotter, if that was possible. And that hair! She wanted to run her hands through that brown hair while she was kissing him. And possibly putting her hands somewhere else as well. Somewhere lower.

Kate felt herself getting aroused, just thinking of just what she'd like to do with Sean when she got him alone tonight. She glanced to see if someone was looking and slid her hand down to her crotch. Good thing she had worn that skirt today. She pushed her thong aside and rubbed her clit.

"Mhhh..." sliding her thumb further downwards, she rubbed her slit, spreading the juices. Kate slid a finger in slowly, imagining it was Sean's finger doing the sliding. She closed her eyes and moaned, her breath coming faster while she pushed her finger in and out, sliding another one with it.

Kate moved her fingers as if beckoning someone and gasped at the pleasure that went through her. She started moving her fingers at a faster rate, pushing her hips toward it faster and faster, until she orgasmed.

Opening her eyes, she realized that the traffic was starting to clear up. Now in a good mood, she started to sing along with the radio and saw the guy in the next car staring at her and jerking off. When he saw her looking he smiled at her sensually and she winked at him, licking her cum-soaked fingers slowly. She pushed her finger in and out in a motion that further aroused her audience. He started jerking off faster and spewed cum on the dashboard. Kate laughed and drove off, hearing a car honk at the guy who was still probably recovering from that orgasm.

She reached the house with an hour to prepare and started towards her room. She took a long hot bath and walked into her closet. Robe wrapped around her, she surveyed her choices. Red slinky dress or short black dress? She finally decided short black dress and skipped the underwear. How convenient.

Kate brushed her hair dry, letting the golden red strands hang loose on her shoulders. She stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. Not bad. I definitely look sexier than usual.

The doorbell rang and she opened the door. "Hey Sean, come in." Sean was trying unsuccessfully to hide the bulge that grew in his pants when he opened the door. "You look fantastic Kate."

"Thanks. You wanna get started already or eat dinner first?" Kate stepped back to let him in, feeling the sexual energy emanating from him. "Yeah, let's eat dinner first. That can wait." Kate showed him to the dining room, where she prepared dinner. Candles were lit and placed at the center of the table, beside a champagne bottle and where two crystal glasses were placed invitingly.

They soon finished dinner, not talking about work AT ALL, and headed to the living room. Kate sat on the couch and motioned for Sean to do the same. He slowly sat on the other side, unsure of how to start. Kate moved closer, and all he could smell was her shampoo. God she smelled good. He could feel his erection rising, and tried to ignore it. Can't date coworkers. It was his rule. The company didn't really mind if coworkers dated, but for him it just made things more complicated in the office.

He didn't notice Kate leaning over to the table until then and tried not to stare at her legs for fear he'd get harder. That dress of hers was obscenely short. It was no use, just her being near him made him hard.

"Sean, are you okay? You've been quiet most of the night." Kate put her hand on his thigh and squeezing. He felt himself get even harder, just thinking about where else she could be squeezing him. Just a little higher...

"You are SO tense, here let me rub your back for you. Sit down here." Sean thought it wasn't possible to get any harder until he saw where Kate was pointing. Kate opened her legs and motioned to the floor between them. Sean blushed and sat down.

Oh yeah Sean, just like that. She moved forward until her crotch was just a few inches away from his head. Kate peered at him and saw his dick trying to escape the confines of his khaki pants. She could feel herslef getting wet already. Kate put her hands on his shoulders and massaged gently until he relaxed.

"Isn't that better?" She whispered in his ear huskily. Sean stood up and sat on the other end of the couch again, as far away from her possible without seeming rude. But Kate just stood up and walked over. Only this time she didn't sit in the couch. Kate straddled Sean and trailed kisses from his neck to his ear. "I'm not wearing any underwear." Kate whispered sensually. Sean groaned. To hell with no dating coworkers. Kate is just too sexy to give up. She could feel the tip of his member trying to reach her crotch.

Kate slowly lowered herself and rubbed her crotch to his pant-confined erection, enjoying the stimulus. Sean gasped and held her hips, trying to push upward. They just stayed like that for ten minutes, skin rubbing against cloth and skin when Sean tried to take off his pants. Kate caught his hand and guided it to the spaghetti straps that held the dress in place.

Sean slowly pulled it down to reveal her breasts. Mesmerized, he opened his mouth to suck on her nipple and fondled the other breast with his hand, his other hand still holding her hips. He licked the skin around her nipple and finally took the nipple to his mouth. And bit it.

Kate gasped, not from pain but from the erotic stimulation and bucked harder into his straining erection still confined in his pants. The material was rubbing her clit in a way that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Sean licked her other nipple, sucking it and pinching it until it became as erect as the other one. Damn it's hot in here. And my prick is just bursting out of my pants. He reached down to unbutton his pants when he saw the look on Kate's face. She was about to cum. He started to rub her clit, moving his thumb i little circles, heightening her pleasure until she screamed his name and went limp.

By the time Kate moved, Sean's dick was already twitching, trying to get out of his pants. "I'll take care of that." He heard Kate whisper. She lowered herself to the ground and opened his pants, revealing his dick. Kate looked at Sean, who blushed. "What? Sometimes I like wearing no underwear." Kate smiled and traced a finger over the length of his steel hard dick, precum dripping on her fingers.

Kate looked at Sean and slowly licked her finger clean. Sean's breath became shallow and he tried not to cum then and there. He felt her tongue lap the length of him and gasped as she sucked the tip. "Easy boy," Kate laughed when he tried to hump into her mouth.

She looked at Sean. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was shallow. "Please..." he had NO idea what she was planning to do next. She relaxed her throat muscles and sucked his entire length into her mouth. He gasped and bucked his hips toward her, almost cumming. He thought he could delay his climax a few minutes more. He was wrong. Kate worked him up and down until she felt him almost reach the peak, and then she took his whole length in her mouth and swallowed. Sean came then, gasping with the strength of the climax.

Kate straddled him again, rubbing their crotches together, but this time with no more cloth between them. She could feel him harden again, ready for another round. Sean pushed Kate in a lying position on the couch and followed her down, the tip of his dick positioned at the entrance of her slit. He moved his hips up and down, his dick going up and down her slit, teasing her.

Kate pushed up and the tip of his dick slid into her. She moaned happily. Sean slid his dick just a few more inches. She was so tight. Kate squeezed her muscles and he groaned, feeling the hole tighten around his dick. Kate pushed up her hips, trying to get more of him inside her.

"Unghhh, yeah. More, deeper, faster."

Sean pushed into her faster, his balls slamming against her ass. He slid his hands down to cup her cheeks and pushed her towards him, deeper.

"Ungh, ungh, yeah baby, you are so tight. Oh, uh, uh, uh!"

He was stabbing her with short fierce thrusts now, and rubbed her clit. "I'm almost there, oh yeah, yeah, YEAH!" Sean felt her hole squeezing spasmodically against his prick, triggering his climax. For a while there, none of them moved.

"You know... we should do this more often."

More to Cum
© Copyright 2002 belat (belat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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