Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/525763--Candle-
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Relationship · #525763
a love encounter
And your eyes glisten,
In the windswept candlelight.
Like baby angels,
Dancing on the blue moonlit pools of forever.

The orange light glides across you,
Creating purple shadows of passion,
Sillhoueting my heart.

Red luscious lips,
Carrying dreams of eternal love,
Whispered to my heart with every precious kiss.
The shadows dance around us,
Falling into the embracing candlelight.
The twilight sky,
An empty canvas,

Waiting to be painted with red desire.
Golden seas of silkend touch.
The windows to your soul.

A glistened green.
And your heart,
A single red candle
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/525763--Candle-