Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/714341-I-remember
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #714341
A poem about moving from the country to the city.
I remember walking on a twilight evening, under a wide expanse of lilac sky,
the wind in my hair, singing a celtic ballad to the evening stars.
I remember frosty evenings along the road, snow crunching under my feet,
cold wind cutting through my sweater.
I remember sunlit evenings in the Autumn, gathering rosehips, and i remember
the heavy scent of syrup drifting through the house.
i remember gathering herbs by starlight, inhaling the fresh scent of mint
and hyssop and thyme, and washing them in icy water and hanging them up to dry.
I remember wielding mortar and pestle, grinding up powders to make tisanes and
simples, and herb pillows for magical use.
i remember autumn days, cold and bright, filigree spiderwebs standing out in
frosted grass like faery nets, catching dreams.
I remember Summer mornings, dew drenched and golden, dressed in mist and morning
wind, tea warm and sweet in my mouth, and peace in my heart.
I remember watching the moon rise and feeling my ties with earth, with the Goddess,
with my Mother, my feet anchored in brown soil and green grass, my soul flying
among the stars.
i remember cool rain, soaking my hair and clothes, washing over my skin, giving leaves
and trees a diamond sheen and glow, pattering restfully against the ground.
I remember the thunder overhead, the lightening cleaving the skies, wind whipping the
wheat and grasses around my legs.
I remember trees, birch, oak and holly, standing proud against the evening sky,
moon shining through their branches as though caught in a net of ebony.
I remember feeling at peace, at one with the Goddess, free in my own land. But now that feeling
is but a memory, for i walk through a forest of concrete and metal, dew strewn leaves turned to glass,
jewel colours turned to rubbish caught at the roadside.
The sound of birds is replaced by the chatter and bustle of the city.
I have been torn from my mother - i am alone.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/714341-I-remember