Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/723825-Youre-Beautiful
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #723825
The story will give you something to think about.
"Anne, I'm so sorry about your father. I got the news today. It is so sad, may his soul rest in peace." said Mrs. Patterson.
"Thank you, Mrs. Patterson, but it has been three months since he passed away. I've learnt to live alone now." I replied.
"Now, now, my child, if you ever feel lonely you can always give me a call, I’ll try to help you out."
"Thank you so much for your concern! I'm obliged."
"Don't thank me. Okay, Anne, I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye."
"Thanks for calling, bye."
I put the phone down, went towards my dressing table and started brushing my hair. ' Tomorrow I have a lot to do.' I thought, ' I have to call Sara, I have to clean my wardrobe, I have to....'
"You're beautiful!" said a voice.
My hairbrush fell to the ground, my face turned pale as my mirror reflected someone else's image. I could hear my heart pound. I froze in my place. I wanted to run but I could not feel my feet. Still, I plucked up some courage and turned round to see if someone was behind me...but I could see no one in my room.
"You're beautiful." said the voice once more.
This time there was no looking back. I ran to the door, and hurried out into the TV lounge. I was in a dazed state. My mind had a lot going on inside but I had no one to answer my questions.
' Who was that voice?',' Why did I hear it?',' Why did it call me beautiful?'
I do not believe in supernatural elements of life. But what I had seen and heard was nothing fake. I had never felt this lonely in my entire life. All that night I could not sleep. I had not opened my room since I had heard that voice. Crouched on my sofa, my eyes soon began to give up. I fell asleep...
The next day I woke up and felt much better. Though my legs hurt and my eyes were heavy but my mind was quite empty. As I went to the kitchen, my nose caught a scent. I could smell roses. It was beautiful...I got so immersed in that odor that I started following it. It was coming from my room!
' What if I hear the voice again when I open the door?', I thought. But I wanted to see what that fragrance was. I decided to open the door.
Slowly and gradually I opened my bedroom door. I could see my unmade bed, my laundry, everything was there, untouched. Then my eyes wandered to my dressing table...the mirror, the voice! I was so afraid to go inside. All of a sudden, I felt as if the fragrance had vanished. It felt as if the odor had wanted me to follow it and now that I had done what it had wanted me to do, it had left me.
I went inside my room, taking short steps. When I came up to my dressing table I saw my hairbrush on the floor. I picked it up and as I was about to put it back on the table, I saw a note! I started trembling...someone was living in my room. Someone who was not a human but a mysterious voice...an image!
I put down the brush and held the note in my hands. The paper felt like rose petals and it smelt like roses too. It read:
"You're Beautiful!"
Shiver went down my spine. I looked at the mirror and said, "Who are you?"
Just then the mirror started to wash away my image again and I could see someone else's reflection. My heart sank with fear but this time I would face it.
The image became clear and my eyes could not believe what they saw...my lips lost control and uttered, in sheer disbelief...
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