Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/728634-The-Flood
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Nature · #728634
Inspired by the 1993 flood in the midwest.
The floods have lifted up
The tides have risen
They pour their great wrath out on unsuspecting sleepy towns.

Mighty bridges crumble at the water's sight
Proud houses knocked off their foundations break neath the waters fury.

Flat lands which supported grasses and fed the inhabitants of the plain
From pelting rain are now turned into a thick, slick mass of mud
Not one man dare to stand on the once, not so long ago, plain;
For if one dare, he would sink waste deep into the dark slime and be stuck - not able to leave!

Mourn ye inhabitants of the land: For your once proud houses have been turned to nothing.
They have slipped into oblivion because of the mighty forces of the water.

All forces of nature, now stand at attention and pay homage to the water which have wrought this terrible destruction.
Blow ye winds- Blow! Give a salute to the mighty waves. Stand up and clap your hands ye clouds; for, the Water General was carried by your chariots.

For the wickedness of the land this destruction has come. For a cleansing of the land, I have poured out my waters and thundered my disgust from on high. I was enraged by the taking of the bribe which prevented justice; And by the slaying of the helpless for profit. Their cries are still
ringing in my ears. I saw the corporations, giants in the land, use my people. They broke them. Then they casually cast them away, like so many filthy rags.

Now, oh corporate giants, your homes lay in ruin and the stench of them has come up into your nostrils. Be in distress and mourn for this land. Change and do no more tyranny; Lest, I come again and take away what little there remains.

© Copyright 2003 Deborah Long (lda0723 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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