Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/755105-Harry
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #755105
I loved him so much but couldn't live with him
My best friend, my love left me yesterday. He was the reason for my existence. I loved him so much that I would have done anything for him. And I mean anything!
The day started much as any other. I made breakfast and called the children down to eat. They ate their scrambled eggs and toast and were drinking their milk when the phone rang.
“Hello,” I wasn’t used to having such an early morning call and I’m sure that I sounded unsure and hesitant.
“ Paula, hi. What are you doing tonight? I thought that you might like to come round for a drink.” It was Kate my best friend.
“I’d love to. I’ll tell Pat and he can look after the children.”
“Great, oh Harry will be here, is that ok?”
I tried to sound casual, “ Harry? Sure I’d like to see him again. I’ll be there about eight, is that ok with you?”
Kate said that eight would be fine. I put the phone down and my heart was racing, Harry would be there. I knew that I’d have to smell good for him. Then my husband Pat came into the kitchen.
“Who was on the phone?”
“Kate. She asked me to go round for a drink tonight.”
“Sure, if that’s what you want,” he sulked, but I wasn’t going to rise to the bait. I knew that he would turn it into an argument.
So I said, “ It’s been ages since I’ve seen her. I haven’t seen her since she went away in May.” Pat just shrugged his shoulders, as if to say “ so what?” but he didn’t actually say anything.
That evening I got ready to go to see Kate and Harry, how I loved Harry. I didn’t dress up. I just wore my jeans and a T-shirt. I kissed the children and told them that they had to be good for daddy.
I almost flew to Kate’s house. I had to see Harry. Sure enough there he was, loveable Harry, who loved me as much as I loved him. He greeted me with kisses and hugs then settled down to sit by me.
Kate brought a bottle of chilled white wine and we polished off the bottle accompanied by shrieks of laughter as she showed the holiday photos. Harry nuzzled my neck whenever he had a chance; if he couldn’t get away with it then he kissed my hand or stroked my leg. I would pet him and sat with my arm around him, but all too soon it was time to leave him and Kate. It was then that I heard the bad news.
“Harry’s going away early tomorrow,” my best friend Kate told me.
“How long for?” I asked
Kate wasn’t sure and Harry wasn’t saying. I was heart broken but had to go home.
As soon as I arrived home Pat started sneezing.
“I’m sorry. I’ll go and have a shower and I’ll put all my clothes into the washer now. You go into the lounge while I do it,” I said. I stripped off and put all my clothes into the washing machine then went to have a shower.
I always had to do this after I’d seen Harry. My husband is allergic to dogs.
© Copyright 2003 Chris Winfield (caw53 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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