Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/755666-Messing-With-His-Head
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #755666
Lila teasing Micheal. Finally Finished Please Rate and Review
Lila scowled from her perch on the corner of the bed as she looked down at the seating arrangements. "Bri, you know I can't stand Michael. Why do I have to sit next to him?"
"On my anniversary you are bothering me, Lila." Brianna countered looking at her sister impatiently while her eyes were sparkling with hidden glee. The simple white gown made Bri seem almost ethereal. "All you have to do is to be nice to him."
"We don't get along Brianna wouldn't it be better if I sat next to Edward."
"You know Michael was saying the same thing to Thomas." The older woman looked at her sister's face to see if it did cause her temper to rise.
"See we both hate each other."
"Maybe you both like each other."
"No we don't"
"Then try getting along with him this is my tenth anniversary and I am not having it ruined because my sister and husband's best friend can't get along." Her mock ire seemed real enough to convince her younger sister.
“Ok.” Lila frowned at her older sister. Ok then she wants nice she got it. I’ll be so sweet he will go into sugar shock.

Lila groaned while lying on her stomach. Damn! Why did she have to promise her sister that she would be nice to that neanderthal. Already this night was making her very nervous. The only thing that was going right was that the gown hung on her perfectly, better than it did six months ago. Though she was still chubby being a size 14 did not matter as much. It was a beautiful dress strapless plum silk fitted across the top and embroidered with flowers from bust to the left of her navel, the hem swept only two to three inches of the floor. Her head hung over the side of the bed; it was to be a large, formal gathering with all of their friends and acquaintances.
Brianna and Tom’s tenth anniversary promised to be a big event one that would be held in the ballroom of the Hotel Sofitel. They were going to renew their vows.
A frown drifted across her face as she realized what she would have to do. Disdain was the only emotion she felt toward Michael in the first place. She could still hear him calling her a fat nobody.
The door shook with a hard knock with a heavy sigh she opened the door. On the other side Michael stood holding a corsage with a three plum violets intertwined with a little hint of baby's breath. Lila smiled.

Wow! Michael thought. Her smile seemed to light her up from within, her brown eyes twinkled up at him. "Thank you." She whispered and even though they weren't great friends she held her arms out for a hug. Michael felt a little confused but still pulled her close. They stayed in that manner longer than necessary and each felt a tingle where their bodies brushed.
Lila turned and put on her low-heeled sandals and placed her wrap of black Spanish lace on her shoulders. After she closed her apartment door she leaned close to his ear and whispered. "Do you want to fuck me?" Then she almost skipped to where the limo stood waiting outside the apartment building's double doors.
Inside the car were waiting other members of the wedding party. Brianna, Tom, Edward, and Hailey.

"Oh dear lord why did I do that." Lila thought to herself. They sat next to each other Michael unable to talk just yet, and her thoughts trying to burst from her mouth. A little embarrassed Li turned to her sister who was laughing silently while drinking a glass of champagne. The short traitor then turned to her husband and cuddled up to him.
Michael tried to calm his normally rational mind, but it so chaotic that he felt the need to be alone to think. The woman at the center of his thoughts sat right next to him. Her head was lowered but otherwise she seemed all right.
Lila looked at him from the corner of her eyes finding the poor dope watching her with this bewildered look on his face. This evil thought presented itself to her like a tantalizing array of food. She turned to him bent close so her lips almost touched his ear. "I want to feel you drive into me hard and fast." Then Lila licked a small spot behind his ear.
Oh dear lord, right then and there the man groaned and the woman just sat there calm cool as she leaned back again. A wicked smile bloomed on her face.
Lila had no idea she just compromised her safety.

The wedding party sat at the center of the room. The table was large enough to sit the six of them and the tablecloth was lace with gold thread trim. Lila sat across her sister and to the left of Michael the bane of her current situation. He sat next to Tom who was still looking adoringly at his wife of a decade. During the first course of the meal they shared memories of Brianna and Tom. As Michael started to share his moments with them he felt a finger slide up his left leg. For only a split second he hesitated before continuing with his speech. It crept high only inches from his crotch. His voice did not waver or stall. He looked at Lila for a moment. Lila looked down and smiled prettily with a rose color blooming on her cheeks. Michael continued but then as he was finishing the story she ran a finger over his growing erection. The normal baritone of his voice broke and everyone laughed. Michael turned to look at her finding her eyes alight with something like delight and mischief. He was going to do one better than her.

Brianna watched the proceedings without even once bursting out with laughter. For a while she had known that her sister and Michael seemed to be hiding behind a mask of mutual dislike. Since the beginning of the evening both were acting strangely. Michael choked a little while relating an event to them, only one of Lila's hands were on the table. Then as the second course was being laid out Michael disappeared.

Lila took a bite of food uninterrupted. For a moment she was both relieved yet upset that Michael wasn't here. She wanted him to watch as she licked her fork. Oh well, frankly it was fun to play with him. No, no, no, there was no way that she would ever think of him in any other way but dislike. She took a bite then another savoring it but of course it seemed such an empty thing. Where the hell was Michael?

Did he get caught? Silently he listened, nothing. Michael kneeled about two and a half feet away from her. Her skirt was light yet too wide. Slowly he crept closer until he was a little more than a foot away from placing his head in her lap. He caught her ankle in his palm and took off her sandal.
What the hell? Lila felt the shoe sliding off then a caressing hand tickled the bottom of her foot. A bubble of laughter burst from her lips and her toes curled. The hand slid over the back of her calf up and down. It touched and stroked and Lila was completely unused to these caresses that the hand which had been about to guide a fork full of rice fell back onto the plate with a little clatter. The skirt was pulled up leaving her with a little time with which she would be able to catch her breath.

Michael forgot he was doing this to disconcert Lila. The only thing on his mind was the need to touch her. He placed her foot upon the ground and pulled up the skirt his hands brushing her legs as each inch of skin was revealed. Michael could not seem to stop himself until his eyes finally saw the black lace. For a second he stopped breathing. "Oh dear lord..." What had he ever done to deserve this?
Lila felt as if her cheeks were on fire not only did he pull the front of her dress almost to her hips but his hand moved over her thighs in a way that made her tremble. She bit her lip and let her head fall forward so no one else at the table could tell what was happening. Unfortunately this was more telling. Michael placed his palms on her legs and the place where his skin touched hers tingled a little bit. Her eyes closed and she breathed deeply for a few moments. While she was preoccupied with controlling her reactions Michael drew her legs apart and kissed a spot of skin on her inner thigh then licked small circles on her flesh. Slightly her head shook from left to right, her hands clenching and unclenching on the tablecloth.

Michael heard the quiet moan and realized that all he was doing was torturing himself. His pants were getting to uncomfortable; acutely he could felt the pressure of the slacks against his erection. By touching and tasting her he realized he wanted to have sex with her badly. Michael got closer to her until his head was at spot only inches where he wanted to bury himself inside. Then in a move that surprised both him and Lila he licked there feeling tasting the moisture the seeped through the cloth.

Lila jumped up and immediately the skirt dropped back into place. Oh no, oh no, how could she let him do that to her? Lila wanted him so bad now. She grabbed her purse and wrap then ran away from the large room. Her feet moved swiftly dodging tables and people just to get away. "Lila!" Her mother called out. Belatedly she realized she was causing a commotion. Once out of the room Lila hurried left towards the elevators and pressed the up button. Lila pressed it again and again 9, 8...7, 6...5...4, 3, 2.... 1. Ding. The doors slid open and Lila pressed the fourth floor. It was where she would be staying for the rest of the weekend as a sort of treat to herself.
She leaned against the back staring up at the ceiling blankly. Her body felt strange to her the moistening of the cloth between her legs, the way her hand trembled, and skin seemed to long for a touch.
Then right before the doors closed the elevated rattled Lila startled straightened herself out. Michael stood there looking at her. For a second she felt claustrophobic in the small electrically controlled box. Quickly Lila changed her chaotic wide eyed expression to the usual scowl she wore around this man. Michael stilled at the sight of her face yet was still able to ask if he could walk her to her room. Lila did not know why but she smiled and Michael chose to take that small sign as a concession. The elevator did not take long and within a short period of time they were standing in front of her room. They looked at each other but Lila's eyes strayed to his lips. A need twisted deep within her. Why doesn't Michael just kiss her? A feeling deep inside told her he wanted her badly.
The swift change in her attitude made Michael very nervous. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and once they opened alarms started ringing in his head. Those brown eyes were dazed, their lids heavy, lips slick and slightly parted. Then Lila whispered something. He leaned over to hear. "Mi-chael" His name was drawn out almost as if she savored the sound. Lila combed her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer until from chest to toe they touched. "I really do want you, you know." Then she angled her head and kissed him.

Once her lips slid into place over his, Michael took control. He held her higher so they fit more intimately against each other. His other hand lightly held the back of her head. Lila parted her mouth slightly and gave his upper lip a little lick. They continued to open mouth kiss for a little while. Unconsciously the two moved so that Lila had her back pressed against the wall. Lila moved her hands so that she could touch his shoulders and back.
Hesitantly Lila broke the kiss. "Would you like to come in?"

For a second there she thought the guy would have a heart attack. Then a big toothy grin made him look like a cat that got the canary.
Lila smiled this guy had no idea what she was going to do to him.
Once inside she would teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. She fished in her purse for the security card. With a short look into his eyes she pushed key into the slot then turned the knob. A calculating look settled over her features. They walked into the room and the sexual tension between them filled the area. The walls were a nice cream color, and the furniture was mostly mahogany including the tables, bureau, and the large four poster bed just out of view from the door. Lila pulled the scarf from her shoulder then tested its strength. Was it strong enough for the purpose she had in mind?

The woman turned to him with a look that dared him to shake her. For most of the evening she had had the upper hand. Lila moved closer to him she hesitated for a second before giving him a kiss both fearful and deeply longing. Michael crushed her against him, her emotions shook him. Quickly her body became languid against his. It seemed to take only a few seconds before she disengaged herself from his embrace.
With a lingering look at Michael’s face Lila drew him further into the chamber. Shyly her eyes moved from his face to the floor and back again. When she finally stood there the backs of her knees touching the edge of the bed, Michael placed his palm over Lila’s bottom so that he could grind their hips together. The feeling of his aroused length pressed against her caused her to moan and twist towards him. Her hands moved to the top button of his pristine white dress shirt. With a flick of her fingers it became undone. Methodically she undid the buttons, her eyes trained on his chest so she would not be disconcerted. Using short tugs Lila pulled the shirt from his pants and eased it away from his body until it floated gently onto the floor. When she finally met Michael’s eyes he was still and waiting for her to do more. To appease the man she licked a path from just above the waistline of his pants over his navel and abdomen, chest then up to his neck.
His breathing became ragged. When Michael finally caught his breath he turned the witchy little woman so that her back faced him. Her long dark brown hair covered up the tiny zipper tab. His hands pushed the silky length until it fell over her left shoulder. There was a spot where her neck met her shoulder that was too much to resist. He brushed his lips over it and felt her pulse begin to pound faster. "Mmmmmm." Lila moaned quietly. Michael forced himself to straighten and let his left hand roam her back while his right pulled the tab so it would reveal more smooth tempting skin.
Only a few inches of skin were revealed before a black lace teddy appeared. It not only disappointed him but made him happy as well. Michael decided he wanted to see her face as he took off her dress. He spun her around and saw that her hands were trembling and was biting her lip. "Don't worry darling."
He touched her face with a gentle hand and with his thumb released her slightly swollen lip from her upper teeth. He kissed her softly lingeringly until her hands moved to embrace him. Something was different with her than any other woman he's been with. Michael pushed that thought out of his mind.
His hands began to lower her zipper once again but this time she wasn't nervous. Lila just watched his face with eyes that were clouded over from longing. He was in control now.
When the zipper was fully open down to the top of her behind he dropped the fabric. It slid to the floor in a puddle of plum satin. If he were more poetic maybe Michael would say that she looked like a butterfly shedding itself from its cocoon. Michael moved away from her to look at her better. His eyes roved her body from head to toe. Lingering on her lace covered breasts and crotch.

For a long moment he watched her. What was he thinking? Lila thought. She felt his eyes almost like a touch. Then his hands moved from their resting position at his sides. "Wait," she caught Michael’s hands and said, "Stand still." Lila closed her eyes and wished for courage. Her feet brought her closer to him until she felt him exhale across her forehead. Looking down she willed her hands to move, hesitantly they did so. Her fingers moved over the fly of his dress slacks. Curiosity made her feel his shape with her hand. Michael groaned as if it pained him. Her other hand rested against the top bottom.
Lila released the button from its hole. Then moved her other hand to hold the slacks up so she could pull down the zipper. After completing the task she pulled the pants down.
Michael stepped away from the slacks unselfconsciously. He took her hands in his and pulled her close. When the tips of her breasts came in contact with his chest a small cry was released. To Lila all of her emotions and senses were magnified.
He lifted his hands so that they rested on the sides of her chest. While his thumbs drifted over her nipples Michael carefully watched her face. Already they were swollen and aroused. "Ohhhh." Lila's eyes drifted close, lips were slack and sweet, and her hands surrounded his neck to keep herself from falling.
Her innocent response made him want to strut around. "I think I like seeing you like this, willing and tempting." Michael gave her lips a quick kiss.
"I was always willing." After realizing what she said she froze.
"Lila, don't think just feel this." He pulled down the straps and revealed her breasts and abdomen. Damn, he wanted to taste her so badly. Michael draped her over his arms so that he would not need to be a contortionist to taste the tips. He bent his head and took one into his mouth with a slow suck. Her left hand combed through his hair encouraging him to continue. From her lips came these wild little sounds that made him feel so utterly possessive.
The thought that Lila may act in the same responsive manner with another man had him clenching his hand over the side of her rib cage. Michael released her nipple for a moment to shake the thought from his head before sucking at the tip once more. A deep groan rumbled through her. He tugged hard with his lips in such a way that had her trembling with pleasure.

Lila felt almost as if she were drowning. These new emotions were overwhelming and quickly taking away her reason. She did not come here to have sex with him and she would have to remember the real reason for this deception. She was supposed to tie him up tease him then leave, but the responses he coaxed from her laid waste to all her plans of retribution.
When he moved lower in his foreplay she stopped him with a dazed smile and wicked eyes. Lila stepped back and drew off the rest of her underwear.
His eyes were trained on her body as she pressed against him. Lila felt him press his erection more snugly against her stomach. Michael’s hardened length pulsed slightly. She moved lower letting her skin slide along his. Then pulled off his gray silk boxers slowly. She was not coy nor flirting, with a light hand she lead him to lie on the bed. Lila straddled his hips and let him feel her wetness against the tip. Michael groaned and tried to reach for her but she took his hands in hers and pushed them toward the top of the bed. Thank goodness she thought to make sure his body was at a diagonal. Lila drew out the scarf and tied it loosely around his hands. His eyes turned red hot. Pulling his hand a little he thought the bonds to be loose. With a flourish she finished tying his hands to one of the posts.

She kissed him hoping it would ease her troubled mind. Her hair shielded everything from view, except the blurry image of his face. Lila ended the kiss with a smile. Her hands ran over his chest. The feel of his muscles and skin held a sort of fascination for her.
Michael was under her control, everything she wanted, but she was nervous. Lila felt a wave of panic, it was like standing in front of an empty canvas and be unable to find one thing to paint. His body lay beneath her ready to be touched, licked, sucked, and needed. She wanted to make him too desperate to realize he was pushing inside a virgin.
Lila's hands came across his flat nipples time and time again as they caressed his chest. They budded under her manipulations. Would he be as sensitive there as me? She thought to herself. Leaning over him she caught one gently between her teeth. Then slowly she scraped her teeth over it. Michael groaned and pulled at his hands. To soothe Lila ran her tongue along it. She sucked it into her mouth and she felt a shiver shake his body.
Lila moved to kiss him and once again he tugged at his hands. "Just a little longer." Her hands lowered to touch his feet. "I'm going to do to you what you did to me." She tickled lightly the sole of his left foot. Then her hand brushed casually over his legs until it got to his thigh. Though his legs were slightly apart it was not enough for what she had in mind.
"Legs wide Michael." With a nod of ascent he shifted his legs into position. Her hands rested on his thighs and her head delved between them licking weird patterns on the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. Hands bound to the post were clenched into fists, while his forehead beaded with sweat. His reaction made her feel confident. Lila stopped for a moment to gain his attention. Then sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth. She tasted precum on the tip. It must have felt like an electric shock to him, at first he pulled tight against her scarf then his whole body shook.
"I want to feel you inside me, Michael."
"Well since I am tied up you will have to do all the work." Her eyelids drew lower to hide her fearful expression before she positioned herself above his manhood.
Lila lowered herself only enough so that he could feel her warmth. Slowly her hips moved in a little circle. Michael’s erection brushed her clit, sensitive skin nearby and the place she wanted him. He throbbed and in a gravely shaky voice said. "Hurry."
Feeling a bit panicked she did as he asked and let gravity bring her down gently. Her head fell back and eyes closed as he entered her. At first it was a stretching inside to accommodate. The feeling was both different but good. "Oooooo." Then there as some discomfort. Taking a steadying breath Lila forced herself to rise until only an inch was inside. She descended quickly onto him to get the tearing over with. There was a burst of pain between her legs. To keep herself from crying out she bit her lower lip. It felt like being run though with a sword. After inhaling and exhaling the feeling dulled into a slight throbbing and a fullness. Once Lila gained some of her earlier composure she was able to look him in the face.

Damn she felt so tight around him. Sweat beaded on his forehead in an effort to keep himself from cumming. Yet when he broke through that barrier Michael felt a mixture of emotions running through him shock, fear, possessiveness. More than all of those he wanted to claim her, maybe even ruin her for other men. He looked at her knowing how badly this was hurting her. Lila looked down at him and smiled. Though this was a very serious matter Michael let it go and smiled back at her. She leaned over him placing her breasts level with his mouth. He took the tip into his mouth sucking at it. Then his hands were suddenly free.

What a sweet man. After a moment she eased away from her making a wet sucking sound as her nipple left his mouth. Then finally she began to move. All of the foreplay paled in comparison to the coiling pleasure occurring inside her body. The friction lit a fire inside making her move fasting and faster. It was almost like the Kentucky Derby who would finish first. His hands held her hips lightly letting her move at her own pace. After a few minutes it grew more intense. Her lips were gasping, her body bowed. He was clutching a pillow as if he were about to tear at it because of frustration. Then his other hand moved from her hip and reached where they were joined. Long thick fingers strove to discover something between her legs. For a moment she kept the quicksilver rhythm. Michael touched something then and she faltered falling heavily onto him. A cry broke from her lips and convulsions shook her body. Her inner muscles clutched at him harder. Michael yelled and she felt something shoot inside her. They throbbed and held each other through the wake of their orgasms. When their bodies calmed Michael kissed her sweetly and held her close.
It did not seem long before her breathing evened and her eyes closed.

Michael stayed awake watching the light play upon her face. Lila what am I going to do with you? Yet just watching her made him hungry for her. He eased her onto the bed and covered her body with his and slowly made love to her. At first all she did was wrap her legs around his waist, then her eyes opened and a moan eased from her lips. It was not long before her hyper sensitive body came again while whimpering his name. Several times during the night he woke her up like that. Until finally at 2:43 in the morning he fell asleep.

"Mmmmmm." For the first time Michael Graham stayed the whole night with a woman. This was very convenient for the part of his body that tented the sheets in an impressive morning erection. His eyes opened slowly to find Lila nestled close against his side. With a teasing smile tugging at his lips he brushed back a dark curl. He was there with a sister of one of his friends but panic did not set in. Slowly the hand that lay on his chest moved caressing the muscles of his chest then down his abdomen. Michael smiled at her initiative. "Indulge me." A wicked little smile was on her lips. She turned toward the left end of the bed and snatched a tiny box that rattled. She placed something little and green on her tongue. For a moment it was left rolling in her mouth before Lila turned to press her lips against his. With a sly sweep up her tongue she opened his lips and pushed the tic tac into his mouth. He let the breath mint travel all over his mouth before pushing it back in her mouth. Back and forth they did this until it fully dissolved in his mouth. It left a minty tingle there.

"Do you like waking up like that Michael?" Lila asked him. It feels so good being with him this way too bad it would not last long.
"Very much so." He drew her face close and covered her lips. It was a lingering glide of his lips over hers.
Lila shifted her body and gasped. Michael pressed a kiss to her lips.
"Are you sore, little one?" A knowing looked crossed his darkly handsome features.
"It hurts a little." Her face was twisted into a pained smile.
His heart flooded with a tender warmth that scared him. Damn if he had not taken her more than once she would not be hurting this morning.
"Here let me make you feel a little better." Michael replied. He disentangled his body from hers and got of the bed opposite from where she still laid. For a moment the sight of her stunned him to silence. Her forearms covered what she could of her chest yet it left cleavage and her upper breasts bare. Lila's stomach while leaner had no definition, smooth, with a tiny bit of excess weight near her hips. A smile tugged at his lips she had a cute tummy. Lower still his dark eyes flowed down her body finding a fine patch of dark brown curls which veiled his version of heaven. An ache throbbed in agreement to his assessment.
"Mi-chael." Lila whispered in the thick silence of the room.
He headed toward her and leaned over her on the large bed. "What?"
"I-I want you again." Her swollen rosy lips parted eyes glued to his overly ready dick.
Though it was something he wanted he knew it might cause her pain. "But you are so sore, Lila. I don't want to hurt you." His eyes were warm but worried.
"If we are careful and slow, could we? Everything about her was hopeful including her legs which parted a little to reveal glossy pink flesh.
Oh, fuck, there was not enough air in his lungs. He looked over her face her wide brown eyes, a straight nose, full wide lips slightly bruised from their kisses, and a small and lightly rounded chin. Michael leaned his head closer and kissed her once again. Her tousled brown curls were like soft strands of silk through his fingers yet they were slightly wet. "Only if you are sure."
"I am very sure about this." Lila drew him over her and planted an open mouth kiss which lasted a long time. Their hands wandered to places they knew were sensitive on each other.

Lila had a wicked thought in her head and let her hands run down his back but let them only hover over his cute butt. No, I want to touch. Her hands moved over it. "Mmmmmm." It feels as good as it looks.
"What?" Michael broke the kiss and looked down at her face.
"Hmmm." Lila said in a dreamy spacey look on her face.
"It feels as good as it looks, Lila?" The man asked.
A blush bloomed on her cheeks as she grinned. "I mean your butt."
Michael was shocked for a second before a chuckle burst from him. "I didn't know you felt that way."
"Well I can tell you more if you let me." The woman countered.
"Ok, I'm listening."
"A guy’s butt is the first thing I notice about a man. Believe me if a guy has no butt I don't find him as attractive, but you had a good one. I was fascinated from the first look. Why do you think I stood behind you most of the time." She winked then looked down into his eyes.
"Remember when the whole group had a picnic by the lake last summer and you wanted to swim. You took off your shirt. I could not look away. I wanted to see what your skin tasted like. Swim with you." Lila twisted so he was beneath her. She kissed his chest to demonstrate what she had wanted. Lila sucked on his nipples then gave his navel a kiss. "I think it would have felt good."
For a long moment they held each others gaze. They kissed and it was slow and sexy. Tongues tasting, teasing, lips devouring slowly the very emotion in their mating mouths. His hand covered her curls as his fingers delved for proof of her arousal, she was very wet, sticky. It grew more so as his fingers he stroked her hole, clit, lips. She moaned against his lips and twisted sharply beneath him.
Oh, the feeling was like a stingy pleasure, almost too much for her. Lila released her lips from his. "Please Michael now. I need you now." Her voice was low breathless.
At her request he moved until he was positioned at the mouth of her sex. Slowly he pushed himself into her slickened hole. A cry long and quiet echoed in the room. "How does it feel Lila?" Michael asked worried about her.
She breathed harshly against his neck and whispered. "It feels so good, it hurts but in a good way."
His hips moved in a slow rhythm in and out, while Lila clutched at his behind with a certainty leaving half moon fingernail marks on his flesh. This time was different than before, longer, sweeter, her face was an open book telling him things he hadn't known he wanted to hear. Sweat slicked their bodies, yet as they grew more urgent Michael kept the rhythm slow. "Michael..." Lila moaned so close to the edge. "Faster, please, faster."
Her head thrashed left and right and he drove into her hard and fast again and again. While one hand remained where it was the other drew his head down for an urgent kiss. Then Lila said. "Oh yes fuck me good."
Her hips keeping up with the rhythm he imposed on her. They were well matched this virgin and him an experienced male. The more he moved the closer they were thrown towards their climax. Her hand tightly squeezed his bottom. "Oh, god, oh god..." A scream filled the air as Lila bucked underneath him and shook in her orgasm. Michael kept going one, two, three, and her crying as it fed into the way her body milked his sensitive flesh. Four then five, then finally he yelled her name hoarsely as his cum shot from his body deep into her womb. Over and over he shuddered violently and after long moment they were still together as aftershocks shook them. Michael looked down at her face finding her eyes closed and her breathing shallow.
"Lila..." Michael whispered.
Her eyes slowly opened and she whispered. "Wow."
"What happened?"
"It felt like too much it was always a fine line but at the edge it became unbearable then the waves came and I felt it all then you made it worse and I fainted. Can we do it again?" It all came out in a rush like a child detailing an adventure.
Michael laughed and held her close. "What am I going to do with you?"
"Maybe take a shower with me."
He nodded and weakly got up from the bed. After finding his feet Michael held his hand out to the younger woman. With a smile and a toss of her hair she let him help her up. The two more or less helped each other wash off the excesses of their night together. Lila soaped his chest, back, legs, then aimed a wet spray at his crotch when he got too excited by her ministrations. He soaped her breasts, legs, bottom, back, and lingered a bit. Then they finished lathering themselves up, washed up and shared a towel.
The two got into the bath robes hanging in the bathroom, hers dwarfed her ending nearly halfway down her calf. His hit him at the knee. Hers white, his green, Michael called down to room service and ordered hash brown potatoes, ham, cheese, toast, and scrambled eggs, then asked if they could bring up an pair of underwear size 34, brown khaki pants, 34 by 36, and a medium v-neck sweater black from the gift shop. "Send the bill I will pay by credit card."
"I guess after we have breakfast we will go our separate ways." Lila smiled.
Though the prospect made his spirits sink he acted calm. "I guess so."
Lila, after making that pronouncement, went to the bed looking at the pristine white sheet in horror. There were four specks of blood on the sheet. Unfortunately it was not the only thing wrong in the center was a small puddle of his sperm, her juices, and a tiny bit of blood. "Oh shit."
Michael was seated at the dining table just off the bed so she would have a little bit of time. Lila pulled the sheet off, and made the bed without it. The incriminating evidence was then stuffed into her duffel bag.
She took out her clothes for today then let the robe fall from her shoulders down to the floor. Red satin underwear were pulled on unselfconsciously yet the very touch of fabric again her overly sensitive areas hurt. When she picked up the bra it was taken out of her hands and Michael helped her fit her breasts snugly into the cups and hooked it in the back. Lila turned in his arms and they stood like that for a few moment her in scraps of fabric him in a robe. "Let me finish getting dressed and I'll eat with you."
"Ok." His lips pressed faintly on her forehead. Then moved to the table. Lila quickly wriggled into her skirt, and pulled on her dark blue tee.

Soon they were both dressed and eating breakfast. "In the future we'll act like nothing happened, and just act like we did before." Lila said as she buttered her toast.
Could you do that act like we didn't have sex? "Okay."
The two ate calmly as if what had happened a little more than an hour ago did not spread to the present. "I am so glad you see it my way cause I don't want anyone to know."
For a moment all he felt was anger. What was wrong with him that she had to act as if this meant nothing? Michael looked at her face and found a sad emotion dulling her eyes a bit while the muscles by her lips strained to maintain a composed look upon her face.
A plan formed in his head not to alarm or distress her but to make sure he was not closing the door on something that was really special. “Ok I will not say anything if you meet me here next weekend.”

That, that asshole, what the heck is he playing at? “Are you trying to blackmail me?” She shot up out of her chair. Lila glared down at him.
“No!!!” He replied sharply.
Hectic color rose in her cheeks. “Then what do you want from me?” Her voice betraying the chaotic boom of her emotions.
“You want to go back to acting as if we hate each other!” Michael thundered.
Lila looked at him as if stricken. Her thoughts replaying how he had touched her the final time slow and careful unwilling to hurt her in any way. “No.” She whispered so quietly that Michael almost missed what she said.
“Do you want to forget last night?” He asked quietly rising from the table to go and stand in front of her.
“No.” She look down at her feet.
“This morning?” Michael got close to her and held her chin up gently with his hand.
“Lila, I saw the sheet you know.” Her feet helped her retreat a few feet before he in lightening fast movements grabbed her arm. “Don’t run.”
“You know.” Lila looked at his face. “You knew.”
“Why Lila? Why me?”
Lila turned away from him. “I let you get to me make me mad and tonight make me want. I never felt that way before.”
“I want you too!” He spun her to face him again, his eyes locked onto hers.
“Isn’t it always temporary, Michael?”
“Why can’t we just find out?”
“No one has had the ability to hurt me and you want me to give you that power.”

She had too many reservations. He would have to tumble them down. Michael leaned close until their breaths mingled. Lila brushed her lips slowly over his as if finding a place to settle in.
“Lila please.” For the first time in his life he was asking for a chance?

Epilogue- 4 Months Later

Knock. Knock. Knock. Lila opened her door her plum dress was altered yesterday to fit her slimmer form. She opened the door and there stood Michael with a corsage identical to what she wore 121 days ago. She wore black gloves but realizing she would not be able to feel with her bare skin she took them off and grabbed the shawl hanging by her door. “You look beautiful Lila.” There was something in his eyes she had seen only brief glimpses of. Tonight the view was unobstructed there was a warmness in that dark gaze of his. He wore a tux and looked so handsome he took her breath away.
“Where are we going?” Lila asked as he placed the corsage around her wrist.
“You’ll see.” He sneaked in a quick kiss but Lila pulled him close let her tongue sneak between his lips.
“Mi-chael, I...” She stopped knowing that his closeness had a large effect on her.
“What?” His voice was gruff with sincerity and tenderness.

Her eyes betrayed her and Michael couldn’t help but want to say those words now but he planned the whole thing out. Oh Lila what am I going to do with you? She was still nervous around him at times.
He led her outside and there according to his wishes was the black limousine waiting.
Lila was a little confused after that. The ride was in relative silence Lila confused and bewildered wondering what the heck was going on. Michael leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I want you, my darling.” Lila turned to him her eyes all sparkly like jewels. His heart threatened to turn over in his chest.
The drive was not long and when the driver opened the door she found herself at the Hotel Sofitel. People seemed to stare as they walked past towards the ballroom. He went into a room filled with people Lila was so preoccupied she did not even notice who they were or how the room was hushed all of the sudden.
“I need you.” He whispered.
They sat at a table in the center of the room already laden with a variety of foods. Michael sat to her left.
“What is going on?” Lila whispered her voice quivering.
“Oh Lila, don’t doubt now. You always push to make your dreams come true.” Michael said in a whispered.
“You know I wanted to wait. I had it all planned out.”
“What?” Her smile was hopeful and slightly trembling.
He stood and pulled her chair out to face him and not the table. He went down on one knee in front of her. “I don’t know when it started or when I knew. You looked so precious that night. I felt like I have never seen you before. Then you looking down at me when you tied me up. I wanted ever since then to put myself in your control.”
“Everyday I think your more and more beautiful. Now that I know you I can’t see me wake up to anyone else but you. I want to go to sleep seeing your face. I want to make everyday special for you.”
“You have, Michael.”
“Lila look around you.” There around them was her family and his family, watching them closely. “I wanted them all to know that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He saw the tears start to well in her pretty brown eyes.
“Lila, please marry me.”
She kind of sobbed right then and there nodding her head up and down, Out came a classic square cut diamond ring and a gold setting which he placed upon the ring finger in her left hand. She wiped away her tears and hugged him tightly whispering. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Loud cheering insued, but Lila was oblivious to it, caught up in the feel of Michael’s embrace and kiss.

The End
© Copyright 2003 Angel19 (laangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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