Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/770164-Mysterious-Ways
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #770164
A old woman's last night as she hears the beauty around her.
Words: 576
Captilized Words such as Beautiful Day were prompts to be used in the story.

         An old woman walked within a forest as the last light of the sun danced upon the tree limbs and grass. It was a Beautiful Day, the perfect day for her last. The Ground Beneath Her Feet crunched as it squished in-between her toes and wetness from a recent rain clung to her bare feet.

         The old woman's silver hair danced in the cool breeze and she smiled as she listened to the sounds of nature. She found it amazing that she couldn't hear a word when the doctor was telling her of her progressing illnesses but she could hear every bird, every cricket, and every breeze so easily once she was outside. The forest seemed to be rejoicing with sound this night, the trees were alive with motion as their long limbs wavered in the breeze, and birds were singing their own unique song.

         Her smile disappeared as she wished that she could see all these things, at least one last time. But no, her eyesight had left her ten years ago when she was ninety, and now she could only rely on her hearing to imagine the beauty around her. She thought it was So Cruel that God would take away such a precious thing from her, when she had served him for so many years.

         For ten years she silently cursed God for doing such a thing to her, that is, until this day. She forgave him; she thought that she now understood His plan now that her time was dwindling fast. With her eyesight taken away she could see more things now then when she had them open. The old woman realized the many different sounds and how she could almost hear beauty, if that was possible.

         She slowly and carefully laid herself against a tree and turned her head to where she thought the sun was setting. The woman remembered her last Indian Summer Sky she had seen and pictured it within her mind.

         She imagined the blood red streaked across the sky mixed with the blue, yellow and orange as the sun bid her farewell through these colors. Her eyes took in the surroundings; though she could not see them she imagined the Shadows And Tall Trees and the Ultraviolet rays that were creeping into darkness.

         The old woman sat there, Stuck In A Moment of tranquility and peace. She could hear the staff from the nursing home entering the forest, calling her name. Her smile played across her lips as she knew that they would be lost in the darkness and would have to retreat back to the home to retrieve flashlights. By the time they would find her, she would all ready be gone.

         She smiled as she realized that the Lord works in Mysterious Ways, and she may never realize why he had taken away her sight. Only that it was a part of His plan for her. She now graciously accepted it, for whatever lesson it had taught her. Her breathing was shallower and she felt herself slipping away as she could hear her heart beat weakening. She felt death's comforting darkness envelop her body and she closed her eyes as she savored the feeling. Her Last Night On Earth was coming to a close and she gratefully accepted it.

         "If God Will Send His Angels, I Will Follow and leave this earth." The woman's steel gray eyes slowly closed and she took her last breath with a smile upon her face.
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