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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #802967
Erotic horror. Not for prudes or the squeamish. One of many of this type.
The following story is an adult fantasy. You should be at least 18 or 21, whichever is legal age in your state or country, to read it. The story characters, events, and places are fictional. Any relationship of them to anyone or any place in the real world is purely coincidental.

Cannibal Game


Barefoot Bob

Everyone has a passion of some kind. There is always some activity that excites each individual more than anything else. With some people, the passion may be for boating or fishing. Other people may desire more physically challenging activities such as mountain climbing or sky diving. Still others prefer the relaxation of stamp or coin collecting. Devon, a twenty two year old college student, often wished he had any other passion than the one that had saturated his mind and imagination since childhood. Devon had a passion for envisioning something that would probably never happen in the real world. Devon loved to imagine himself being devoured alive by beautiful girls and women. On the inner stage of his fertile imagination, sexy females he’d seen in his daily life, the highly paid women on T.V. to the college girls, secretaries, and store clerks he saw, any of them, upon entering his world, sat on him and ate him as if it were completely natural for them to do so. His strange desires were perplexing to him. If he were truly eaten by any of these females he would be gone, and he doubted if he had a death wish. Yet there was a close physical intimacy between lovely females and the food they ate that intrigued him. When a pretty girl exclaims that she loves chicken, or that she loves pork chops, for instance, she’s expressing a desire to take that food inside of her, to let the food become a part of her. The girls on his inner stage didn’t love him as a man. They desired him as food. To be desired, wanted, by women as something to eat seemed more important to him than the usual way men and women interact.

Devon loved to write stories of female cannibalism. He had recently finished a story about two college girls who, in a futuristic world, a female dominated world, use him as a human couch cushion and then eat him alive. It was a familiar scenario he loved to envision, and he crafted another story around. The characters of the two college cannibal girls were derived from the girls living upstairs from him. His father and mother had separated and left him as sole owner of a house with an upstairs apartment. The two girls were Cindy and her roommate Alicia. Cindy was a tall, long legged blonde girl, classically beautiful, but with a rather cool way about her. Alicia was a shorter brown eyed brunette with cute dimples and an outgoing, friendly manner. The two roommates were the latest girls to devour him alive in the theater of his mind.

One evening, Devon answered the door to the pleasant surprise of Alicia, standing there, all smiles—as usual.

“Hi, Devon,” said Alicia. “Am I interrupting something?”

“No, no,” said Devon. Then he thought to himself: “You were about to take a bite out of my arm.” If she only knew, thought Devon. “Can I help you?”

“Sorry to bother you, Devon, but could you do me a real big favor?”

“Sure. Anything,” said Devon. “Anything you want,” he thought, and with his inner dialogue said: “Do you want to eat me?”

“My computer crashed and I have a research paper due tomorrow. Would you mind terribly if I used your computer?” she asked.

“No problem, Alicia,” he told her. It’s in the study” He showed her to the extra bedroom he had converted into a study. She apologized again for bothering him at such a late hour, and he assured her, again, that it was no bother. Alicia set a couple of books down on the computer desk and clicked on the computer.

“I’ll leave you alone,” said Devon. “There should be everything there you need: printer, a ream of paper. If there’s anything else you need just ask.”

“Oh, Devon,” she said, sweetly. “You’re so nice.”

Devon closed the bedroom door and returned to his arm chair and book he’d been reading. He could scarcely concentrate on the book for thinking of Alicia in the other room. He thought of the story he had written about her and Cindy. Alicia? Alicia, a cannibal? How silly, he thought. He had brought her into his imaginary world and recreated her. If either of them were actually capable of doing such an evil thing if would be Cindy. He imagined her opening her mouth wide, her pearly teeth gleaming as she was about to take a bite out of him when he suddenly remembered the story. The story! It was still in the computer! He always kept his stories on CD where no one could find them, but he had accidentally left the Cindy/Alicia story in his documents. How embarrassing it would be if she happened across it and read it. But Alicia was doing research, he reminded himself. Unless she was deliberately snooping, she wouldn’t see what he had in documents. Still, the possibility of her reading a story where she and Cindy were sitting on him and then eating him alive was troubling. He decided to find an excuse to check on her. He grabbed a can of soda from the fridge, knocked on the bedroom door and entered.

“I thought you might like something to drink,” he said, offering her the soda.

“How thoughtful of you,” said Alicia. “I was getting thirsty. Thank you, Devon.”

Devon smiled and left. During the brief moments he was near the computer, he saw a page containing information on Plato. It was a relief. Alicia was doing research on Plato. She seemed busy. He doubted if she would look into his documents and read the story.

During the next few weeks, whenever he happened to speak to Alicia or Cindy he tried to discern from their expressions or tone of voice anything that would indicate they had knowledge of the story. There seemed to be nothing different about the way they related to him. They projected no hint of embarrassment or anger—the kind of feelings women would typically feel if they found themselves being used as characters in such a story. About a month had passed and Devon was convinced that the story, now tucked away in a CD, hadn’t reached them.

He happened across Alicia, one day, in the school cafeteria. She was sitting alone at a table, a book spread out and munching on a sandwich and chips. She invited him to join her. “I’m so hungry,” she told him. “I guess this is the best I can do for now,” she added, raising the sandwich to her mouth and removing a chunk of it. “I get so bored with cafeteria food,” she continued. “I wish I could try something different.”

“What did you have in mind?” asked Devon.

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Alica. “Something really different.” Unexpectedly, her mouth formed into a mischievous grin. “Too bad I’m not a cannibal,” she told him. “I could eat you, Devon.”

“Well…uh…that would certainly be a different kind of food,” said Devon. His lips began to quiver. Cannibalism? Had she read it? Had she read the story? He decided to further pursue the topic of conversation. “But what if I didn’t want you to eat me?”

“You wouldn’t have a choice in the matter,” said Alicia, still grinning. “If I were a hungry cannibal I would just eat you up.” Then she added: “You know… Some futurists think that some day the world might experience wide spread famine and turn to cannibalism for survival.”

“Hmmm,” uttered Devon. “If such a turn of events happened, do you think that…”

“What Devon?” she encouraged.

“Do you think you could actually eat me?”

Alicia looked at her sandwich and then at Devon. “You might taste better than this sandwich,” she remarked, chuckling.

Alicia bringing up the subject of cannibalism out of the clear blue sky in a college cafeteria disturbed him. In a way he wished she had read his story—if but to see what her reaction would be. But he didn’t know if she’d read it, and he just had to find out.

“Alica,” he said, earnestly. “If I ask you a question, do you promise not to get angry with me?”

“That would depend upon the question, Devon,” she said, and smiled.

“I write stories,” he told her.

“That’s wonderful, Devon,” she said. “What kind of stories do you write?”

“OH…uh…” he hesitated a moment.

“Go on,” she encouraged.

“I write cannibal stories, in particular, female cannibal stories.”

“Really?” she remarked. She was staring coyly at him.

“…silly really,” he added. “It’s just something I do.”

“I don’t think it’s silly,” she assured him. “Anything is possible with imagination.”

“I’m glad you feel that way,” said Devon. He began to feel more comfortable in the discussion. “My stories are often about a future society that is completely dominated by females.”

“And they eat the men? She asked. He nodded. “Hmmm,”…sounds intriguing. A society dominated by females who eat men. So…what else do they do to the men? Do they, for instance, sit on them or something? Women could do anything they wanted to the men in such a society,” she added. “But you were going to ask me a question?” She seemed relaxed and smiling.

“I think you just answered it,” said Devon.

Alicia blushed a little, sat back in the chair and crossed her legs. “I’m sorry, Devon.” She admitted. “I couldn’t resist. You’re kind of a secretive guy. Cindy and I have been dying to know more about you.”

“And you aren’t embarrassed or angry with me?” he asked her, hopefully.

“Oh, not at all,” she said. “Writers often use the people they have some contact with as characters in fiction. Sometimes the characters are a composite of many people they interact with—the physical appearance of one, the personality of another…”

“I loved your story,” she told him. “Cindy loved it, too. I printed it out.”

“You two must have laughed when you read it,” said Devon.

“Sure. We laughed at first. But then we got to talking about what you would taste like.”

‘I don’t want to be really eaten,” he interjected. “I only fantasize about it.”

“Of course not,” said Alicia. “But the truth is: After Cindy and I read your story we also began to fantasize about it.”

“You fantasize eating me?” he asked.

“And sitting on you, too,” said Alicia. “Are own human couch cushion. It’s exciting to think about.”

Devon didn’t know where to direct the conversation from that point. His groin tingled, and his cock began to stiffen at the idea of Alicia and Cindy using him, nonchalantly, as a human couch cushion and then eating him alive, bite by painful bite.

“Devon, would you please come up to our apartment tonight?” said Alicia. “Cindy and I would like to talk to you some more about your story.”

“Well…I…” he stammered.

“We only want to talk,” said Alicia. “I promise we won’t bite you.” She grinned. “...unless you want us to.”

Devon could hardly wait to visit them that evening. What did they want to talk about? Surely they weren’t thinking about really eating him. Imagination is one thing. But these were two lovely, but normal, college girls. As he entered their apartment, he immediately noticed how they were dressed. Both of them had on mini-skirts, of the kind he described them wearing in the story. They were of a pleated, plaid type—similar to a school girl uniform— with hemlines that started about five inches above their knees.

Both girls greeted him and smiled warmly. “Have a seat,” said Alicia, motioning to a chair opposite a couch. There was a coffee table between the chair and couch. Devon sat down, trying to relax while drinking in the lovely site of the girls in mini-skirts. Cindy approached the couch, sat down and crossed her long legs. Devon was getting more excited by the moment. When each girl sat on the couch they seemed to deliberately put their skirts over the couch cushion—just as it had been in the story. They leaned back and crossed their tanned thighs—exposing part of their panties to him. Devon’s face flushed with excitement. He would have loved to be lying on that couch before they sat down.

“S-So, Cindy,” he stammered. “Alicia tells me you read my story and liked it.

“It was a delicious story,” said Cindy. “I have it right here…” She reached under a magazine and produced the story. Alicia leaned over as Cindy looked over the story. “Hmmm…Okay,” said Cindy. It’s the future. It seems Alicia and I are shopping for a man to eat. We go to a meat market that specializes in live males…” She peered up from the paper to see Devon’s reaction. He nodded and smiled with quivering lips. “We see you there, Devon,” she continued. “And you look yummy,” added Alicia. She gazed hungrily at him and licked her lips. “Yes. You look scrumptious,” said Cindy. “We want to buy you, take you home and sink our teeth in you.” She smiled broadly with sharp looking white teeth. The girls read on. “So we buy you,” said Alicia, flipping the page over, “take you home and decide you’d make a wonderful couch cushion for us.”

“Uh-huh,” said Devon. “That’s what you…uh… That’s the way the story goes.”

The girls read on. “We make you lie down on our couch,” said Cindy. “And we sit on you,” added Alicia. “Of course, it doesn’t matter if we squish you, because, after all, you’re only a slave…right?” She looked at Devon.

“I-I guess it wouldn’t matter,” said Devon. “As the story goes,” he added.

Cindy flipped over another page and read on. “We use you as a couch cushion for a week or so,” said Cindy. “We also bite you hard,” said Alicia. “Just to torture you and express our complete domination over you.” “Yes, we bite you all over,” said Cindy. “We tell you how much we’re going to love eating you alive, and we bite you all over so you’ll know what it’s going to feel like when we actually eat you.” She looked squarely at Devon with unflinching blue eyes. “That would really hurt,” she said. “I bite hard.”

“I’m sure you can, Cindy,” said Devon. “Of course, this is only a story. It’s fiction.”

The girls gazed at him a moment, then returned to the story. They read the rest of the manuscript, slowly, as if studying it. Every so often, they looked up from the story and gazed a moment at Devon.

“Then we can’t wait any longer to eat you,” said Cindy. “We place you on a plastic covering and start taking big bites of your flesh.” “And you scream,” said Alicia. “You scream from pain, but we merrily keep on eating you.” “And then your gone,” said Cindy. “No more Devon.” Alicia licked her lips and rubbed her stomach. “All gone,” she said. “You end up inside us.”

“Yep, that’s it,” said Devon. He laughed nervously. “Silly, isn’t it.”

A long, chilling silence followed the girls’ reading of his story. Alicia whispered something in her roommates’ ear. Cindy plopped the story down on the coffee table. Devon wished he could crawl under the coffee table and disappear. Cindy stared at Devon a moment with cold, blue eyes.

“Do you want us to eat you, Devon?” she suddenly asked. Her words cut into him as if she had actually taken a bite out of him.

“Oh-no, Cindy, I…”

“Would you like us to sit on you, Devon?” Cindy interrupted.

“No-no,” said Devon with a nervous laugh. “It’s only a story…just a story.”

“Then why did you write it?” asked Cindy.

“I don’t know,” said Devon, sheepishly. “I don’t know where this stuff came from…clear back in childhood, I guess.” He tried to explain.

“So you imagine Alicia and I sitting on you and eating you,” said Cindy.

“Yes, I fantasize it,” admitted Devon. He was starting to feel angry, angry that they pried into his private life, angry that some childhood experience had paved the way for the fantasies in the first place. “This is beginning to feel like an inquisition,” he told them.

“It’s not an inquisition,” said Alicia. “It’s just that Cindy and I feel that you don’t know what you’d be getting into if we really did those things to you. If I sat on you as you describe in your story, it wouldn’t be very comfortable, I assure you.” And Cindy added: “And if I bit into you and starting eating you alive… Do you realize how much that would hurt, Devon?”

“Of course,” he replied. “I’m not a fool.”

“You’ve had these desires all your life, haven’t you Devon,” said Cindy.

“Yes,” he said. “I told you… They started in childhood.”

“Would you like us to help you?” Alicia asked.

“Help me? In what way?”

“It must be very frustrating for you wanting something that can’t happen in real life,” said Alicia.

“It is,” said Devon. “But at least in fantasy I can control things.”

“You know that we can’t really eat you in fantasy,” said Cindy.

“Devon,” said Alicia, hesitantly, “what if you were in a situation you had no control over.”

‘I don’t follow,” said Devon.

“What if Cindy and I put you in a situation where you didn’t know if we were going to really eat you up or not?”

“I suppose I’d be terrified,” said Devon.

“We want to do it,” said Cindy. “Alicia and I want to act out your story just as you wrote it. We want you to feel all the pleasure you describe, but also the terror of not knowing if were going to devour you or not.”

“I doubt if I’d have to worry about that,” said Devon, chuckling.

“Oh, don’t be too sure,” said Alicia. “We might be closet cannibals.”

“ I would take a chance on that,” said Devon, still chuckling.

“Okay,” said Cindy. “If you’re sure you want to do this be at the Ingman grocery store this Saturday at one. Wait there by the meat section. We’ll be coming for you.”

“You’re serious?” he asked.

“We’re serious,” said Cindy. “Just remember you agreed to do this.”

Saturday couldn’t come soon enough for Devon. Two of the prettiest, sexiest girls he’d ever seen willing to act out his fantasy. It was a dream come true. As he stood near the meat counter, his entire body tingling with anticipation, he recalled Alicia’s words. Closet cannibals, indeed. How absurd. They weren’t about to bite into his flesh amidst his screams of agony as they ate him alive. Alicia and Cindy seemed like typical college coeds. If anyone practiced cannibalism in modern times, it certainly wasn’t Alicia and Cindy. But this experience was going to be the most exciting thing he’d ever done.

The girls arrived at the meat counter right on time. Apparently, they had come to the store a little early because Alicia was pushing a grocery cart with a few canned goods in it and some fruit. They were, again, dressed in mini-skirts—exactly the way he had written it. But they didn’t seem to take much note of him at first. They had the butcher wrap up a couple pounds of ground beef before they actually looked at Devon.

“This one looks delicious,” said Alicia. She licked her lips and felt his arms and shoulders. “He’ll make a lovely dinner for us.”

“Hmm, well, you’re too big to fit in the grocery cart,” said Cindy, “so I guess you’re going to have to walk with us.” She grasped his arm and led him along as she and Alicia proceeded to the check out counter. Devon was amazed at their acting ability. He expected them to be laughing or at least grinning at this outlandish game, but they wore serious expressions on their pretty faces. He loved this cannibal game.

The girls cheerfully placed the canned goods, meat, and fruit on the checkout conveyor belt. The girl behind the register was a pretty, young red haired girl. “Hi. How are you today?” she greeted the shoppers. “We’re fine, but we’re hungry,” said Alicia. The checkout girl smiled as she waved each item over the scanner. “It looks like you have everything you need here to satisfy your hunger, “ she remarked.

“Yes,” said Alicia. “We even have a yummy looking man here…but he doesn’t seem to have a price tag on him. How much is he?”

A puzzled expression crossed the checkout girls’ face, but then she laughed and said: “I didn’t know we sold men here. Hmm. Let me see…” she looked over Devon. “You don’t seem to have a bar code on you, so you must be free, I guess,” she chuckled. “Good,” said Alicia. “We can afford free. We’re going to take him home and eat him. Don’t you think he looks scrumptious?” “He looks delicious,” replied the checkout girl, getting into the game and apparently enjoying it. “I bet you aren’t going to like getting cooked and eaten,” she told Devon. “Oh, we aren’t going to cook him. We’re going to eat him alive,” replied Alicia, casually.

“Alive, huh?” said the checkout girl. “You mean like…” she clicked her teeth together a couple times.

“Sure,” said Alicia.

“Oww!” remarked the checkout girl. “Too bad for you,” she told Devon.

“Oh, it’s okay,” said Cindy. “He’s only meat.”

“Uh…oh…okay,” said the checkout girl, rolling her eyes in puzzlement.

“Out in the parking lot, their live meal walking beside them, Cindy suddenly halted.

“Wait a minute,” said Cindy. “We haven’t even tasted you yet.” She raised his hand to her pretty, pink mouth and bit down on it. She bit softly, at first, but then increased the pressure from her sharp teeth until Devon winced in pain. “Oww!” he shrieked. He looked at the deep teeth marks indented in the flesh of his hand. “Please, not so hard. That could leave a scar.”

“I warned you that you didn’t know what you were getting into,” said Cindy. “Do you want to continue or not?”

He thought a moment, wondering how far the girls were going to take this role play. But he’d come this far. He wasn’t backing out.

“As you wish,” he told them.

Alicia and Cindy placed the sack of groceries on the back seat. Then they ordered Devon to sit by “the rest of the groceries” as if he was the same as them. They drove home, chatting with each other about school and other topics of conversation. Devon remained silent like the meat slave he was suppose to be. His groin warmed and his cock thickened whenever they exclaimed how delicious he was going to be. The girls were playing out the story exactly as he had written it. When they got home, they ordered him to lie down on the couch.

“You’re going to make a nice couch cushion for us until we eat you,” said Alicia. The two girls stood next to the couch, giantesses from his perspective. He had envisioned the scene many times, but these were real girls preparing to sit on him, real girls with real weight. “I think I’ll sit on you,” said Cindy. She turned and sat down squarely upon his chest. The air whooshed out of him. She crossed her legs, demurely, as she sat, the higher of her two legs pressed against his chin. Neither girl weighed much over 125 lbs. but the full concentration of Cindy’s weight on his chest caused him to strain for each breath. He looked upwards at the girl atop him, the way her firm breasts pushed out at the white blouse she was wearing, the way her shiny blonde hair dangled above him. He gazed at her tanned thighs so near to his face. It was a scene taken directly from his story about them, but much more uncomfortable then he’d imagined. Then he felt Alicia’s knee against his face. She was standing close to the couch, and he peered up under her pleated mini-skirt at the shapely thighs and panties it was intended to conceal. “I’m going to sit on your face,” she told him. She turned, and, keeping her legs together, began to sit down on his face. Her skirt was over his face as her round butt loomed closer and closer to it’s fleshy target. Then he was engulfed in the musky smell of her ass as she settled down heavily upon him. With Cindy sitting on his chest, and Alicia’s butt planted firmly on his face, he felt his body being crushed into the couch.

Cindy and Alicia sat on him for what seemed an eternity. He flailed his arms in panic. He was suffocating under their hot bodies. Alicia got up from his face, and he gasped for precious air. But no sooner than he began to feel better when Cindy re-positioned her butt directly over his face and sat down. She crossed her long legs while sitting full weight upon his face and talked with Alicia as if he wasn’t there as Devon, a human being entitled to anything but to be sat on and eventually eaten. “He’s fun to sit on,” said Cindy. “When shall we eat him?”

“Let’s keep him around until next Saturday,” replied Alicia. “We can sit on him and bite him until then.”

The words were taken from his story. If Cindy and Alicia stayed true to the story, they would start biting him any moment now. He didn’t have long to wait. “Let’s bite him, Cindy,” said Alicia. “I want to show this slave just what he’s in store for.”

Cindy got up from his face. “You need to get those clothes off, slave,” she ordered. “I want to taste your flesh.” She and Cindy tore all his clothing off, leaving him lying on the couch, completely nude, awaiting their next actions. His cock was stiff with anticipation. Alicia pushed his legs over and sat on the edge of the couch. She leaned down close to his arm. Her fine scented feminine presence and physical beauty invigorated his senses. She looked so soft and lovely poised with red lips next to his shoulder. Her breath felt hot on his skin, but he winced when she opened her mouth wide displaying her sharp upper and lower teeth. It was a natural reaction when someone knows they are about to be bitten. Her wet tongue came out and she licked at his shoulder. “Mmm,” she moaned. Then she bit down hard, tapping some skin from his shoulder between her teeth. She held onto her vicious bite until he screamed in agony.

“Alicia!” he cried. “Please. You don’t have to bite that hard to be convincing.”

“I’ll bite you as hard as I want,” sparked Alicia. “Just remember. You’re only meat.”

“And you look yummy,” said Cindy. Her face was near his chest. She clamped her teeth around a nipple and bit it, sending a torrent of pain throughout his chest. Then Alicia and Cindy grabbed a hold of each of his arms and bit them just as hard. Devon protested, but Cindy remarked nonchalantly: “You wanted us to eat you. Stop whimpering.” The girls looked at each other, as if wondering what to do next. They picked up the manuscript from the coffee table and read it. When they returned to him, their eyes were filled with what looked like lust, but could have just as well been hunger, for him. Both of them knelt down close to his face. He knew what they were about to do from the story. “Please,” he begged, “not so hard, okay?”

“Mmm,” moaned Alicia. “She licked her lips. Her beautiful face was only inches away from his. His body was hot with excitement, yet he felt the claws of terror grip him, for he felt he had lost control of the game.

“I’m going to bite you on the mouth,” Alicia told him. Her teeth parted wide and she pressed her face into his. He felt her upper teeth pierce one end of his lips, and her lower ones chewed into the other end. He stared into huge brown eyes and his flesh was, at once, caressed by her cologne at the same time being attacked by her relentless teeth. She bit down hard and he groaned. He felt something warm flow from his lips. Then Alicia moved her face slightly to the right and bit his cheek. Her sharp teeth burned into his cheek, and seemed so contradictory to the rest of her soft face. “Alicia, stop!” he cried. “That could leave a scar. “Alicia ignored him, continuing to chomp down all over his face. “I’m going to eat you up,” she said, as she bit his nose, his chin, and his ear.

“Have a bite of his face,” she offered Cindy.

“No!” cried Devon. “That’s enough.”

“But I haven’t eaten any of your face, yet,” said Cindy. She grasped his face. She tilted her head, and, brushing away her long blonde hair, licked at the blood Alicia had drawn form his lips. Then she bit them herself, as well as his cheek and the rest of his face. As Cindy continued to pretend to eat his face, he felt Alicia’s teeth puncture his shoulder. “You’re the best slave we’ve ever eaten,” she exclaimed.

“That’s enough!” cried Devon, again. “You made your point. It hurts like hell. I told you I didn’t want to be eaten alive in real life.” He forced his way up from the couch. “You proved your point,” he mumbled, as he headed for the door.

“Are you sure you want to quit now?” asked Alicia. “We have a whole week to go before we really eat you.” She patted her stomach. “Then you’ll end up inside us.”

“Oh, come on,” said Devon. “You girls aren’t going to eat me, not really. You just want to sit on me and bite the shit out of me. You made your point. You’ve had your fun. Time to go.”

“But we want to eat you,” said Cindy. “And we love sitting on you,” said Alicia. Both of them wore serious expressions. “How will you know if we really want to eat you up?” asked Cindy. “unless you play the game through till next Saturday?”

He stood motionless at the door, considering the odds of them being “closet cannibals” as Alicia had put it. The game was exciting to him—painful, but exciting. He had often asked himself if he ran across some real cannibal girls if he would want them to eat him. These two lovely girls had put him in the position of not knowing for sure what their intentions were in the game. He was intensely curious to find out—so curious that he threw caution to the winds and decided to continue the game.

He was told not to leave the apartment or attend classes. He was their slave, their possession. He spent the rest of the weekend as their human couch cushion. Cindy and Alicia became so accustomed to sitting on him as if he were a part of their couch, he feared he would sustain internal damage from their continual assaults on his body with their magnificent butts. He slept on the couch he had grown to feel a part of. Monday morning he heard the girls showering. Cindy came out from the bathroom wearing only a towel. She bent his legs up to form a back rest, placed a pillow against them, and sat on his cock, her golden thighs stretched over his torso and face, her dainty feet patted his chest and face, as she quietly read a magazine. Alicia entered the living room. She wore only panties and bra. She sat squarely upon his face as she talked with her roommate over the proceeding days classes at college. It was the way he had always envisioned it, the girls acting so casual about crushing his body beneath them as if that was his function—other than being devoured alive.

The week went buy. The girls had sat on him and bitten his flesh to the point where he had little spirit of humanity left in him. He began to think of himself as their meat, a possible meal for them. But the idea still seemed so remote, he chucked to himself and reminded himself that it wasn’t going to happen exactly as he had written it.

The following Saturday marked the end of his torture, he thought. If the girls were truly going to eat him, it would be then. By that time, they had bitten him all over from head to toe. His flesh was marked with puncture wounds inflicted with strong, youthful jaws and sharp teeth. He feared infection and decided he’d better see a doctor as soon as they released him. He was staring at one of the bite wounds on his hand when Cindy and Alicia appeared before him, stark naked. The phone rang, and Alicia sat on his chest while she answered it. He marveled at her naked womanliness as she perched atop him.

“Mom!” she exclaimed. “Hi. How are you?” He could hear a faint voice in the phone.

“We’re doing fine,” she told the caller. “College is great…huh? Oh, sure, Cindy and I are getting enough to eat. But I sure miss man meat.” “What the hell was she talking about?” thought Devon. “Man meat? Was her mother in on the game?”

“We finally found one, though,” said Alicia. “I’m sitting on him right now. He wanted us to treat him like a couch cushion so we did,” she said, and chuckled. “We were just getting ready to eat him.”

“What was going on?” thought Devon He hadn’t written a phone call from her mother into the story. He suddenly felt Cindy clutching at his wrists. She had tied a rope around them and secured it to the coffee table. “Stop!” cried Devon. “I don’t want to be tied up. I realize it was in the story, but this is a game and I don’t want to be tied up.” He tried to force his way up, but Alicia put more pressure on him with her weight as Cindy tied his feet together.

“We decided to eat this one alive,” Alicia said into the phone. “He looks simply scrumptious. Huh? Want to talk to him?” She held the phone next to Devon’s ear. An older woman, maybe in her forties, spoke to him. “Now you just be still and let my daughter eat you,” said the woman. “I wish I was there to eat some of you myself.”

Terror and panic flushed through him. What was happening? We’re they really going to eat him? He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to be eaten—not really. He shouted into the phone: “Please, ma’am. Don’t let your daughter do this to me.” The woman on the phone laughed. “Oh, you men… Of course you don’t want to be eaten, but you’re just so delicious and nourishing.” Alicia continued conversing with her mother for awhile. She ended the conversation with: “I will mom… I promise… And I’ll surely have a bite of him for you.”

“So now you know,” said Alicia and grinned. “Cindy and I both come from cannibal families. That’s how we became acquainted. “We’ve been eating men for as long as I can remember. “We’ve never eaten one alive, though. We’ve always cooked them first. I’ve always enjoyed biting the meat before we cooked him. We thought it would be fun to really eat one alive. And guess who are dinner is going to be?” she chuckled and licked her lips.

“You two are crazy!” screamed Devon.

“We don’t’ think we’re crazy,” said Cindy. “We were brought up eating men It’s natural for us.” Devon stared in horror at her naked body. He thought of all the other men she’d eaten, men whose flesh may still be a part of her. He stared at Alicia and wondered the same thing. It became apparent, now, how they could have hurt him over the past week, completely dominating him without regard for his pain and discomfort. He was nothing but meat to them! They had used his story about them as an opportunity to capture him.

The girls spread a plastic covering over the coffee table. They dragged him off the couch and onto the table. His continual protests were met with indifferent eyes.

“I’m going to eat you, now. Are you ready to experience your story exactly as you wrote it?” said Alicia.

“No!” cried Devon, but Alicia had already sunk her teeth into his lips. She bit down and chewed at him, her sexy face filled with hunger for his flesh. Her teeth came together and she tore his lips off. His screams of agony bounced off the walls, but soon turned to unintelligible moans blubbering from his mouthless face. He could only watch, powerless, as she chewed up his bitten off lips and swallowed them. “Mmm,” she said. “You are delicious, Devon. Then Cindy descended on him, sinking her teeth deep into his cheek and biting a chunk of it off as naturally as if it were any other meat. Adrenaline rushed though him in reaction to the injuries. He felt sick and weak. Cindy took another bite of him—this time his chest. Alicia gnawed off a bite of his arm. He looked for any semblance of compassion or pity in their cruel, hungry eyes and found only lustful hunger. They spoke with each other as nonchalantly as any other dinner conversation: “Have a bite of this…and…have a bite of that, it’s yummy,” as they continued to eat him alive.

Their mouths were at his cock. Cindy licked up and down his shaft and then sank her teeth deeply into it, chewing off a piece. Alicia bit off the head of his manhood. “Mmm, good,” she remarked, as she chewed it in front of his bleary eyes. He had lost a lot of blood, blood that was a part of their unearthly meal. He was fading from consciousness. His thoughts went to the story he had written about them. He knew he was dying. He knew that his flesh would soon be digested and become a part of the sexy girls making a meal of him. He knew that after he was gone, the girls would resume the lives of normal college coeds. No one would know that their bodies were partly composed of him. And he thought: If, somehow, he came back in another life, he hoped he would be an athlete, a mechanic, anything but a young man with an overactive imagination.

The end

© Copyright 2004 Barefoot Bob (angst at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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