Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/830997-Getting-the-Hook-Up
Rated: E · Other · Writing · #830997
a writing prompt exercise
The following is a list of sentences that might begin a story or chapter ('the hook' as the assignment giver called it). The writing assignment instructed us not to care whether the sentences really made sense. Just write what came to mind and write for 15 minutes.

· Last night, buried under the warmth of three blankest, I couldn’t’ wait for this moment to arrive.

· “He through rocks at a man’s Lexus.” A woman was over heard talking on her cell phone.

· There was a second or two lag time between the needle penetrating her skin and the pain that the medication brought with it. She could feel the medication travel from her elbow all the way down to her pinky and ring finger.

The following is a list of sentences that might begin a story or chapter. The writing assignment instructed us not to care whether the sentences really made sense. Just write what came to mind and write for 15 minutes.

· Every Christmas, I buy a bag of Hershey’s assorted miniatures, open the bas as soon as I get into my car, inhale deeply and then drop the candy out of my window, one by one, al the way home.

· Somehow, I think I’m supposed to have created more pieces than I have.

· “Mickeeeeey!” The three year old screamed from somewhere in the back of the house.

· I knew I received the dreaded phone call once I just didn’t imagine it would be only two days after my daughter got her driver’s license.

· I wish now I had packed my good camera with the telephoto lens.

· We stopped in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge, to take in the magnificent view.

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