Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/834705-The-Blind-Leading-the-Blind
Rated: E · Prose · Comedy · #834705
communication problem or self defense?
Last night my husband and I went to hear an inspirational talk at church by a woman who went blind in childbirth & later went on to be a leader in blind/deaf services. Most of her talk stressed the importance of helping handicapped people serve others. She was especially well known for training blind volunteers to help deaf & blind people. She swears this story is absolutely true!

One of her clients was a blind man with a deaf and blind wife. The husband was being trained to help his wife cope with everyday tasks such as personal hygiene, medications, meals, etc. At one point the man called for help, saying that he couldn't figure out what it was his wife wanted. He was trying to administer her medications & she got quite irate. After much finger spelling it became crystal clear what the wife was so upset about. She laboriously spelled out the following: "I don't want that blind man to give me an enema!"

Entirely understandable, if you ask me...

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