Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/841853-Another-Perspective
Rated: E · Essay · Family · #841853
Writing from my 18's point of view
A writing promt: Write a piece from another charactor's perspective.

Attending the Macon Symphony Orchestra wasn’t on my list of favorite things to do on a Saturday night, but my grandfather had graciously bought us tickets at $100.00, apiece. He purchased ten tickets in all. Everyone in the family would be there. Begging out was not an option, even for my younger sister, who had the unfortunate luck of developing a reoccurring bladder infection - just several hours prior to the start of the concert. The McDuffie family was to perform with the MSO. According to my father, he is world-renowned making it would be an honor to attend one of his concerts. My father reminded me again, for the third time, how Granddaddy spent one hundred dollars on each ticket. (I had heard this already from my mother). Apparently, there were other priced tickets, but being able to sit in the middle front section of the Grand Opera House bore repeating. I guess I should be counting my lucky stars.

“At least I can get a culture credit for this.” I told myself as I applied my favorite eveningwear lipstick. I had clothes for such an occasion, my boyfriend Shaun, however did not. He appeared at the front door wearing his dark burgundy polo with khaki pants. He grabbed at his imaginary tie, “I don’t need one.” He told me. “I’m sitting in the one hundred dollar section. I’m too good to wear a tie.”

Shaun and I were the youngest adults present by at least 40 years. Well, okay, make it twenty; mom and dad aren't quite that old. A large handful of children dressed in what looked like their Easter outfits. The little girls looked like princesses, with ribbons or bows adorning their hair, All the boys were wearing suits. “Look honey,” I nudged Shaun with my elbow, “He’s got such a cute little tie.”

I glanced around as the rest of the audience busied itself with last minute activities, getting one last cookie from the refreshment table, one last glass of wine from the bar. The average spectator had to have been seventy-five years old. I’m not kidding. Packs of little old ladies whose translucent skin shone in contrast against the opaque messily applied dark red lipstick, stood in small circles cackling. These elderly woman possessed a natural GPS system for locating the youngest male in an in-room radius. Once spotted, they would hone in and surround the poor fellow who would inch his way to the restroom for an escape.

Once seated, the lights dimmed and the voices hushed, we settled ourselves in for a long evening of boring music. However, I must admit, the talent was so great, the music was beautifully received, at least by me. I wont’ swear, but I think I may have heard Shaun snoring during Robert McDuffie first piece. I really did enjoy the magnificently talented violin player. And Susan McDuffe’’s(as well as her mother’s) piano performances were truly beautiful. I appreciate Granddaddy’s generosity in inviting us to go.

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