Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/877928-Good-Girl
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #877928
Short erotic story
I can only imagine the feel of your arms around me holding me tight, pulling me close to you. I can only imagine being in your presence, the warmth of your body next to mine, the scent of your skin. I close my eyes and I imagine so much, the brush of your lips on mine as you gently kiss me, the tingling sensation that your fingers leave on my skin as you trace the terrain of my body. When I imagine your teeth nipping me, my whole body shutters and I moan your name softly. The feeling of your mouth kissing and sucking on me makes my blood boil and my mind race with thoughts only of you. When your mouth takes hungry possession of mine, your tongue forcing its way into my mouth as you kiss me deeply, passionately, my whole world slips out from under me. I'm yours for the taking, yours and yours alone. Your kisses have branded me, no other will ever do now.

Kneeling on the bed next to you, patiently waiting your instruction. No other thought or wish on my mind but how I might please you. You sit there watching, knowing that I'm waiting for you to tell me something, anything. Smiling at me you softly caress my check " Who's good girl are you?" you quietly ask me. "I'm your good girl." I shyly answer.

Lightly your lips kiss along my neck and collar bone, your hands puling me hard against your body. Your mouth dipping lower, your teeth gently scrapping across my already hard nipple, I tilt my head back and moan loudly. Your mouth continues its assault on my breasts, my nipples hard, rigid peaks under your touch. You continue to kiss, lick and nibble your way down body as I kneel there, my body wavering. Your lay down in front of me, your hands on my hips pulling my body over your mouth. Your tongue softly tracing my folds before darting inside me. Your tongue deep inside of me, tasting me, moving in circles urging my body response. My hips slowly rocking back and forth as I grind myself against your face, your tongue moving faster, deeper, circling inside of me. Your hands on my hips holding me close to your face.

Placing my hands on either side of your body, my tongue licking the tip of your hard cock, I feel your nails dig lightly in to my skin as you moan deep inside of me, your tongue vibrating again the walls of velvety folds. Grinding my hips harder, I take your cock deep in my mouth. My legs slowly starting to quake, I moan loudly, my tongue vibrating against your cock as I cum in your awaiting mouth. I feel your tongue lapping at my juices, tasting and wanting all of me.

You slide out from under me, leaving me still shaking from my orgasm, your kneeling behind me kissing my neck, your hand between my legs rubbing me. I feel your cock slide between my legs, teasing my clit. "Tell me you want me inside you." you whisper against my skin as you kiss me. I moan in response. again you whisper "Tell me." Breathlessly I say " I need you inside me now." You enter me hard, with one quick thrust you are deep inside me. Your hands on my hips pulling me down on your cock as you thrust up into me, feeling every inch as you glide in and out. Moaning your name over and over, leaning back against your body as you nibble and suck my neck. Feeling your cock, thicken and harden even more inside of me, the rapid thrust of your hips as your continue to drive yourself deeper inside of me. "Please cum inside of me" I beg you breathlessly. One last hard, quick thrust and I feel you seep into me.
© Copyright 2004 gothgirl (lilgoth_girl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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