Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/879394-Take-No-Notice
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #879394
this is a poem i wrote when i was really depressed, like usual, and it is about my life.
take no notice to the little baby being born, on this hot, early, summer morning, noone else ever will. just another body
takin up space, another set of lungs breathin the air. days & months rush by noone really noticeing that baby girl, growing
up. she longs for her mothers love, and touch, her mothers never around. as she takes those, first, shaky steps, noones
around to catch her when she falls, and noones around to praise her on at least makin it that far. days & months still rush
by, and that baby girl grows into a sweet, but independent toddler. take no notice as she lays in her bed at night, beside
her mother, and her mothers lover, they sure didn't. still months & even years rush by noone seeing what a wonderful child
that baby girl has grown into!! shes being rushed now, no time to waste, the new baby is comin now!! "its a girl," they all cheer
"a beautiful baby girl!!" take no notice to the little girl sittin across the room admiring the new baby from afar. wishing her
mother would hold & cuddle her while smilin that smile. hours go by, and theyre takin the new baby home now, if only she
knew how this baby would change her life forever!! they are greeted by family and friends all there to welcome the new baby.
noone sees the little girl still standing in the doorway. days & months rush by, it is late, and the little girl wakes up to hear
the baby screamin. noone notices, as the girl bruises her arms up gettin the baby from the crib to feed her, because noone
notices her either. she falls asleep again, and is awoke by shouting "get up, its time for school" it is her first day, but shes
too tired to get up. then she feels sharp, quick pains on her back, and bottom. when she opens her eyes she sees her step-
father standing over her with the belt... she screams, but noone hears her!! months & years quickly go by, shes entering a new
school this year, as she walks down the hallway she hears, whispers, and snickering. she hurries to sit down before
anyone notices. she begins to miss her old school. months go by and schools out, she rushes home excitedly to tell her mom
about her last day of school, and what she wants to do over the summer, but as usual her mother ignores her. more months go
by, its her first day of highschool. noone notice the girl standing all alone waitin for class. and noone notice the girl sitting
alone in the lunchroom hoping noone will see her and make fun like always. years go by so fast, she no longer attends school,
noone notices her as she lays in her bed all day hopin to sleep her life away, and no one notices the cuts on her arms shes
been puttin there since she was 14, on her first day of highschool. her family is moving soon, she doesnt wanna go and leave
behind her friends, after all it took her so long to get them. many years go by, no one notices as she rushes into a marriage
that is destined to fail, at the tender age of 17. her whole life she was forced to grow up, while longing for her mothers
love. so when someone showed the least bit of interest in her she jumped into it. many months pass by, and she sees her
friends all so happy, and her little sister needs her, so begin spending more time with them than him, which led to her divorce
among many other things! noone notices her slipping back into depression, which they all thought had gone away a long time ago!!
she pretends to be fine, why would she care? she goes places with her friends, but always feels outa place, as if shes not
even there. she tries so hard to fit in, and appear happy. until one night shes alone there all sleeping. and she begins to think
of herself, her life, her family, and friends. she tries to picture herself 10 years from now. she sees the same thing, her
alone, and depressed. she decides to change that, noone notices her slip into the kitchen then back to her room. she sits on
the edge of her bed, lookin at her reflection in the blade.......noone notices the tears as the start to fall. noone notices her
arms as they begin to bleed...shes gettin closer to the vein now. back & forth, back & forth, as she moves the balde, back &
forth, back & forth. the floor is turning red along with the covers around her.she looks around tears flooding her face more,
blood rushing faster now. she imagines how mad they'll be, not over her but over the mess shes making. she remembers the
day her sister was born.... how they all loved her, then her thoughts rushed to her sister!! who will notice her? what will she
do? she pictures her sister 10 years from then in the same place she is, what has she done?! she stops, the knife falls to
the floor, she can't leave her sister behind, alone!! then she looks at her arm, blood gushing now, the room is spinning.........
its too late. noone notices her as she falls to the floor, her thoughts race as she slowly dies, what will they think? will they
think i didnt love them? who will find me? God, please dont let me sister see me like this. her last words were "noone will
notice..." she lies there for hours, and finally is found. noone notices the pain in her eyes, she is carried away. her sister
sees it all, and begins to run... "Why, why would she leave me?" noone notices her sister in the corner weeping alone... will
she ever know?take no notice as they lower that girl into the cold, lonely ground, they all leave her their, with anger in there
hearts...take no notice as they begin to throw dirt over her......its all over now..... take no notice of her at all, noone else
ever did........
© Copyright 2004 mandababy2003 (mandababy2003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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