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by Brown
Rated: E · Other · Family · #908441
Diane's life story and then some.....
This is a story of my life which could of been a soap opera and to find out I am writing it in here *Delight*
Enjoy my crazy life *Heart*

Starting at the begining I was born in 1950 of October, My Mother's toothache. And yes I do remember being born *Laugh*
My Mother was gonna name me Lousie but Thank God someone came in and said she looks like a Diane and thus my name became Diane Marie {maiden name Rose} Current name Brown. I am the baby of Eight, Married not once but twice, more on this later.Also I am a Mother of 5. I gave birth to four. 1 set of being twins a girl and boy and the other singles were one boy, one girl. the 5th child is adopted and we call him Boo-Boo, The love of my life *Bigsmile*
I am the Grandma of 13 grandchildren 9 boys and 4 girls and another one due any time and it will be a girl *Smile*
But I am getting a head of my self so let me get back to the beginning. Born in Ohio, that's Columbus, Ohio. The only city slicker my Mother ever had, the rest is all hillbillies *Laugh*
My very first memory, I was about 3 or 4 years old I had a tricycle with a great big front wheel with 2 little wheels on the back, I always rode it in the living room around in circles and one day my brother, Renna came home with a toothache from school, it must of been a real bad one and my bike must of been squeeking up a storm and Renna jerk me off the thing and smashed it all to pieces *Cry* And Mother took that toothache right out of him *Laugh*
Next memory my sister, Bonnie brought her new baby home and I was very jealous, because I was always with my sister and she took me everywhere and now there's this baby and when he was five days old I pulled him off the bed, and luckily he was not hurt, I would of felt bad later if he had of been hurt*Smile* *Laugh*
When I got older my Mother use to send me to my Grandma's, her name was Florence and my Aunt her name was Hazel house who lived out in the country and I learned how to do a garden and can. Whitewash the chicken coop and the out house, boy that was fun *Exclaim* gathered eggs every morning, No tv I mean NO TV *Shock* You went to bed with the chickens and rose up with the chickens {e:pthb)
now looking back that was the best days I ever spent with my Grandma and my aunt because they are both gone to be with the lord.
Sometimes I went to my uncle house to stayed.he has a girl my age and a boy that was two years older, boy did I have a good time there. he made home made icecream and we got to have soda pop too. Than some summer my neice Beverly went with me, over to my other aunt's house. They all live
in the country (Athen,ohio)*Smile*
*Update* *Exclaim* My newest Granddaughter has arrived on November 18, 2004 8:55 pm *Delight* *Heart* Weighing in at 6lb. 8 oz. A head full of hair, cole black and Healthy *Smile*
A proud Grandma here *Bigsmile*
Alright now, back to the country.
My neice Beverly and I went to my Aunt Audrey's house to stay one summer and the funniest thing happened, *Laugh* We went looking for my cousins so we could all play together and we had to go up the side of a hill and there was this sticky little rooster, that chased us all the time, I saw him first but Bev didn't and I said run Bev and she was suppose to turn off the trail and I kept saying turn Bev, turn but she did not and she ran right into the side of the barn and I thought the whole barn was falling as it swayed back and forth and that rooster still got her *Laugh* of course I made it off the path safely *Laugh* Then the very next day we were all going up to swing on a grape vine hanging down off a tree but I chicken out when I saw how far you had to swing, I mean if you did not make it to the other side you were a goner *Exclaim* Kiss your butt good bye *Laugh* so, I left and went back to my aunts house and I thought I heard someone coming singing but instead it was Linda coming screaming her head off, she done landed in a bee hive *Exclaim* Turn out she was stung from her feet to her waist and I mean every where in between and I got the blame for it and was not even there {e:smile} What a summer to remember *Laugh* A week later I was up in a tree picking peaches for a peach pie because Bev would not climb in the tree and I was a tomboy so got up in this tree over the pig pen and throwing peaches down at Bev and then I saw the most perfect juicy peach I ever saw and I reach for that peach and all of a sudden down I went right into the pig pen with the pigs walling with the pigs *Laugh*
Boy did I get it for that one *Exclaim*
Then let me tell you about the bull. Bev, Grandma, the land lord's daughter and me went up to berry picking *Laugh* so, there was this fence barwire that only Diane which is me was the only one who would go over and they all said Diane there bull and I said no, there ain't no bull but now there were a couple of cows and I found a batch of good berries and I was picking them and of course I wore red, red shirt, red shirts, and red tennishoes and I was real busy picking these berries and all of a sudden the land lord's daughter hollered the bull! the bull is coming and I was like yeah right and then they started running and then I looked behind me and there was that bull and it was charging right after me *Laugh* I took off running and fell and I rolled downed the hill and got up under that fence to where he could not get me, boy I never wore red again in the country let me tell you *Laugh* *Laugh* Boy talk about a mad bull, he had steam coming out of his nose *Exclaim* What a summer...
Sometimes I went to my other Aunt Freda and it was dull there not much going on at her house but I enjoyed being with her after the other place where they tried to kill me *Laugh*
My very first boyfriend, his name was Richard the very first weekend I was suppose to go to the movies with him I ended out going to my Aunt Freda's and he went to Siotah River and slip in and drowned *Cry* very sad summer... But of course there were alot of other boyfriends I had.
Once my cousin Mary Lou and I had a crush on the same guy his name was Billy, he was good looking to, well he pick me over her and she threw my shoes on the railroad tracks and a train ran over my shoes and I had to go barefooted all summer long, it was terrible *Pthb*
Okay it was one of them hot summers were talking hot and all we had were fans no air conditioners just fans and every window open airing out the house, me and my cousins Bev and Larry all playing out in the yard, and my Mother starting throwing water on us and of course we were throwing water back at her and hiding *Laugh* next thing we knew she had a bucket of water and was at the window upstairs in the bedroom and she thought she heard us kids in the front of house but there was this well dressed man in a fine suit and she threw it out that window and soak that man!! *Laugh* and I can still hear what he said today which was, that black cloud sure is following me!! And it was a beautiful sunny and as I said before hot day! And My Mother, hide in side the house and she was mad at us kids*Laugh* and of course Larry, Bev and I was laughing so hard but we did not dare go back into the house!!
Then there was this time that Bev and me was going to my Mom's room and she said do not be playing on my bed, *Laugh* but of course you know kids how we are not listening and all! any way we got on that bed and we prop up are leggs to do bicycle and the widow was wide open and after throwing up our leggs Bev flip completely over and I thought she went right out of that window and I let a scream but there laid Bev on the floor between the bed and the window and her leggs were clean up to her face, like a barbie doll *Laugh*and she was laughing so hard she could not get up and then Mom came up there and whip us whip us good for being on that bed, if only I hadn't scream she would of never knew *Laugh*
Then, I set Bev and me up with a couple of boys that I knew from School, we went out to the movies and they wanted to hug us but we were not into that so we went to the bathroom and said lets go so we left the movie and went home and they came looking for us and Mom said to the boys they aren't here they went the movies *Laugh* Trick her didn't we...
A couple of years later I got married to a guy that I was just writting to, he was in the Army, and when he came home on leave we got married. He was 19 and I was just 17! Then we went to Germany I stayed there for nine months. I love Germany, it is so pretty but His Mom was seriouly ill and I was 7 months pregnant when we got back here. And My Mom did not even know who I was at the airport walk right by me course she never saw me pregnant before and boy was I fat. A bout a month later, His Mom died and when he went back to Germany I stayed here with my Mom and had my little boy on January 8, 1969 now had I known that that was Elvis Presley's birthday that would of been my baby's name but since I did not know I named him Charles Marion Rupe Jr. after his Dad. Now Chuck did not see chuckie till he was six months old! Then Chuckie was 2 when I had my next baby, a girl we named her Trena but my husband wanted to call her Ronnie but I won her name is Trena Diane Rupe she was born September 19, 1971 and then on September 13. 1972 my Twins were born a girl and a boy Fay and Ray. What a mess, three in diapers and on bottles!
Then the hardships began: between Chuck my husband and Me and I lived with everyone of my family except one, that is awlful, and finally I put my foot down and got a place of my own! Next thing I knew my sister Bonnie passed away at the age 39!
Then 1980 My husband and I went our separate ways not divorce yet but went our separate ways, and I fell hard for this one guy his name was Terry and he broke my heart to of course and things did not work out as I had plan. So, I did what most women do I built a hugh wall up and then came along with young guy in fact sixteen years younger than I and he tore my wall down and captured my heart and we got married October 22, 1988 and we are still together and we were together five years before we got married. Now we do have our ups and downs but he is "the one" he filled the shoes that most men will never do, he help me raise my kids and bought us a home and we took on anohter baby in May 16, 2001 and it has been a real roller coaster because his real mother was on crack. But I would change nothing about it and first of all he came from God and God gave him to us and God will take care of all of that. Family is very important to me.
In May of 2004 a one in the morning I came back to God with tears rolling down my face and started a new life and plan to continue in my faith no matter what may come or go in my life.
Today is March 16, 2005 My sister Dolly passed away today *Cry* at 1:55 this afternoon at Mount Carmel East. 7 and half months after Mom
It is not fair, she is gone to be with Mom for her birthday! Although She is in a better place.
I will be going down to where Mom is for her birthday which is Easter.
Well God called my brother(Ralph) home one month and five days after my sister Dolly,Apirl 21,2005.It has been a bad year for me,I thank God for being there for me and my only brother(Renna).Wow it has been along time, I have been getting my life back and now I have alot to tell . Frist I have a new Grandson Brandon he is 1 and he looks like his mother lol and she is going to have another one in June. My grandson James made me a great-grandmother on Dec. 22,2006. a little girl name Savannah. OH YES I QUIT SMOKING and my very best friend came back in my life in January,she call my husband work to get my phone # and we been talking and going everywhere just like she always been here beside me.

Wow it's been along time, my little boy is in school now 1st grade he is very active in sports baseball and running.(MY DAUGHTER HAD ANOTHER BOY) May 21,2007 Jondon.My daughter Faye moved in with me she and her husband got a divorce and he took the kids till she gets her feet on the ground.My Mother sister die March 13 she was the last to go (93years old) she is up there with her family.boy they are having a great time I bet.

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