Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/944207-Beginning-to-the-end
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Cultural · #944207
My second poem
Beginning to the End
By Anthony J. Neidler

I hate this world yet I love it all the same.

There is nobody to blame for my misguided focus

Though it seems that we humans act like locusts

And are doomed to consume everything that this

Land has blessed us with, but I can’t complain

The intelligence we use to do this is supposedly

A gift. So I guess that I must raise my head and

Roll forward like a locomotive and secure my own

Motives; everybody else does. But, Where’s the

Love I mean all you have to do is turn on a

Television screen to see a scene of someone in a

Horrible predicament and im sick of it, but like

I said before it’s all the same just more. Can

Things ever change or are they doomed to stay

The same or god forbid gets worse? I wonder when

The next revolution will happen. Maybe we can

All some day be happy. Who can tell what?

Tomorrow will bring? You see, nobody knows for

Sure what the future holds in store for our

Species, though there are many different

Theories. It’s eerie that so many people believe

In the same thing then again so many more

Completely disagree. Yet the galaxies history is

Still a mystery. Despite what you may believe

The origins of mankind to be, the truth is still

Unknown. So until the moment when our world

Explodes or time just stops, we will continue to

Send out data gathering expeditions with the

Expectations of giving us explanations to lives

Inquiries. You see it was once a wide

Spreads “fact” that the earth was flat now look

At what happened to that. It seems to me, due to

The things that I’ve seen man kind’s progression

May very well be the death of religion; but then

Again it could just as easily become its

Greatest savior. Based on our behavior we as

Human beings tend to feel the need to rely

Heavily on sources other than ourselves to

Control our fate, where are we headed at this

Rate. Why must we suffer? Why are there small

Children killing their mothers and fathers and

Visa versa? Why do we bother trying to redeem

The criminally insane? Sometimes it seems that

We are steadily growing more savage in our ways.

Whether it’s “Just business” or it’s these so

Called "misfits" reeking havoc on the world it

Is getting colder as we grow older as a culture.

I mean whatever happened, I thought we had

Evolved through the age of enlightenment and

Into the age of information but we still have

People hating others for trivial differences

Then in a single instance their wasted life is

Extinguished. But it seems that’s the case time

And time again we have already began to try to

Educate our fellow man, but there are too many

Human beings stuck in their routines and until

Their dieing days they spread their hateful ways

Like a disease and it sickens me to see these

Kinds of things. Yet we drug the children who

Can’t stay still…. What will become of man? Have

We truly unleashed Pandora’s Box upon the land?

What now sit back and watch as the horrors we

Have unleashed ravage our planet? Then what,

Move on to our next conquest? As the children of

The future that is our tomorrow which will be

Their today read their history text in a

Reminiscent state wondering how we could have

Possibly changed our fate. But it is as they say

Hind sight is twenty twenty, sure plenty of

Things would be different if you could go back

In time and change one instance, but you can’t

So you must live with it. It is the same as if

Someone matches a criminals profile is sent to

Trial then gets falsely convicted and has to sit

In prison while the true menace is still roaming

Free. Then twenty something years later the

Victim of the system gets released due to new

Advancements in d.n.a testing. Now a pressing

Issue of today may not hold the same weight in a

Week or so but I guess that’s how we’ve been

Molded to have the attention span of a five year

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