Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/947274-Yesterday-and-Today
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Comedy · #947274
A rhyme of no particular meter. Just an attempt at making fun at aging.
Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I wouldn't go out if my hair wasn't perfect.
Every hair had to be in place.
Today, I go even if I don't have a funny purple hat to wear.
I just want my hair out of my face.

Yesterday I wouldn't dream of going out without lipstick, *Kiss* eyeliner and all that other stuff.
Today, I haven't got time for all of that.
I'm far too lazy. What you see is what you get.
I’m a diamond in the rough.

Yesterday I wanted pretty clothes. I walked through stores. I combed the malls.
I wanted denim faded or new. I wanted lace that flowed with grace.
All the new fashions I had to see.
Today, I want it loose. I want it comfortable.
I care not about shape, fabric or design.
If it doesn't fit, it's not for me.

Yesterday I ate what I wanted.
Steaks and fries, desserts, pizza, a chocolate malt. *Bigsmile*
Today, the doctor says watch your weight.
Count the cholesterol, quit the salt. *Frown*

Yesterday aches and pains, I didn't have a one. I could walk and run all day;
Game upon game I could hit the ball with a paddle.
Today, I only want to sit and prop my feet.
I give it all up for a heating pad and old Ben Gay.
I take so many pills it's a wonder I don't rattle. *Worry*

Yesterday I played my records; the songs made sense.
The music wasn't crude. *Shock*
Today, the kids came by and asked, "What is that funny black disk?
How can you listen to that?"
It spoiled my mood. *Frown*

Yesterday I believed in life in the hereafter.
I believed in heaven and hell.
Today, I believe because I walk in a room and wonder what am I here after. *Confused*
My memory no longer works so well.

Yesterday I thought it was lovely when my *Heart* love *Heart* brought me a corsage,*Flower3* *Flower2* *Flower6*
jewelry, diamonds and pearls, earrings that dangle.
Today, I only want an hour long massage.
I might wear a watch, but the rest is in my box all a-tangle.

Yesterday I could *Balloon2* party *Balloon4* the night away.
To do the waltz, tango, cha-cha, pony and the mash was no great feat.
No wall flower me.
Today, I only long for one night of uninterrupted sleep. *Yawn*

Yesterday I was always busy, on the go.
I had no time for staying home and watching TV.
Today, I want only to watch my soap or maybe read a good book. *Reading*
Now, if only I could see.

Yesterday I was an interesting whiz.
I was sure I knew it all. *Cool*
I would plunge head first, never a concern, nary ask a why.
Today, whatever it was I knew, I can't half recall. *Confused*

Yesterday I had energy abound.
No fat belly, saggy arms or flabby thigh.
Today, if I think about exercise, I'm too exhausted to try.
It's enough to make a grown woman cry. *Cry*

Yesterday my hair was natural,
not a single hair of gray.
Today, out come the color and the dye.
I do it myself. My hairdresser no longer exists so she can't say.

Yesterday my friends and I were always rowdy, *Laugh* but, hey, we were a crowd.
Sometimes we might even cheer.
Today, our numbers dwindle. We are only 1 or 2,
But it seems when we talk, people think we’re way too loud.
Heck, it's the only way we can hear.

Yesterday I loved being the center of attention, the life of the party. *Delight*
I dared to be bold.
Today, I’d rather stay home. My body's way too hot.
My feet are cold. I want my slippers and my socks.
Good Lord, I think I've gone and gotten old! *Shock*

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/947274-Yesterday-and-Today