Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/979181-Jesus-Rises-Again
Rated: E · Script/Play · Religious · #979181
20 minute play for Vacation Bible School


Guards 1
Guard 2
Mary Magdalene


tomb-drape sheets over chairs or a coat rack
stone door- cardboard or a plastic tableto)
white sheet for shroud
decorative container of “ointment”
swords or spears for guards
Bible robes for Mary & Jesus
lanterns or flashlights

(Mary Magdalene greets the kids outside the door. She hands out the shroud and ointment.)

I’m so glad you could come so early. It broke my heart to bury our Lord so quickly on Friday. There wasn’t even time to wash him before the Sabbath started. I still can’t believe Our Lord is dead. (cries some more)
Let’s go find His tomb.

(Guards come bursting out of the door, looking scared.)

Guard 1:
We didn’t do it! Don’t blame us! We were at our post all night!

What are you talking about?

Guard 1:
We’ll be put to death when they find out the body is gone.

Guard 2:
Not if we tell the captain his followers came in the night and stole it.

Guard 1:
Good idea! That’s more believable than dead men rising! Come on! (they run away)

Mary (to the kids):
I don’t know what’s going on. Come on- let’s go to the tomb. Here’s some lanterns.

(Mary leads the way into the dark room, and sets her lantern by the open tomb.)

Who’s going to go in and look? (if no one volunteers, she goes)
Take this lantern & look around, then come back and tell us what you see.

(have the shroud brought out when it is found. Give as many kids a chance as want to look in the tomb.)
This is the cloth we wrapped Him in. But where is Jesus? What do you think happened? (give them a chance to respond)

(Jesus slips in at the edge of the crowd. Mary goes over to Him.)

You- gardener! Where have you taken Our Lord? (starts crying again)


(falling to her knees before Him, hugging his legs)

(lifting her up)
Go tell everyone that you have seen Me!

(turning to the crowd & shouting)
Jesus is alive! Jesus is alive! Go tell everyone! Join me in the cheer: JESUS IS ALIVE! (keeps shouting the chant as she leads the chanting kids out of the room.)

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