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#988545 by Walkinbird 3 Jan 1892

As I catch up on providing my own reviews for the starred items in this list, I'll notify in the same forum.


(Notable actors in the work are listed w/ALL CAPS)

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I've broken the movies down by adaptation source or main topic

–Based on– MARK TWAIN’s novel, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
The Connecticut Yankee (1910) [Silent] WILLIAM V. MONG
*Bullet*Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1921) [Silent] (WILLIAM V. MONG as Merlin)
*Bullet*A Connecticut Yankee (1931) aka "The Yankee at King Arthur's Court" (UK) WILL ROGERS (MYRNA LOY as Morgan Le Fay)
*Bullet*Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1949) BING CROSBY *Star*
*I knew Bing played "The Yankee" but I thought I'd seen Bob Hope in a version; This next one might be the one I misremembered

*Bullet*A Connecticut Yankee (1955) [TV] EDDIE ALBERT (BORIS KARLOFF as Merlin)*
*Bullet*A Connecticut Rabbit in King Arthur's Court (1978) (TV) *Star*
*Bullet*The Spaceman and King Arthur (aka A Spaceman in King Arthur’s Court or reissue title in US – U.F.O. Unidentified Flying Oddball (1979) *Star*
*Bullet*Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1989) [TV] KEISHA KNIGHT PULLIAM (young COSBY SHOW actress “Rudi”) (RENE AUBERJONOIS as Merlin)
*Bullet*A Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1995) kiddie fare
*Bullet*A Knight in Camelot (1998) [TV] WHOOPI GOLDBERG

–Based– on T.H. WHITE’s novel, The Once and Future King
*Bullet* Sword in the Stone (1963) DISNEY animation *Star*
*Bullet* Arthur the King (aka Merlin and the Sword)(1985) [TV] (US) (EDWARD WOODWARD as Merlin)

–Based on– Marion Zimmer Bradley’s novel, The Mists of Avalon
*Bullet* The Mists of Avalon (2001) [TV] miniseries .... Young Arthur played by FREDDIE HIGHMORE (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005) *Star*

–Original works–
*Bullet* King Arthur, the Young Warlord (1975)
*Bullet* "The Tales of the Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur" (1979)
*Bullet* The Legend of King Arthur (1979) [TV]
*Bullet* Excalibur (1981) *Star*
*Bullet* A&E Biography: King Arthur - His Life and Legends (1995) (TV) (Jack Perkins HOST)
*Bullet* The Legend of King Arthur (1996) (VG)
*Bullet* First Knight (1995) SEAN CONNERY (RICHARD GERE as Lancelot) *Star*
*Bullet* Merlin (1998) [TV] SAM NEILL *Star*
*Bullet* Arthur: King of the Britons (2002) [TV] DOCU (UK) (RICHARD HARRIS, NARRATOR)
*Bullet* "King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" (1992) (animated series) *Star*
*Bullet* King Arthur (2004) (KEIRA KNIGHTLY plays Guenivere, but not the typical queen role) *Star*
*Bullet* The Making of 'King Arthur' (2004) [TV] DOCU (US)
*Bullet* Quest for King Arthur (2004) [TV] DOCU (US) (PATRICK STEWART, NARRATOR)
*Bullet* Merlin (TV Series)

–Original works–
Focused on Lancelot, Camelot and/or Knights of the Round Table

*Bullet* Camelot (1967) movie adaptation of the Lerner & Lowe musical RICHARD HARRIS (VANESSA REDGRAVE as Guenivere) *Star*
*Bullet* The Story of Camelot (1967) DOCU
*Bullet* Monty Python: Search for the Holy Grail ERIC IDLE *Star*
*Bullet* Camelot (1982) [Broadway 1980 revival videotaped & aired on HBO]
*Bullet* Camelot (1999) (animated video)
*Bullet* Quest for Camelot (1998)(animated) *Star*
*Bullet* Conquests of Camelot (1989) (VG)
*Bullet* Return to Camelot (1994) (VG)
*Bullet* Dark Age of Camelot (2001) (VG)
*Bullet* Dark Age of Camelot:Trials of Atlantis (2003) (VG)

*Bullet* Launcelot and Elaine (1909) [Silent short] (US)
*Bullet* “The Adventures of Sir Lancelot” series 1956-57 [B&W TV] (UK)
*Bullet* Lancelot and Guinevere (1963) [UK] (aka Sword of Lancelot - US)
*Bullet* Lancelot du Lac (1970) [TV] (French) Theatrical release aka Lancelot of the Lake or The Grail (1974) (US)
*Bullet* Lancelot: Guardian of Time (1997) MARC SINGER (Beastmaster) CLAUDIA CHRISTIAN (Babylon 5)


Le Morte d’Arthur Thomas Malory (1485)*Star*
The Idylls of the King, Lord Alfred Tennyson *Star*
The Once and Future King, The Book of Merlin, T.H. White *Star*
The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights From the Winchester Manuscripts of Thomas Malory and Other Sources John Steinbeck
The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last Enchantment, The Wicked Day (series), Mary Stewart *Star*
Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley *Star*
Queen of Camelot, Grail Prince, Prince of Dreams: A Tale of Tristan and Essylte, Nancy McKenzie
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country, The Knight of the Sacred Lake, The Child of the Holy Grail (Guenevere Novels 1, 2 & 3 [Paperback]), Rosalind Miles
Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle (Tristan and Isolde Novels, Book 1), Rosalind Miles
The Dark Side of Camelot (01 September, 1998), Seymour M. Hersh
I Am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot, Nancy Springer (01 January, 2002)
In Camelot's Shadow (01 March, 2004), For Camelot's Honor (01 April, 2005), Sarah Zettel



The Arthurian Encyclopedia (1986), Norris J. Lacy, Editor, et al. *Star*
King Arthur's Knights (1985), Henry Gilbert *Star*
Realm of the Ring Lords - The Myth and Magic of the Grail Quest, Laurence Gardner (2002)
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (1866) Edited version Edward Hardy (1977) [Not directly Arthurian, but gives a flavor for the popular myths of the time period]

Scholarly works [Google books and other Googled finds]
Culture and the king: the social implications of the Arthurian legend : essays in honor of Valerie M. Lagorio, Martin B. Shichtman, James P. Carley and Valerie M. Lagario; SUNY Press, 1994 ISBN 0791418634, 9780791418635
Thoughts on Avalon http://mzbworks.com/thoughts.htm an essay written by the Mists of Avalon author, Marion Zimmer Bradley

Cinema Arthuriana, ed. by Kevin J. Harty 2002

Children’s literature
Christmas in Camelot (Magic Tree House #29), Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca (23 October, 2001)
Merlin, Hodges, M., et. al.
The world of King Arthur and his court: people, places, legend, and lore, Crossley-Holland, K., et. al.
King Arthur, Riordan, J., et. al.
Arthur and the sword, Sabuda, R., et. al.
Merlin's Booke, The dragon's boy, Merlin and the Dragons, Jane Hyatt Yolen

Comic book series
Camelot 3000 *Star*

Press Kit
'King Arthur' (2004) *Star*
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