Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/995660-Back-to-the-Borrow
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #995660
Harry sees Ginny at the Borrow. Haven't read HP6, don't read this.
As I said before, this story has many refences to what happened in book 6. If you haven't read it or finished it yet, you might not want to read this story.

Oh, and I'm really sorry for the bad grammer, I'm just not a great proofreader.

The sun began to rise over the perfect little houses in Little Whinging, England, when Harry suddenly woke up in his bed on Number 4 Privet Drive. However, this time it had not been his reoccurring dream of him witnessing Snape kill Dumbledore or him being startled by a prickling sensation in his scar that had awoken him. What woke him this time was excitement and joy. He had realized that today was going to be historic: this was the last day he would have to spend in his Muggle relatives’ house. He would no longer have to endure his Uncle’s smug looks or his cousin’s mean tricks ever again. He was now free because he had done what Dumbledore made him promise to do; he stayed with the Dursleys for two whole weeks without complaining, and now he was going to get his reward: spending the last few weeks of his summer at one of his favorite places in the world, the Borrow.

After all of these thoughts stopped circling around in his head, Harry got up, dressed himself, and started off his last day on Privet Drive. Nothing was out of the ordinary on the special day. He sat around the house not talking to the Dursleys, and thought to himself about how nice it would be to finally be able to be rid of them.

When 12 P.M. rolled around he went back to his room to grab his things. Twelve o’clock was the agreed upon time he was to meet the Weasleys at their home. When he walked back down stairs, however, the Dursleys were not acting normal. All three of them were standing up, and watching Harry with a strange look on each of their faces. Was it sadness? No, but something different.

Maybe deep down in there hearts they might actually miss me, Harry thought to himself.

Harry stood on the bottom of the stairs just staring at his relatives for what felt like hours on end. He finally decided to break the silence.

“Well, I guess I’m off then”

“Well, I hope we never have to see you again,” said Uncle Vernon.

And with that Harry Apparated; but before he had finally left Number 4 forever, he could swear that he saw Aunt Petunia mouth “be careful” to him.

When Harry opened his eyes again he was no longer in the Muggle suburbs, but on the steps just outside the home of his best friend’s family. Before he even knocked on the door, Mrs. Weasley opened it with such force that it threw Harry back.

“Oh, sorry Harry dear, she said to him while helping him to him feet. “O, I’m just so happy to see you. It feels so good to know that you are safe and sound. Come in, come in dear.”

Harry began to step into the Borrow, when he noticed how cluttered it was. There were things everywhere. Harry knew that Mrs. Weasley was busy with taking care of her huge family, but he never saw the place in such disarray before. Then he remembered the wedding. Bill and Flur were going to have there wedding in 3 days time, and Mrs. Weasley had put it on herself to arrange it all.

Before he could ask her how the plans were going, he saw a familiar face walking towards him. It was that of his ex-girlfriend and best friend’s sister, Ginny. She looked more beautiful than ever. Harry knew that he still had strong feelings for her, and that she also felt the same. But at the same time that he wanted to call there breakup off, a little bit of sanity was calling him in the back of his mind. What if Voldmort finds her? You can’t risk her life just so that you could have her.

Before Harry had more time to battle himself over this dilemma Ginny broke the silence. “Hi Harry,” she said in a sort of fake cheerful voice. It was an awkward moment between the two of them because they did not know what to say to each other, and Mrs. Weasley was right behind them.

For starters, Harry had not spoken to her since Dumbledore’s funeral. Harry did not know what to say to her to make it any easier for either of them. He just wanted things to go back to the way things were before some of the juristic events of the end of last term.

Harry was reviled that at that moment Ron came into the room. However, he was not alone. A girl with curly, brown hair and a book in her hand right hand came in right along side him. Hermione looked happier than ever when she saw Harry. But Harry did not think it was because she had seen him. He realized that it was because laced in her left hand was Ron’s hand.

At that moment all worries vanished from his mind. He was with his two best friends, who had finally gotten the hinds that they were perfect for each other, and he was also in a place that he loved. Nothing could destroy his happiness, except when he looked at Ginny’s face. She looked liked she had just been left to rot on a desert island. Her brother finally had the girl of his dreams and her guy had to finally reject her.

Mrs. Weasley began to look from face to face of each of her beloved “kids.” She had predicted that Ron and Hermione were an inevitable match, and couldn’t be happier about it. However, she had not expected that Harry and Ginny might have the same looks. Even though she had not heard anything about their past relationship, a mother just knew.

Mrs. Weasley decided to break the silence. “Well, I…um better these flowers together, and have a look over the dinner menu again.”

Harry was a little relieve that she was out of the room. All he wanted to do now was to talk to Ginny and get that sad look off her face. “Ginny, could I talk to you?” asked Harry as he began picking up his things, indicating that he wanted to move his stuff from the kitchen floor to Ron’s room.

“Um, sure,” she said in response. “We’ll catch up to you two in a bit,” she said to Ron and Hermione. However, by that time they were to busy paying attention to each other to have heard what Ginny said.

“They have being snoggling ever since she came back here to visit,” Ginny said to Harry as they began to walk up the stairs to Ron’s room. “It’s a little gross because it is Ron after all, but I’m glad that Hermione seems to be really happy. It’s just been so hard since Dumbledore, well…” she wasn’t able to finish her sentence.

They had finally reached Ron’s room. Ginny walked in, and before she knew it she was sitting down on one of the beds, sobbing.

“It’s okay,” said Harry. He began to slowly walk over to her. He just wanted to hold her; make all her unhappiness disappear. “Ginny, everything’s going to be alright, you’ll see. At least the ministry is now on our side, or they seem to be. Voldmort is not going to win.”

“Harry, I just don’t want to see you killed!!!” she blurted out. “I couldn’t stand it if you ever died. Harry, I love you!”

Before she even realized what she was about to confess, the words came out of her mouth. “Harry, I know that you were only trying to protect my by breaking us up, but I just can’t helping feeling the way I feel about you.”

Harry just sat there in stunned silence. He didn’t know how to respond to this. Should he tell her that he was just trying to protect her, and that she should just get over it? However, Harry’s thinking stopped when he suddenly forgot all his worries and kissed her. All his stressing, all his worries, all his fear went way with this one passionate kiss.

“Ginny…” but there were no words that need to bed said between them. Ginny understood how Harry felt, and began to return the kiss. All the sadness and loneliness that they had both felt for the past few weeks had left. All they knew was that for now they had each other, and that was all the mattered.

After an hour Ginny and Harry headed down stairs to join the rest of the Weasleys for dinner. Harry felt the happiest he had felt in a long time. He realized that someday soon he would have to face Voldmort in a fight to the death, but for now all that worried him was how much food he would be able to eat in an hour.
© Copyright 2005 Aemillia (mouthothesouth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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