Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2317384-Jordan-has-died
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2317384
The sheriff did not know of Jordan's death
         Sir Grey glared into the sheriff's face as he pointed out who had been killed by the people trying to honor the poster's decree. The

sheriff shuddered as he looked at the face in the poster that was facing him. He did not believe what he was seeing. His eyes were cold

and lifeless. He asked,"How could this have happened?"

         "Do you understand what I am saying to you, now? This has been happening for quite some time ago," Sir Grey interjected. The

ground his toe into the floor as he looked at him. He could not believe what he was able to understand, now. The sheriff was afraid of what

he had read on the document. He did not understand what he was seeing.

         The sheriff blinked at him, his mouth hung agape. The sheriff began to look worried, he realised that the posters had faces of

nobles on them. This could not be possible. There was no way that they should have been on wanted posters there. He looked at his

deputies and so he said, "Get these wanted posters pulled from wherever they are in the community. There has to be a reason for this to

be here? But it did not make sense."

         Sir Grey looked releived upon hearing doing this. He walked out of the office, he smiled as he thought about it. He looked about

trying to clear his head.


         Queen Marissa was in her room, when there was a knock at the door, she looked at the door and said,"Yes, come in." She

wondered what was happening. She did not expect anyone to be at her door presently. She needed sometime to relax, how could her

sister have staged this for so long a time. What was she doing did she expect to get away with her doing this to the kingdom. Her concerns

were that the Pope would not be in any way willing to aid the kingdom. From what she understood was that the guards of the castle were

attacking the priests and other rmembers of the church.

         "There is a woman here to see you? Should I send her away," a woman who was her escort said as she looked at her as the door

opened. The queen;s bow was furled and puzzled by her aid's reaction. The woman waiting came through the door.

         A woman stormed into the room, tore the aid from the floor to fly and crashed into the bed. The woman's eyes . were daggers, and

her hands were poised as creating a threat. Barged through her aid as she tried to stop her.

         She said, "Of course, she will see me!"

         The aid fell to the ground and rolled out of the path of her. The woman smiled, as she arrived, startling the queen. The queen

faced her whi hlared at Queen Marissa and her eyes that shot daggers. Her face was a scowl. In her hands she held a tjome having a

black cover and bindings. She was tall, her back was straight.

         The Queen;s guards charged toward her, one of them grasped her wrist and tried to propel her. She swung about her nail caught

the guard's eye, with her talons. Blood ran from the eye ,A white orb dangled from her nail. She spun about to be free,

         The guard screamed, "No!" He brought his hand up to his eye. He released her. She danced away.

         The guards began to close the gap.

         The queen was taken aback. She backed away, as her blood drained from her face. She was feeling faint, she wavered as she

stood there looking at this woman. She felt a chill slither down her back. There was something about the woman that made her feel that

she should not be here in caps.

         "Unhand me, you dogs from hades," she said pulled further into the chamber. The guards were hot on her heels.

         "What is this in regards too?" Marissa asked as she looked at this woman holding the thome..

         "I am here, because you have asked me to come a while ago. There have been some rumblings that something unforeseen has

occurred ." the woman asked. The look on her face, that puzzled the Marissa. If Marissa did not recognize her. She froze.. Her hand

trembled. It was closing in on night fall here.

         "So, I have. Could you please enlighten me on why I have asked you to be here at this late an hour," Queen Marissa said as the

woman slowly sat dowm. it was as if she knew where she should go. She seemed remarkably familiar.

         The queen could not shake this feeling, that she was here before the Marissa had arrived. She could not shake the feeling that her

sister might have a reason to have this happen.

         "For what I am to give you? Can only be given at an hours such as this? That is why I am here. Now?" the woman said. She sat in

the boudoir opened the thome, and ifted her hand.

         Marissa was close enough to see the page of the thome. There were symbols that she did not recognize, they looked vaguely

familiar with. it was perhaps something a deamon would write. A chill began to climb up her back, her bladder voided as she looked at the

book .

         The woman began to speak, the candles began to darken. A huge gust of wind tore through the room. Marissa shivered. She saw

an image appear in the room was in the shape of a man. His back was to her. She saw his shadow in the darkening room. He had a

protrusion from his brow that looked to be a ram's horns and his legs looked like a goat's legs.

         He was muscular, he turned toward the door through they had come to see him. He said, "Who these vagrants? What is the

meaning of this?"

"Marissa's surprize
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