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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2324310
In which a Christmas truth-or-dare brings Jet and Kai's feelings to the surface.
Kai’s fist misses Jet’s face by inches. The missed punch sends a strange jolt through Kai’s arm, almost a dull ache. His muscles are too stiff. From last night? Or from something else? He grits his teeth when Jet sidesteps, barely even trying to avoid the hook.
“Getting slow, little brother.” Jet grins.
Kai snorts. “Maybe you’re not trying hard enough.”
“You sure about that?” Jet’s lips twitch as he blocks another of Kai’s strikes. “You’re distracted. Not enough sleep last night?”
Kai narrows his eyes. He’s not tired, just—off. He was perfectly fine last night with Pepper, and still fine this morning—though that feeling might have had something to do with waking up with Pepper in his arms. But that nagging feeling in the back of his head returned as soon as he’d left Pepper’s place, only this time it made his head throb. Not a full blown headache--yet--but enough to make him squint against the gym lights. He hadn’t slept much last night, or the night before. For two different reasons, but still…
Today is Christmas—the day his deal with Jet is up. Bel had texted this morning and invited both of them to a Christmas party at Nightshade, which Kai had no intention of refusing. Since the party isn’t until this evening, Kai has time to kill. Pepper had a meeting with Bel and Kam to go over Nightshade’s books, so Kai had called Jet instead. Jet had seemed as happy for an excuse to kill time as Kai, and suggested the gym. Maybe that hadn’t been such a good idea.
Kai’s limbs feel heavier than usual, like he’s lifting weights rather than throwing punches. Throughout his sparring match with Jet, his reactions are slower, his focus slipping around the edges. Everything feels off, even more than it felt this morning. His legs feel like they're trapped in water, his feet slide more than they should when he pivots for a kick. He grinds his teeth against the buzzing in his ears that comes and goes in waves.
“Kai?” Jet’s voice breaks into Kai’s thoughts.
“I’m good.” Kai attempts to sound sharper than he feels. “Maybe it’s you that’s not sleeping.”
Jet’s answering laugh is light and easy and makes Kai want to punch him—and not in a way allowed in a sparring match. But there’s no time for that. Jet lunges, and Kai barely manages to block the hit. The nagging ache at the base of his skull increases.
“Hang on a sec. Quick water break.” Kai goes over to his bag, pulling out his water bottle and downing a few gulps. The water soothes the heat in his body, but not for long. Is there something wrong with the AC?
“That’s your second water break in the last fifteen minutes.” Jet’s brow furrows. “You sure you want to keep doing this? You’ve only been out of the hospital a week and you trained with Talay yesterday—”
“I said I’m good.” Kai snaps. He knows Jet’s teasing, but all he can feel is the simmering frustration building up inside him. He wipes his brow again. He shouldn’t be sweating this much, or be this winded. No, not winded, just…off. He forces a snarky grin across his face. “Don’t go soft on me just cause I’m a recovering invalid.”
Concern flickers across Jet’s eyes, but then he grins back when Kai goes on the attack, beating his older brother back with a smooth series of combos. Jet blocks and parries, but Kai continues to press him, each punch and kick aimed with more force. He adjusts his stance, not to loosen his limbs, but to subtly regain his balance. It’s nothing, just stress. He needs to push harder, move faster, prove—something. He’s fine. Everything will be fine. Push through it, Kai. Just push through it.
“Kai.” There’s a warning in Jet’s voice. “Slow down.”
Kai huffs. “I can handle it.”
But he’s not sure Jet believes his latest lie. Kai’s head spins and his legs feel like they’re moving through syrup. His chest tightens with each jab, more than it should, but he forces his expression to stay neutral. Part of his brain whispers that Kai shouldn’t be training this hard two days in a row just after being discharged from the hospital. But he has to. He needs to be ready. For what, he’s not sure yet, but whatever Chalam is playing, Kai needs to be ready for it. Jet doesn’t back down, but his movements are more deliberate, cautious. The frustration inside Kai bubbles over. Why the hell is Jet holding back?
“What’s with you today?” Jet goes on the defensive as Kai’s attacks grow more intense.
“Nothing.” Kai growls. He ducks under Jet’s arm, aiming a kick toward Jet’s side.
Jet deflects, stepping back. “Kai, you know you can talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Kai’s answer comes out sharper than he wants it to. His muscles burn under the strain of the sparring match and all the emotions he’s struggling to keep in check. Today is Christmas. Jet could leave because our deal is up. Or he could leave because I lied to him. Or he could—
“You’ve been off for days, Kai.” Jet’s push is gentle, but it’s still a push. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Kai flinches at his older brother’s words, the concern in his eyes. It should be so easy to tell Jet everything, to let him help Kai figure out what to do. It had been easy with Talay, and easy with Pepper, why is it so damn hard with Jet?
He throws another punch, aiming right for Jet’s chest. Jet catches Kai’s wrist, his grip steady, firm, but not harsh. Kai yanks his arm back, but Jet’s fingers tighten. He can feel his pulse hammering against the palm of Jet's hand, faster than usual. They stand there, locked in place. Kai’s chest heaves. It feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room.
“Kai.” Jet’s voice is so soft it tears Kai open. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Kai meets his gaze. The temptation to give in, to spill all of those secrets, is almost a physical ache, worse than the one in his head. Kai knows Jet has seen though his defenses, that he’s sick of excuses, but if Kai admits what’s eating him alive, it will all be real.
And Jet will hate him.
Jet will leave.
And Kai isn’t ready for that.
“Nothing.” He yanks his arm out of Jet’s grasp, feet stumbling against the mat. “It’s nothing. I was out late with Pepper last night, that’s all. You’re right, I’m just tired.”
“You were out with Pepper?” Those words actually distract Jet. The concern in his eyes is replaced with mischief, and his grin returns. “Maybe you should go home and get some sleep then, because Pepper might not let you sleep tonight either.”
Kai forces a smile, hoping it reaches his eyes. “Shut up.”
Better Jet thinks Kai’s nerves and sleeplessness are connected to Pepper. Then Kai doesn’t have to tell him the truth…yet. The clock ticks steadily on the wall above them, marking the seconds slipping away. Soon, they’ll both be at the Manirat Christmas party—yet another welcome distraction for both of them.
It’s only a temporary one, but right now, Kai will take whatever he can get. Go back to the dorm, take painkillers, go to the party, then sleep. That’s all he needs. That’s all.
It’s truly miraculous that, despite high demand, only one of Nightshade’s VIP rooms had been reserved for the holidays, leaving the other free for the Manirat family Christmas celebration. Jet has a sneaking suspicion that Bel and Kam had been planning this all along, but saying so would spoil the mood, so he keeps his mouth shut.

He doesn't make any comments about the decor of the room either. The fiber optic lights match the turquoise streaks in Bel's hair, as does the tile on the floor. The walls are painted a deep sea green, creating the illusion of being submerged underwater. Sofas in the same colors line three of the walls. Tables and the small private bar made of glass and polished metal resemble the surface of the water. And on the fourth wall, there's an aquarium, complete with fish and coral.

The look on Kai's face when he sees the aquarium is priceless. He exchanges glances with Pepper, who rolls her eyes. "If you start humming 'Under the Sea', I'll smack you."

"I could hum 'Purple Rain' instead." Kai waggles his eyebrows at her. Pepper swats him. "Ow! What? It's a different song!"

"Wrong room." Pepper points out. "And this one is less sound proof."

Jet raises his eyebrows at her. "Meaning what?"

"Nothing." Kai glares at his girlfriend. The tips of his ears are bright pink. "I won't hum, I promise."

Jet's chest constricts as he watches them. Not just Pepper and Kai, but Mali and Rome on one of the couches across the room, with Em and Talay. Zone and Iris are canoodling in a corner, unaware of anyone else. Everyone brought a plus one tonight —everyone except him. By choice, he reminds himself. Luca had manipulated and lied to him, so there was no reason for Jet to want Luca here in the first place. Luca had called Jet several times over the past couple of days, and each time, Jet let it go straight to voicemail. Jet was not the least bit interested in what Luca has to say.

At least, that's what he tells himself.

"Not brooding into a Black Russian tonight?" Kit's voice sounds at his elbow. Almost everyone has a plus one tonight.

Jet shakes his head. "Learned my lesson from last time. You've got a strawberry daiquiri again."

"Red is a Christmas color," Kit salutes him with his glass. "Suitable for tonight. For more than one reason."

"Oh yeah?" Jet raises an eyebrow at him. "Called Silo for Christmas, did you? I thought he told you to stop calling him."

Kit shrugs. "He hasn't picked up my call, but he hasn't blocked my number either. So I've left my ninety-seventh voicemail. Silo cares, he just cares about his pride more. Ignoring me is easier than anything else."

Initially, Jet hadn’t been sure whether to be grateful to or upset with Kit for reaching out to the CIA. In retrospect, Jet is a little annoyed he hadn’t thought of it himself. If Interpol was looking into Chalam and his activities at OmniVentures, there was a chance the CIA was doing the same thing. Or that they had in the past, using Jet’s parents as liaisons. Which, more than likely, was what got them killed. Not only had Kit updated Jet on what the CIA had found, but he’d also casually mentioned Silo was on the other end of the call. The same Silo who wouldn’t return Kit’s personal calls. Apparently, a business call was different.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not just talking about Silo and you?” Jet’s other eyebrow rises up to meet the first one.
Kit’s answer is another salute with his glass. Jet gives him another slight nod, understanding what Kit isn’t saying. But just because he agrees with Kit doesn’t mean he’ll take Kit’s advice. Jet has no idea what happened between Silo and Kit, but his situation with Luca is different. Isn’t it?
Jet clamps down hard on that last thought. No brooding over Luca, or worrying about OmniVentures or Chalam. Not today. Not on Christmas. He glances over at Kai, who’s sitting with Rome and Mali. The look on his younger brother’s face when Pepper had mentioned Christmas in the hospital had been unreadable, but both of them knew today meant more than celebration. It was the last day of their deal. Did Kai want Jet to stay? Or did he want Jet to leave? The Manirats had welcomed Kai into their family just as they had Jet, so if Kai did want Jet to leave, it would be a little awkward. But Jet would make it work if he needed to.
He just didn’t want to need to.
“Here.” A steaming mug appears under Jet’s nose. Jet blinks, looking up into Bel’s face. Kam stands next to his boyfriend, looking slightly amused. “You don’t want a Black Russian, try this.”
Jet stares down into the contents of the mug. “What is it?”
“Fake coffee.” Kit rolls his eyes. “Bel’s been trying to make everyone drink it.”
“It’s an acquired taste.” Kam adds.
“You see?” Bel sticks his tongue out at Kit. “My boyfriend likes it.”
“Your boyfriend likes you.” Kit corrects him.
“Kit,” There’s a glimmer of mischief in Kam’s eyes as he steps closer to his older brother. “I dare you to drink that.”
Kit also takes a step forward, so the two brothers stand nose to nose. “And if I don’t?”
“You can drink Bel’s offer,” Kam exchanges a smile with his boyfriend. Bel nods, and Kam brings a tightly sealed container from behind his back. “Or you can eat mine.”
Jet becomes aware of the relative quiet in the room. Only Talay and Em are still in quiet conversation. Everyone else is watching their corner with different expressions on their faces—Zone and Iris are grinning like idiots, Pepper looks as amused as Kam and Bel, and Kai looks mildly confused. With a flourish, Kam removes the lid from the container. Jet is hit in the face by a stench so strong his eyes water, and he takes several hasty steps back, though not before he sees the white fleshy contents of the container.
Talay gags, breaking off his conversation with Em. “What the hell smells like feet?”
“It’s called durian.” Kai is the one who responds, though he still looks confused. “Not that bad, actually. Am I missing something?”
“You’re not the one who has to eat it.” Pepper points out.
“Kit hates the way durians smell,” Zone adds. “About the only thing he can’t stand. So he’s never tried one.”
“What’ll it be Kit?” Bel waves the mug under Kit’s nose. “Eat or drink?”
Kit’s eyes narrow, though whether it’s against the powerful odor of the fruit or in challenge, Jet isn’t sure. “Do I have a choice?”
“Only if you want one,” Kam moves the container closer toward Kit.
“Fine.” Kit lets out an exasperated sigh, then takes both the container and the mug. He pops the white, foul smelling fruit into his mouth, then downs the contents of the mug before turning a satisfied smirk on Bel and Kam. “Now you tell me the truth. Kam first.”
Kam smirks back. “Ask me anything you want. I know the rules.”
Jet smiles. He’s finally figured out what they are up to. Apparently, he’s not the only one, because Kai and Talay are the only two in the room who still look confused.
“Em,” Talay leans toward his girlfriend, asking the question before Kai can. “What’s going on?”
Em tilts her head. “Have you never played truth or dare before?”
“This is the Manirat version,” Zone elaborates. “You don’t get to choose, cause we decide for you. And if you refuse, you pay the forfeit. Christmas tradition.”
Even Kai looks intrigued now. “What’s the forfeit?”
Pepper smiles at him. “That’s decided for you, too.”
“Still waiting, Kit.” Kam’s eyes are still on his brother. “It can't be that hard to think of something.”
Kit glances around the room again, then looks back at Kam. “Tell everyone in this room how you and your boyfriend met.”
Bel looks a little disappointed. “That’s it? Everyone knows this story.”
“Not everyone.” Zone looks a little too interested. Iris smacks him.
“It’s not all that interesting, actually.” Kam’s voice is deliberately casual. “I just swept Bel off his feet. After I became his bodyguard, of course.”
Bel rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds.”
Kam raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend. “Which part? The attempted hit and run by motorcycle, the attempted assassinations, or the—”
“Story for another time.” Bel cuts him off.
“I want to hear this story.” Kai leans forward.
“We’ll tell you later. It’ll take too long now.” Kam turns to Zone before Kai can protest. “Zone. The craziest thing you’ve done this year.”
“I don’t get a dare?” Zone looks highly disappointed, then sighs after his older brother shakes his head. “Easy. Signed with the racing team my brothers sponsor.”
Iris tilts her head. “And how is that crazy?”
“Because they’re in charge of customization and if I get on their bad side, who knows what they’ll do to it?”
Zone’s honest answer draws laughter from everyone in the room. While they all know neither of his older brothers would knowingly put Zone in danger, there were plenty of other low key things Kit and Kam could do to mess with Zone’s car. Jet wouldn’t put it past them to give Zone’s ride a neon pink paint job if he annoyed them too much and then convince the rest of the team that it was purposefully done.
Zone turns to Rome, the person he knows the least about and is eager to change that. “Rome, right? I’ll go easy on you. Truth. Bravest thing you’ve ever done.”
“I haven’t done it yet.” Is Rome’s surprising answer. “But I will soon.”
“Why not now?” Zone presses.
“Not the right time.” Rome turns his gaze to Jet before anyone can ask him anymore questions. “Jet. Dare. Make Kai do something he’s never done before.”
Mali shoots Rome a sharp look. Jet glances over at Kai.
“Really?” His little brother is rolling his eyes. “What could possibly—”
“Call me ‘Hia’.” Jet interrupts him.
The room goes silent, and the air thickens as all eyes turn to Kai. Kai lifts his chin, an unreadable expression on his face. “What did you say?”
“Kai,” Jet keeps his voice light, but he locks eyes with his little brother, making Kai aware of just how serious he is. “I dare you to call me ‘Hia’. Because I’m your older brother and that’s how you should address me.
There are a couple of chuckles in the room, but no one says anything. Kai hesitates. Jet doesn’t blink, doesn’t even move. Mali’s expression is wary. She is the only other one in the room who knows the weight behind Jet’s words.
“Ok asshole,” Kai smirks. His tone is equal light, but with a sharp edge. “Before I die, I’ll call you ‘Hia’.”
The tension breaks as everyone bursts into laughter. Jet’s reaction is more subdued. He nods slightly, knowing what Kai isn’t saying—no matter how many times Jet asks, no matter what else changes between them, Kai will never address Jet as '"Hia", and Jet needs to stop. Kai returns the nod, glad Jet understands.
“So what’s my forfeit?” Kai’s smile becomes a little less forced as he glances at Kam and Bel.
“No forfeit if you answer this question honestly.” Mali gives both Jet and Kai a sympathetic look, and speaks up before anyone else can. “Truth. Kai, why did you get a tattoo that matches Jet’s?”
“It doesn’t just match Jet’s.” Kai gives Mali a grateful look. He rolls up his sleeve, revealing the fresh ouroboros tattoo on his forearm, just below his elbow. “You all have one, so I asked Iris to give me one too.”
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