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by Korosu
Rated: ASR · Assignment · Activity · #2326605
The Environmental Setting of Crown of Thorns
The dynamic weather patterns are adaptive to the Users of Virteria. Emotions play a strong reaction to how weather acts and will reflect the emotional states of others. As example, a region's weather may be interactive and due to being a virtual world varies just as the real world does.

The magical phenomena can include magical auroras, orbs of light appearing and rain that shimmers. This could also include ethereal shimmers that look like sand particles creating a beautiful but dangerous environment.

Regional Variations also occur. For example, the Regional Variation's such as the Arcadian Variations. These locations are designed to appear with natural landscapes. This would include abundant forests, mild weather and clear skies.

Techno-Metro areas like the urban location called Nexus Plaza, would be simulated to have a futuristic vibe such as controlled climate, artificial rain, and holographic weather patterns.

Mystical regions can be severely unpredictable and strange occurrences like sudden magical thunderstorms, fog, and gravity defying occurrences may happen.

As for seasons, are programmed like the seasons of Earth. However, there are some unique differences due to the natures of the weather of Virteria. There are seasons of entire darkness and others of entire daylight, for example. Interactive seasons is another, for if large scale groups of Users gather the weather will react in accordance to the emotions of the theme/feelings.

Seasonal effects are characterized by the seasons that’re established on Earth, with the irregular regions that defy them.

There are a few Special Zones that Users must be wary of. Chro, Celest, and Eleme.

Chro has time anomalies and the seasons can jump between one another without warning. Forests can warp sense of time, certain areas can cycle through the past, and others stuck in purgatory present.

Celest has strange space events ranging from constantly falling meteorizes that pulverize the Zone, while there can be binary sunsets and bizarre eclipses that occur suddenly.

There can also be skies that provide whimsical auroras and floating nebulas, thus providing strange but beautiful scenery.

Then the Eleme Zones embody specific types of elemental phenomena that include fire deserts, icicle oceans, floating islands with constant lighting and thunder, and so forth.

There are typically seasonal events and weather based Stations around Virteria.

The topography of Virteria has Expensive forests that tower skyscrapers that shine with unusual magic and vibrant dangerous flora. Wildlife in these areas glow or have some kind of bioluminescent factor in their nature. Majestic lakes surround most of Virteria ad are clear as crystals. Some are located on floating islands and even have enchanted elements within.

The Techno-Metro areas like Neospire and Nexus Plaza have a style of brutalism illuminated by sleek, futuristic neon lights and mixes of high end tech and architecture that appears like it came from long ago with current culture mixed in as well.

Mystical realms are elevated landmasses, they are popular attractions for duengon crawling, hosting hidden ruins of previous ‘programs’ and other hidden areas with protected digital interferences. The Elem zones have deserts made of fire and icy tundra that tower with crystal lakes with wildlife vibrant in flora like creatures in place of animals.

The Celest landscapes feature star meadows, playful celestial beings and react to those that come to it. There are also mountians peaks that have rugged iridescent snow covered tops that are illuminated by the raw virtual particles in Virteria.

Chro Zones are often featuring time warped forests, weather and terrain. The landscape is unmappable as it shifts like a personality, about every five years it changes it’s entire landscape/zone. The mystical and supernatural elements include a valley that shifts with powerful ancient magic and often take the form of Vortexes due to the colliding emotions that take place in Virteria. The other notable place are the plains area, where everything has a metallic sheen and the visual appearance has caused many stories to be born from the serenity of the region.

There are integrations with the ever changing nature of the Topography. These include exploration missions, environmental interactions and dynamic changes to the environments.

Virteria’s borders are not designed to end, but do have limitations. Beyond Virteria is the breakdown of structure and can only really be defined as a endless fragmented glitch and abstract structures. This represents the limit of the world boundaries.

There are natural borders however. There is the Eth Barrier and Celest Walls for example. Eth Barriers are faint shimmers of energy that encapsulates all of Virteria. It is the skies limit, the boundaries beyond Virteria and what sustains the world of Virteria’s environment.

There are also tech boundaries. Data Streams are much like Highways that act as ways to transport quickly to different areas. These areas are driven by Data like cars and very often act like digital grids to promote safety and direction of what is being processed. The Wall-Fire areas are near data centers and are of the highest cyber security. They serve as the means to protect and much like a army base at the same time.

There are also Veins, these are enchanted cyber barriers and fields that separate different realms and regions of Virteria. They are dynamic and allow flow of each region into one another seamlessly.

As for the interdimensional regions, these are called Port-Gates. These are were User’s enter and exist the virtual world of Virteria.

As for Cultural and Admin Borders, there are various administrative and cultural sectors that are forbidden from the casual population of Users. These places are often of the state of the art facilities and are run like a King or Queen would with their respective figure head.

Neospire, Astral Peaks, Celest Meadows, Eth Nexus, Temporal Rifts. Arch Veil, Alph-Tower, Eth Forest, Stellar Gate, Obsidian Abyss, the Veins, to name a few

The governing and structure of Virteria is a Monarchy (but not gender based technically speaking) with magic and technological aspects. Viteria is governed by a ‘Queen’ at its helm. Their rule combines both royal authority and advanced theory and magical/tech elements.

There is a Council of Sages and Technocrats. This Council acts as their enforcers and wise-folk that help guide Virteria alongside but under the ‘Queen’.

The Admins and Departments have a major duel system called DOM which stands for Departments of Magic. They help provide education of magic in everyday life, magical law and how to harmonize with tech alongside it. DOT, Department of Technology assists the system workings, maintainance of tech systems, and plans for the future.

DOAR Stands for Department of Arcane Research. This branch focuses on study and advancement of the lost arts, artifacts and lore of past civilizations. They also touch upon how magic phenomena occur.

DOCA stands for Department of Civic Affairs, the help they provide is in accordance with helping the every day folk, social service, public health and community related projects.

As for key locations of major interest there includes Aetherium Tower, Neospire, and Celest Meadows and the Veins

As for the Queen’s authority, she is the major leader and power over Viteria. She is a benevolent leader. She is regarded as a mystical presence and both the symbol of unity and practical leader in choices that cannot be handled by the Sages, etc.

Her advisory council relies on many sources of input, she is very straight forward but also able to compromise between both magic and technological worlds.

As for her public face and relations, she has various ceremonial roles, magical rituals and appearances she upholds on a daily manner. Her diplomatic relationships are firm but loyal to other worlds besides Virteria’s borders. This often includes alliance, collaboration, and others.

In response to crisis the Queen is of course, crucial to how things play out. The security of Virteria is always a top priority and will not hesitate to try and resort to peace. But she is not soft nor docile, she does what’s best for her people and not her own desires.

As for cultural and magical influence, she plays a key role in promoting the cultural and magical heritage of Virteria. She has her Council assist her in initiatives of traditional festivals, magical practices, and tech innovations.
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