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Rated: XGC · Book · Opinion · #1501776
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1012188 added June 20, 2021 at 12:16am
Restrictions: None
Dear Bard, No blog for men?
No blog for men

Sum1 Is Home lamented that men are not volunteering to judge the
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer
for July.

I responded a bit strongly; but, believe me, not as strongly as I truly feel.

"Very few areas, if any, are male dominated at WdC. Poetry is prolly 2:1 female. Blogs? Even more lopsided. When the prompts are geared towards suburban American female hetero-normative Christian reality (because that's who's participating and WdC demographics support it) do not expect applause or participation from those who are not. Robert, Gervac, Charlie, me... and others (many women too)... must leave our comfort zone, our interests or our experiences to respond. We do so with greater or lesser ease and success.

I have suggested that each day offer more than one prompt. *crickets* Many contests and challenges do that. There are hundreds of prompts to choose from. If you need more I could come up with a hundred by July. I'm sure "Realities" has at least 500 to choose from... and yet, each challenge the prompts seem vaguely familiar. This contest is very old. IMHO, it needs to be rethought and rejuvenated.

As for attracting men, especially younger men, to participate... I don't know what will work at this point. How to enlist, encourage and support new-comers? I dunno. That's another good question. Inter-action among participants has ebbed and flowed. Since judges seldom, if ever, comment I can't say for sure that that would help. In May I left over 250 blog comments, including for bloggers participating in this contest, including new and old bloggers. I got 9 (as in nine) comments from 3 (as in three) WdC members in return, in the month of May.

Men seem to participate at QOTD and Express-it-in-Eight and on the newsfeed. I can't speak for them; however, if men are not entered into this contest than I'm not surprised that they are reluctant to be judges.

Are men welcomed? Yes. Are the prompts welcoming? Many are not.

So... all you nice people out there in WdC Land... answer these:

1. What are your plans for Juneteenth this year? How do you usually celebrate it? Which elders do you miss?
2. You son brings home his boyfirend. Are you shocked, pleased, in denial? Do you just blink? Are you prepared?
3. Jamal and Jalal just got back from evening prayers. It's Ramadan. Do you have anything planned for the evening?
4. Your grandson (father, uncle, cousin, nephew) has decided to align their gender with their internal reality. They want to be called Paula. What is your response?
5. The hay crop is almost ripe. Everyone in the family is sick. Your neighbor's combine is broke. What are your options. How can you bring in the hay on time?
6. A twister came through and liberated your pigs. They're enjoying the neighbor's vegetable garden. It's pouring outside and the road is flooded. Your phone is out. Write a short-story (100-300 words will do) telling us about the exploits of getting Old Sally back in the pigpen.
7. It's hot and humid but the park pool is open, and it's cool under the spreading oak trees. The shops are open and there's a sale on Prada. Your girlfriend has lent you her credit card. What do you choose to do?
8. There are 5 donuts and 5 coffees and 6 of you. How does your circle of friends resolve this?
9. The Suburu (car, truck, moped) broke down. Do you fix it yourself or take it into the shop?
If you only had enough money for rent... would it change your answer?
10. What is your favorite part of fish-and-chips? (Hint: my answer is mushy peas.) Where do you get your favorite chippies? How do you like them done? Or not... best story/worst.
11. Your bogan cousin drives up in his ute. He's a nice guy and all, but what's that sticking out of the tray-back?
12. The powwow is Sunday. Your grandmother is dying. What would be considered proper? How do you and your family respond?
13. Sabby just broke up with her boyfriend. She's devastated and selling everything and moving out of town. How do you support her by word or deed? [Based on my reality June, 2021.]
14. The neighbors have decided to have a loud party. It's Friday night, midnight. You... have to work in the morning. They refuse to turn down the music and half are drunk. What do you do?
15. Karla, your co-worker, is sneezing and coughing and refuses to wear a mask. She's an anti-vaxxer. Who do you call? Or do you let it slide... and why.
16. Kellie's got a gun. She wears it everywhere regardless. She's invited your son/daughter over for a sleep-over for her teenager's birthday. Are you worried? Do you care?
17. The "local lesbians" are getting married. You know them, but not well. A local church is picketing. It's Gay Pride Week, but the local council denied a parade permit. How does this resolve itself?
18. Ibiza... every chance you can get. Spain is the answer for grey British skies. When do you go (which season is best for you). Where do you stay... (resort, hotel, home-stay, hostel) and why? We want advice.
19. Andy is asexual. Literally. S/he had an operation as a child and there's no there there. Andy is you friend. What support/abuse/misunderstandings do you face?
20. You have to pee. The bathroom is down the hall (waaaay down the hall). Your legs and ability to hold it ain't what it used to be. What is your solution? Depends, a urinal bottle, a port-a-potty, a bedpan?
21. You're 16. Your family and church won't talk about sex. Who do you go to to find out?
22. No one knows you can't afford food. You do not want your co-workers or neighbors to know. How do you manage? Dumpster-diving, showing up at dinner time, grabbing left-overs or unwanted food (are you going to eat that last piece of pizza?), soup kitchen, food pantry...
23. It's four days off! Do you fly out of Milan? Do you take a train to Torino? Do you take a bus to the mountains or beach? You've been studying everyday at univrsity. You want a change... if only for four days.
24. It's July, cherry-picking time. Are you a cherry picker or a cherry ready to be picked?
25. It's snowing. How do you get to the store for a sack of potatoes? Car, moped, bicycle, send the teenager, walking, delivery? Or do you wait for tomorrow?
26. Your cat got out. She's not answering. How long do you wait until you give up? What do you do in the meantime?
27. The potluck at Sons of Norway is this Sunday. Lutefisk is forbidden. Lefse is always welcome; but, you just got back from a trip out of the country and decide to make a 'special dish' you ate there. Where have you been and what do you bring?
28. You live in a tourist town. There's always an 'interesting' mix of visitors. But this year they are especially... different. In what way?
29. The Testicle Festival was cancelled last year. This year you arrange for a private party with a dozen friends. Who buys (from where)? Who cooks? Who provides the beer?
30. You live in a walk-up. So many stairs. Good exercise they say! But your neighbor's alarm has gone off and you smell smoke. What do you do?
31. Aunt Bessy is on her way. Uncle Clyde is too. One is bringing sweet-potato pie, the other ham-hocks and greens. Everyone is excited... but they haven't spoken in 20 years and the last time at the Baptist church...

Posted at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
OCTOBER! Something Horror this way Comes!
#981150 by SpookyBee


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