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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind.
#1022380 added November 26, 2021 at 9:45pm
Restrictions: None
My November
PROMPT November 26th

Today is Thanksgiving here in the United States. I know this is the prompt for tomorrow, but I'm going to give you something to be thankful for. The prompt for tonight is to be yourself. Write whatever is on your mind. Provide your own prompt, so-to-speak. I look forward to reading your posts!

I think I may have missed a prompt or 2. I honestly did good to participate this month. It has been kind of rough and busy. I had several medical appointments to attend. I have started new medicine. I got to/ had to see the rheumatologist a little earlier that expected. That appointment was just exhausting. Let me tell you about my month.

I had 2 infected teeth that ended up being pulled. Fortunately, I had actually set a dental appointment shortly before I started even showing symptoms of this. I knew I needed dental work and wasn’t sure what Medicaid would cover. My elderly neighbor had asked me to go with her to run some errands because she wasn’t feeling the greatest that day. So I went with her to her dentist so she could handle some business there. While there, I decided to make an appointment. 2 days later, the right side of my face swelled up and started hurting.

My roommate had scheduled an appointment with our mutual dr for Monday. She decided she didn’t want to keep her appointment. I went in because I was supposed to get my COVID booster. I asked if I could see the dr in my roommate’s place and explained what was going on with me. The clinic agreed to let me. I am telling you, God was watching over me. The dr put off the booster, and put me on antibiotics. That following Wednesday was my dentist appointment.

At the dental appointment there was a full exam and X-rays. They decided to pull 4 teeth altogether even though only 2 was infected. He had a very hard time getting me numb for the infected teeth. It turned out, they were fused together, which is rare and he showed me the nerve that was exposed. He said that’s why he had trouble hitting it. I had to be extra careful not to get dry socket.

I finished my round of antibiotics and was still feeling sick. I developed a very low grade temp, only 99ish. I just felt awful for about 4 or 5 days afterwards. . On that Friday, I saw a psychiatrist for my nightmares due to ptsd from childhood trauma. She put me on a new medicine and increased my antidepressant dose.

I have seen the nutritionist again. I need to start prep landing my meals before my next visit. I had a visit with my counselor. I had to go see the anesthesiologist for the surgery. I had a pre-op appointment also. Yeah, did I mention it’s been busy. That doesn’t include other personal business that needed to be handled and trying to write Bible studies and keep up with nano and this blog and sending the daily prompts for take up your cross blog, I tried to keep up, but those infected teeth kicked my behind. I finally just got over exhausted and had to slow down to heal.

I got a call saying they were going to have to reschedule the rheumatologist and it would be next year before I could get in to see him. I have already waited since at least June. They said I had been added to the waiting list for any cancellations. It just so happened they had one available the next day. I grabbed the opportunity. At the appointment several X-rays and blood tests were done.

They did one for ANA antigens I think is what it’s called. It was detected and the pattern was speckled. I have also been complaining of joint pain. The dr says he thinks that’s because I have another autoimmune disease. It has only been a couple weeks since I learned I have Hashimoto’s. So he is putting me on 2 new meds. For one he wants to treat the inflammation in my blood work and suppress my immune system since it is attacking itself. He ordered more blood work which I got done Wednesday. I am now waiting for those results,

In the meantime, I have to get ready to have a D&C and scope done Monday because they had found endometrial crowding in the biopsy they had taken previously. This will be my first experience with anesthesia. I will be glad when that’s over with. Needless to say, the nerves got to me a little this week and caused my blood pressure to raise a bit. Of course, that causes headaches.

Yeah, that’s why I was waving the white flag earlier this week. I feel exhausted and a bit overwhelmed.

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