As the saying goes, today is the first day of the rest of my life. However, I find that to be of little importance because, God willing, I'll be able to get up and say the same thing again tomorrow. The bigger is is to find out what I did of this day of assumedly some importance. Did I set around all day, playing video games, munching on potato chips and drinking beer? Since I've never done that, I don't think it is likely that will be the case. So, what have I done today? I went to breakfast with a relatively close friend. I'm scanning some 30+ year old slides for him so I gave him a hard drive with the results on it that I've done so far. I am unable to say that was exciting. I came home and tried to work on a Photoshop course that I am taking...but, ADD kicked in rather quickly. I came downstairs to chat with my wife for a while, then decided to go to the medical clinic. I developed a chronic cough back in April and have been unable to shake it. I went to the clinic several weeks ago and they did an x-ray (no issues) and prescribed a steroid for a week. The steroid reduced the cough but didn't get rid of it and now it has gone beyond being an annoyance. Uncontrollable fits of coughing while trying to have a conversation just doesn't go well. Back to the clinic and now a longer course of steroids. I think that is their catch-all when they don't know what the cause is. They want to call it acute bronchitis but I don't any any of the classical symptoms. Maybe they have a dartboard they use to determine what to call an ailment? Now I'm waiting to get word from the pharmacy that the prescription is ready. Unfortunately, their web presence and status indicators seem to reside in different parts of the universe. I'd call but I don't want to spend 30 minutes on hold. I'll just resign myself to pick it up tomorrow and I'll go give another try at the course. This is the most I've at down and actually type out in years, perhaps it is a start? |