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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2241557
Poems and prose for various contests over the course of the decade.
#1057513 added October 17, 2023 at 3:11pm
Restrictions: None
Samhain Celebrations
The veil between life and death thins
Our world, the Faerie world and that of the dead
Blend as one.
Superstition swells
As the night takes on a cloak
Of wonder and magic.

I wrap myself up and venture out into the dark
The wind picks up and scatters the leaves in my path
The crunch underfoot is surprisingly hypnotic
As I make my way to the graveyard
At the end of my street.

There I see Cailleach as she comes to strip the trees
Her bony fingers quicken the decay
So that the old passes away
And the new may come to life.

I make my way to my family's headstones
Touching each as I say hello
Their presence washes over me
Comforting me as I lay out my freshly baked loaf
Then sit among them.

This year has been a tempest
Full of upheaval and distress
I let my mind ponder my own mortality
As I thank my ancestors for their kindness and help.

When Cailleach passes closer
I ask that she take my unwanted aspects with her
She nods graciously
I smile my gratitude as a lightness
Sweeps over me
There is a calmness that permeates
It is a balm.

This year will pass away.
Soon it will be blanketed in fresh new snow
Life will move forward,
But for now in this moment
I stop and give thanks.
Trials and tribulations have been many
And though they have shaped me
They have not destroyed me.

I stand on the shoulders of my family
both human and animal alike
I gain strength from their love
Here or gone
They are my foundation
And for this
I give

Lines = 47.

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