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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2296648
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#1058605 added November 2, 2023 at 1:34pm
Restrictions: None
Blogs give me ideas and prompts. Today: frost/freeze/snow; missing seasons and people; limits of beauty; acknowledging strengths; darkness; mentoring; ducks!

I miss snow. Last night was 'cool'. Winter begins when temperatures dip to 23 degrees. Unfortunately, a hot sunny week is the forecast. It's easier to exorcise and walk when it's overcast or cool.

I try to dress appropriately. Long sleeves and pants help guard against mosquitoes and sunburn. Wearing a hat or carrying an umbrella is advised.

There's no frost or freeze here so bugs don't die off. They do come and go. Now is a change of seasons, of flowers, fruits, leaf fall and/or new growth.

That said... at times I miss the life I once had. I have too many memories of people I'll never see again. I thought of a former boss who was great at details but not so great at managing people. And Marie and Tawny who would often set me straight about living in the Inner City. I do miss my therapist and a professor who mentored me in Kansas. It's been years but they helped immensely.

New people? Today: a man, 63, from Dijon who knows Thailand quite well and a young man, 30, from Incheon, Korea who has only been here a couple days. I also spoke with Rube from Israel and P'Nan who works in the guesthouse Surada.

As for ducks... Udon Thani uses a yellow duck as a local symbol, along with the orange flowering trees. Today, Thursday was an orange day.

The social media comments I made today:

To Impekabl at YCC re frost in Hill Country, Texas: "Frost and freeze is mostly good... except in Florida. However, a severe unseasonal freeze does great damage. Thinking of a friend who lost her fields of lavender when a deep freeze settled-in in early October. She lost her income... planted elsewhere as soon as she could."

To Ralene on bookfate: "I like winter when it snows. In Thailand (no snow) it officially begins when the temperature dips to 73 degrees. It was 72 or lower last night. 65-70 would be better; but, I'll take what's offered. My seasons are spring and autumn elsewhere. I cover up, sometimes even when it's hot, to avoid sunburn, flies and mosquitoes."

To Jolanda van Leersum: "I found Cape Town beautiful but disturbing. The people were either friendly or hostile. "The Two Faces of Kapstad"

To Lani in "My favorite Author: "Very nicely done. Almost a formal cinquain (I tweak formal ones; written a lot).

soft voice, cool head,
maneuvering, calculating, observing.
Wends his way to Paradise one vote at a time.
Johnson. [180.148]

I don't agree with US House Speaker Johnson of Louisiana on most issues; but,
he stepped up to do a difficult job and his calm cool demeanor may help him move forward.
I vehemently oppose his world view, but 2024 looms. I remind myself to be patient.

As for Austen... different time, different culture, different use of language. I'm more fond of the dark Bronte sisters: Charlotte, Emily, Anne."

To Apondia in "Mentors: "I hated English in school. One teacher did get me but she was a second semester substitute for another who died.

I avoided the subject at university.

When I was homeless folks encouraged my writing. I was gifted an individual session with a professor. She was wonderful.

I functioned better in life when people supported me emotionally. Mentoring would've been even better.

Will you join WriBloPoMo at "Invalid Item?"

To Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008 in "Day 1 30-day blogging challenge 11/1/23: "Sad how much dental work costs in the US. I need to be reminded that here in Thailand it's cheaper... and that maybe I should avail myself of that option.

I need to make decisions regarding... most everything... At the moment I'm listless.

Someone does help me; but, he has severe medications and I need to look after him as well. It's like two trees leaning on each other. Not a perfect situation, but better than being alone."

To THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO in "Of Unicorns, Frogs and Cows

"I wish I would've been there. I did see your post of the froggle *Frog*... *Delight*

I begged Pan to let me go with him in a 'taxi' to a Japanese restaurant. If he has money in his hand he spends it... but I don't. I wasn't hungry so I didn't stay and walked home. He doesn't seem to understand: I don't waste money; I need to walk every day; I don't eat when I'm not hungry. So hard to explain... I suspect it's beyond his cultural knowledge. So... glad you encouraged your friend's son to go with her. I do so much alone... another issue. Your father is fortunate.

I visit the same places as often as I can. Even walking by and smiling helps establish a connection. A few words... even better. I cross class distinction boundaries as often as I can. As a traveler I don't always approve of artificial borders. Good personal boundaries are something else however (something I need to work on)."

and "Confession Time "Since "A Big Yellow Duck" is one of the symbols of Udon Thani I should give it a glow (it's a sunny ducky day).

The other Duck Song by Bryant Oden:

855 words + 467 = 1322 so far.

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