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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2296648
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#1059192 added November 9, 2023 at 1:47pm
Restrictions: None
NaBloPoMo#9 Leaves turn brown...
I lost half of my entry. Then my chromebook wouldn't connect for one hour... It's 1 a.m. and I'm exhausted and can't remember what I wrote. This type of blogging is time consuming. There's a real question as to whether it's worth my time and effort.

To Sorji's New Book is Out! in "Catching Up Little by little, day by day. I'm using my blog writing for NaBloPoMo rather than NaNo... Only 6278 words but 20k would be fine. Responding to blogs is work.

Sleep. Pan just got back today. He spreads out so I'll be clinging to the edges again. *Laugh* My life is "tough". *sarcasm* It's been very tough in the past so I am grateful for this time spent in Thailand. It's been one year.

Pan cooked tonight. I eat less when he's not here. Easy to just skip a meal or forget. At least you and Danny look after each other. Even sniffles count.

Overtime is great for paying bills; but, it's overrated as a lifestyle unless your work = your life. Hobbies and writing provide some relief and some balance.

As for scraps of stories... they can be priceless. I seldom throw ideas away."

Balance... I've teeter-tottered through life. My present routines include exercising, walking, writing, watching Thai programs, and chatting with people daily. Working took up too much time, imho. It helps that I can live now on what others would consider 'low income'. But I mostly manage quite fine. After-all, I'm in Thailand.

To Harlow Flick, Right Fielder in "Invalid Entry "Yellow not mellow" Describes my life at times. My father was mellow. Gary is mellow. I know what mellow looks like but struggle to let go. I'm a tad too wound up.

Thought police state... not far from the truth. There's a real risk in expressing an opinion. It's time for my generation to get out of the way of making final decisions. Mentoring and advising are both quite appropriate for old geezers like me. Especially when given from a rocking chair.

Hopefully, both old-raisin prospects gracefully step aside.

Tyranny is not limited to one political persuasion or point-of-view. It's the intolerant my-way-or-the-highway attitude that defines it.

As for Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (Posie Parker)... she seems to be hateful. My experience with trans-people is personal and has been positive. I've traveled the world. There are "queer" people everywhere. Here in Thailand? Trans is basically a non-issue (especially among youth) as this culture is respectful and not hung-up on petty dramas as to whether a person has a penis and what they do with it. Americans however are obsessed with sex and violence. I see it as a human-rights issue regarding body-autonomy and respect. From what I've read Posie Parker believes in neither."

As for pronoun usage: "The singular they isn't actually new. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the singular they showed up in writing in 1375—over 600 years ago! The OED also suggests the usage is even older since written language usually reflects trends already present in spoken language."

I use it all the time and I'm not confused, so I don't understand why other people are upset about this. Lack of education? Stuck in grammar school? Lack of hearing? Lack of just allowing people to live their own lives?

To Joy-the Harpy Witch in "Cold November Rain: "I remember cold November/December rains where I grew up in the Great Lakes. I preferred snow.

But I did like the end of autumn when only the last bronze or brown leaves, that refused to let go, glistened when wet. The sadness of it all suited me as a youth. I may have been "emo" before that term was commonly used (not used as much now). Once the last leaves fluttered and fled, what remained was only stark and dark.

I love this: "Raindrops like icy whispers tapping against the window pane, the gray clouds reflecting a mosaic of muted colors, and the mostly bare tree branches against the overcast sky, with silhouettes stark and haunting, try to wash away the remnants of the passing year." Quite evocative... and I can relate.

Here in Thailand... the rains are ending, the sun is weaker and next week the temperatures may dip to 70! Certain orchids (Rhynchostylis, I think) are preparing to bloom. Every flower has its season.

November is mostly a good month in Isan in north-east Thailand."

Winter officially begins when night time lows dip to 23C 73F. However, today was 90 (warmer than normal). November-February is "cooler" in most of Thailand. I first came here last November. Arrived in Udon Thani on the 8th, met Pan by the 12th, and moved into this condo on the 18th.

765 words

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