A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
Andre the Blog Monkey *MONKEY* is looking for short blog entries about US Presidents I find this totally fascinating. Reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/f1k3r1/42_out_of_43_us_presidents_a... According to the above reference 42 out of 43 USA Presidents are related to King John of England. And there is a comment on the reddit site where you can read about this that they might all be freemasons as well (comment by Occultist). I did read a book written by a pastor of some protestant denomination. (sorry don't remember author) that put the number of freemasons who had been Presidents of the USA lower than 20. Actually, reading the comments that followed the above referenced article were interesting because it seems it is easy to find people related to English royalty in the USA. Because a lot of people were in prison for refusing to follow the indoctrinations of the at the time prevalent Catholic church and when the option to run to the colonies came up, they quickly jumped on board a ship and sailed to the new world. Church history is full of information about rebellion. I looked up the comparison between King and President. A president is elected by the people. Usually, his power is controlled to some extent by people other than his relatives. A king or queen inherits his right to rule by blood. He makes the rules even if he or she has a group of advisors the end decision is by the ruler. In the USA presidents have rules to follow just like every other citizen. I'm not sure I know what the rules governing the president are. We hear about them in the news sometimes. This article is a day late and very short. I don't even know if we are still following the 300-word rule. Valentines' day is gone. Presidents' Day sailed right by me. Walmart is putting out Easter candy on the same day the Valentines Day candy went on sale. I think I'm ignoring the calendar to often. Just happy to see we are getting sunshine all week. HAPPY TRAILS//word count by WDC= 343 |