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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/1066646
by Rhyssa
Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2314580
Another journey in Wonderland
#1066646 added March 20, 2024 at 9:48pm
Restrictions: None
A-1: Reflections
We just got through a tupsy-turvy 2023. Reflect on lessons learned, and how you will use them in the year 2024. (<1000 words)

I had a good 2023 in general but we did have issues. My youngest sister, Rose, left home for the first time (at thirty, I guess it was about time) to live with another sister (Madeline) in Texas at the beginning of the year. That left my parents and I alone in the house. It wasn't much of a difference, honestly. Rose is more likely to hole up in her room than anything else.

But she left to get herself set up with a job, and pay down her student loans. And she did. It was a good year for her. Now, the only thing she still relies on us for is her phone bill. Madeline's husband is in the Air Force, and they did move away to Colorado when he got a promotion, but Rose found a job there, too. We're happy for her.

We didn't do too much traveling in 2023. At the end of 2022, Mama bought herself a grand piano, mostly because she wanted to have the option to have students and have a nice enough instrument to teach those students she didn't have yet. But belts were tight for most of 2023 as we worked to balance our spending after that major purchase. It's the most expensive item in the house, bar none, now. And that's fine.

We did refinance the house. It was complicated, but finally it worked. I spent a lot of time helping out people with the church. At the end of 2022, my parents had been in an accident, which was still an issue at the end of 2023.

So, a lot of things happened financially around me during the year, but not much happened to me, if that makes sense. I think that the biggest thing I learned is that I need to focus on supporting myself. I'm not there yet, but I want to take Rose's lead and work to help support our household more than I'd been doing.

Health wise, 2023 was pretty good. My endocrinologist stood me up during the first appointment of the year and put on a sensor for my own continuous glucose monitor. That's been a learning curve, of course, but I like having the ability to just check my blood sugar trends with the touch of a button. I've learned a lot about how my body responds to food, and what I need to do in order to be more healthy. The only thing I really worry about at this point are my eyes. They're suffering a bit, mostly. I think, because I've been getting older and my eyes don't like that.

I want to continue with that trend this year, focusing on getting all the screenings and doctor's appointments I need. I want to get to the eye doctor, and maybe even move toward bifocals, because I have to say, trying to draw insulin through my glasses is getting to be quite the struggle at this point.

I spent a lot of time in 2023 reading and knitting. Discovered some good books. Knit some good shawls. I think that I should continue those hobbies, but make a point of spending some time writing whenever I can. I recently took a look at my thesis that I defended seven years ago now. I want to continue getting better, and that means I need to practice writing.

I will spend more time connecting with my siblings. I will support my parents and keep them healthy even though they're both in their seventies, now, which feels so strange and awkward. But I guess it was inevitable now that I'm forty-seven. Which feels ridiculous.

I know that this is going to be another strange year. It's already been filled with a meeting with a long lost cousin and posh little cupcakes. And I think that's what I'll take most into the new year.

Keep ready for anything, because everything will happen, and when I least expect it.

Word count: 661

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